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Bill Chompski

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Posts posted by Bill Chompski


    Trying to convert another one to main as a synthetic, eh? WELL LET ME TELL YOU

    yeah sure IPC's are pretty rad.

    Just going to have to substitute some robo drugs for booze.

    Well, 5 more karma points, and *AEU Ike (good name? Or should I follow I do the whole letters that are short for something, aka, AEURIS ) will appear!


    *Atmospheric & Engineering Unit



    And because I'm lazy and need advice, I'm going to be making a fourth character (Station Engineer or Atmospheric Tech, I'm still deciding, you got any advice for which to choose), which I will likely main in order to actually interact with y'all, as Louie is a pissy substance abusing tsundere, Pale-Light is a clueless Diona who thinks other species jumpsuits are skin, and Mur Chant who's only gonna hang about in his shady shop if shadiness.


    So yeah, I'm gonna need someone new to RP.

    Which raises ANOTHER question, which race? I already got 2 humans, so I wanna try something new.

    Sorry for all the rambling questions.



    Well ok then.

    Off topic, but I'm going to post my other 2 characters today, Pale-Light of Morning (naive and young Diona highly skilled in chemistry, but unexposed to most customs and races outside of human and IPC) and Mur Chant (The Merchant from Resident Evil 4, but in space). Should it be all separate threads, or make this one hold all my characters?



    Still isn't proving anything!

    Also, I think it was more like this.

    >Soo'o, chu're ina' guys'z?


    >Chu didn' say no'oo.


    >...he'z inta'a guyz.

    >ACH! *runs out*


    You gotta take in Stagg's horrible accent, and Randolph's drunkenness.



    Name: Louie Staggs

    Age: 34

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human Skrell/Human/Vulpkanin/Unathi

    Blood Type: O+

    General Occupational Role(s): Janitor, Civilian, Botanist (do not allow access)


    Biography: Knowledge about Mr. Staggs is unknown before his employment at the NSS Mass Driver. After being fired from there, and sent to the Cyberiad, he participated in a bizarre medical experiment with Doctor Bon, the CMO at the time. Being paid 1000 credits by the Doctor, Mr. Staggs was to have his brain transplanted into a new body, one made of many other body parts, namely from a Skell, Human, Unathi, and Vulpkanin. After this, he smashed a fellow crewmember over the head with a bottle, after they had called him 'meat rot'. He was not convicted, as he was stunned with a tazer by them beforehand. However, seeing his current state and unwillingness to return to a human body, he was assigned to a remote Comms. Satellite, where many others like him reside.

    He currently works as a janitor there, and is said to be generally enjoying life away from those who would judge him.


    Qualifications: None found. Skill set observed to encompass hydroponics as well as jury rigging (discovered after Mr. Staggs was found making some sort of "stun spear" while there was a threat of gang wars on a previous station).


    Employment Records: There are two records of Mr. Staggs employment. They were both on the NSS Mass Driver. First was hydroponics, in which Mr. Staggs grew various recreational drugs, and sold them to the crew. Mr. Staggs was convicted, and served his time on the brig. He received a demotion, and a hydroponics ban. Soon after, his application to run the bar was accepted. This ended within the shift, with a barfight started by Staggs. He served his time again, and was banned from taking bartending as a job. There are no job records from before his employment in NanoTresen, hinting that he may have been a vagrant or drifter. Soon after his time on the NSS Cyberiad, when the experiment took place, he was relocated to an Comms. Satellite, where many others like him live.


    Security Records: 2 cases of aggravated assault (all while intoxicated)

    4 cases of assault

    2 cases of tampering with NanoTresan property (security cameras, said they were 'watching him')

    Cases of owning and distributing narcotics

    1 case of possessing an illegal weapon



    Medical Records: Heavy substance abuse, tobacco, alcohol, morphine, vulgaris, and a slew of other drugs. Serious anger issues. Will quickly resort to violence if angered, and has pursued offenders across whole stations, just to punch them.

    He is now a combination of four separate species, in a grotesque model of Dr. Bon's medical skill. NanoTresan paid him 2,500 credits to allow them to do research on him for 1 month. He happiliy agreed, and NanoTresan now has more knowledge on things like him.


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text): The picture is taken from the chest up of a Caucasian human male, frowning, obviously unhappy his picture is being taken. His 'stache and hair are a dull orange, and are quite messy. He is wearing a large leather coat that conceals most of his body, and his arms are folded across his chest. He has lowered his head in such a way that his brown flat cap is hiding his eyes from the camera. The picture is of a...thing that looks...different. It has the head of a black scaled Unathi. However, it's torso is Vulpkanin and it's tail is pointed up. One of it's arms are from a Caucasian Human, and the other from a pale green Skrell. While hard to see, it's legs follow the same pattern of Skrell and human. It is frowning, and seemingly uncaring to the fact that it is mostly naked.


    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes: Do NOT allow bar or hydroponics access. Seeing as the subject does no longer fit under any definable 'species', and many frown upon 'it', Mr. Staggs was removing from the NSS Cyberiad to a more remote Communications Satellite, where he now serves as a janitor. Many others like him have also been sent to this location.


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