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Posts posted by Kevak

  1. Neri either spends offtime with her significant other Meex doing "things" or returns to her Domain, a rather large (Several light hours wide) persistant tear in the fabric of reality that's been designated as a "No Fly Zone" by Solgov due to both the sheer number of resident entities and the fact that it is very hard to pilot a ship when the hull turns into jello if you get a craving for such. When there she spends her time feeding, watering, healing, maintaining, and repairing her tools and toys, seeing if any of her brain collection has gotten complient enough to give a body and therefore be a useful tool, fiddling with her experiments, and so on. On occasion she fulfills the requests of her Aunt in exchange for training in certain things, coordinates Herald Cult incursions in nearby sectors, trains newer members of her sect, snorts filled ground soulstones, creates crimes against nature, and occasionally commits acts worthy of recieving another Boon from the Geometer.

  2. I'd say add "weapons, arcane items, and contraband" instead of just weapons. Cause most of the gateway gear isn't weapons, it's wiz/cult gear of various shades. Including cultswords that are literally unusable by noncultists (as in they break your arm if ya try hitting anyone with it and it's entirely hilarious), read wizard robes with the armor values included. Soulshards (which p much never get used anyways when recovered and people just carry them around cause they're shiny loot), nukie suits, ecutlasses, functional cult tomes, varied Renders, and so on.


    There's really no reason why the captain/HoP/whoever can't sign them a license/warrant, could maybe be put in SoP? ("right to salvage" would good phrasing, unless it's an actual assault rifle or something).

    OOC the only purpose to confiscate steal the loot is to deny it to potential antags anyway because sec never take things for their own gain.

    I like the right to salvage idea with the potential for cappy/other person of importance to sign a license for stuff. That feels like it would curb a lot of the really shitty behavior sec has done relating to the gateway. (Notably posting a lethals engaed ED in the gateway)



    Methinks the contraband system needs another rework based on security's recent behavior with the gateway.


    Especially cause with the current system, it allows them to take hard earned gear and equipment from people who spent their whole round fighting for it. That's just flat out not okay from a player perspective. If a person invests a significant portion of time doing something nonantagonistic, they should be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor for the remaining maybe 15ish minutes of the round. OOC Rules prevent them from using said gear obviously unless they are a legit antag, making it a non problem. However with the current contraband system, not only can security take their hard earned equipment, but they can arrest them for it. How is that fun? How does that reward the players in question? Why is that even a thing they can do? High risk high reward is how gateways work. If ya actually live to return with loot then you should be able to keep it. From both an IC perspective and an OOC perspective.


  5. Lets not forget that bees give exactly zero fucks about hardsuits. You're taking five brute but you're also getting injected with like 15 units of flurosulphuric.

  6. I would however suggest fixing dethralling surgery for shadowling thralls. I had a shadowling round the other day where one of my thralls had the dethralling surgery done on them but for inexplicable reasons remained my thrall. It really needs fixing if it's actually broke or if that was just due to doctor incompetency.


    The main issue would be balance concerns with constructing the object.


    For example. If pylons heal in the general vicinity, they'd prolly need a substantial production cost cause that's a pretty huge buff for the cult. Maybe something like 200 glass, 15 unprocessed silver ore, a Soul Shard, maybe sacrifice something living (a monkey?), and maybe a Construct Rune that functions as a regent rune. Said Construct Rune with different sets of inputs could be used to make the forge, desk, and alter perhaps as well. Hell, it would give a way for the cult to make cultwalls besides having an Artificer. 10 metal and one unprocessed iron ore maybe?



    On the topic of cult coding in general. I was actually considering trying to make the random unused cult assets in the code actually do something/be acquirable. Like make pylons heal constructs/cultists in the general vicinity and get constructed by artificers, or make the daemon forge function similarly to the Imbue rune but take stuff like a set of cult armor + a space suit and create a cult spacesuit out of it. Or that Cult Alter prop and have it take a few empty soulshards to make a Soul Stone that lets the cult make a considerably better Shade. (Maybe a more guardian style ghostie but for cult? Or maybe a cult bound reve?) Forge could take a few shells and make more versatile constructs perhaps. Seems befitting of a forge. (Maybe one with hands but relatively no armor? Functionally similar to a Manifested Ghost but in construct form? Since a given shell takes 120 seconds for an artificer to produce, making a special shell costing lets say 4 shells, that's 120 seconds * 4, meaning a considerable time investment. (8 min per) Might work for balance. Same goes for the potential soulstone thing, 5 min per shard. Even with 3 shards as the regent it would take 15 minutes to produce one Stone.)


    Would obviously need a way to deconstruct or break said props in that situation of course, maybe chaplain pouring holy water on them? Dunno. Could be fun though.



    The issue with starting a massive fire is that codewise, fire will melt through the floor into space and will cause significant lag due to all the atmospheric processing that it needs to do.


    ((I actually spent a good hour the other day lighting fire to the station in a private server. Apparently two plasma tanks and a single oxy tank is the ideal mix for a fire by the way. Too much oxy and it'll burn blue and melt through the hull, to little and it burns itself out.))



    I mean more of stuff along the lines of:


    Player opens door to cryodorms>Spider is sitting in there waiting to ambush someone because they see the room as a valid ambushpoint>Player who wants to cryo gets mauled.


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