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Posts posted by Kevak


    The main thing I mean by that is that although a lack of communicating with the majority of vulp players is one of the most common complaints, there's been an irc set up specifically for that the entire time. Not entirely sure why it keeps coming up.


    Anyways. Next draft will be up in a day or two.





    Um, no.



    This lore is receiving overwhelmingly negative response, and is absolutely not appropriate to be posted on the wiki yet, especially not without approval of the community or the creators of this race (Skittles and myself).


    I have more comments to make on this lore, but to say the least, this is nowhere near ready to even remotely considered to be put up on the wiki.

    ... Preeeeetty sure they meant Wikipedia.com, Y'know, to research more about space and... Stuff?

    Meant this.


  3. As I've previously stated. Vulps should have 1/2 or 1/4th nutrition for anything that isn't meat, maybe a slight speed increase. Some level of night vision. Heat being a slight issue. Cold being less of an issue. Chocolate being poison. ((Actually unsure if chocolate is bad for Vulps right now or not. Have seen a Vulp have seizures after eating chocolate relatively recently and have not been willing to test it.))

  4. On the topic of cult constructs producing darkness. I would like it if constructs actually could see in the dark. It becomes a pain in the ass as an Artifacer to tile low light rooms, a pain in the ass as a Harvester or Juggernaut trying to attack someone. They can see you. You can't see them.


    Space Worm mode sounds like a fun gamemode.


    Start as small as a borer, eat pets, grow bigger, kill and eat dudes, get bigger, eat station, get bigger. The Visitor style or something.

    I like this idea the most.


  6. The reason slimepeople ventcrawl was removed was due to the sheer OPness of what was functionally all access even with no items (including ID). This is ventrcrawl but with a cooldown and slightly harder in restricted areas. The other parts sound like it would be neat. But balance is an issue here.

  7. A number of good points. And this being the first draft, is going to be revised. As previously stated. Not fully satisfied with the psychological bit and I have noted that biology needs work. Governmental system probably could be tweaked (or drastically altered) as well.


    First of all, let's talk 'behaviour'. I'm a huge proponent of the player-base informing the lore as opposed to the other way around and just... Well. 'Sticklers for rules', pack mentality, obedient to superiors. Have you seen the Vulpkanin players on Paradise? They're total goofballs, often very content to do their own thing, and rarely have I ever see one mindlessly obey any sort of command.
    As previously stated, this is a first draft and will require revising. As stated, I'm not entirely satisfied with the psychology bits.


    And, I get they're canids. I do. But ugh, can we not do this whole hivemind/collectivist thing? I swear, every single race outside of humans has this. Kidan and their hives, etcetera. I'm especially not big on the idea of Vulpkanin stupidly following commands from some arbitrary 'alpha' sort.
    Technically they don't blindly follow. I see it as a sort of soft anarchy. If the majority don't like the status quo, whoever's in power loses their power. Also up for revising however.


    Overall, I think this is far, FAR too detailed and restrictive. Maybe it'd be fine for a heavier RP server like Bay, but not for Paradise.
    Which parts are too detailed? History doesn't have as much of an effect as the psychology bits, and I think the history bits are way way more detailed.


    Additionally, can we have an alien race that ISN'T treated like shit by Nanotrasen? That'd be great.
    To be fair, it's a relatively decent deal. Nanotress gets a major income source from it yes but it's not absolute exploitation like with the Taja.



    The Skrell, to name one. The Dionae and Slime people might be up there, too.

    I would say IPCs, but I'm fairly certain I'm false. Besides, it makes SENSE that NanoTrasen doesn't like aliens. They're the exact image of a greedy, expansionist and imperialistic (maybe even evil) corporation. They want to turn a profit, not promote equality, so it makes sense that they'd exploit inferior and less-advanced civilizations and species.

    That's so... Insanely overdone. And stupidly grimdark.


    Eh, either way, it's kind of the least of my complaints about this lore rewrite.


    *Additionally it makes NO fucking sense. I see Tajara and Vulpkanin captains all the dang time. I'm sure I've even seen a Vox one a few times.


    While I haven't read the lore for Tajara and Vulpkanin before the revamp I'm going to assume NanoTrasen treats their species as a whole badly but individuals don't matter.


    Kind of like most modern societies with enemies. Nobody hates the citizens of the DPRK but as a country as a whole it is heavily disliked by pretty much everyone.

    (I could be talking complete BS right now because like I said I haven't read the lore but I think when we were doing the rewrite we decided it needed an entire revamp for almost every race anyway.)

    No, Vulps were the only ones who needed a rewrite and the only ones I'm interested in rewriting. Their wikipage has been completely blank for about half a year at least due to the previous lore being special snowflake nonsense.


    If you actually bothered to read the lorepost instead of jumping to conclusions after skimming, you would note that pretty much all of that is explained. Please do some reading before ranting. (Maybe spoiler your rant?)


    Also I recommend using the "edit" button rather then triple posting hmm?


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