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Posts posted by Belario


    I'd much rather have the shutters than the biohazard blast doors, allows Chemist to lock down chemistry or shut people up. Unlike RnD which has shutters despite the protolathe being ID locked. Chemistry and general needs an overhaul, too damn small.

    That it does, it's really just a small closet that happens to have dispensers in it, the janitor gets more space!



    HoP's playing at being security are best dealt with by ignoring them in my experience, they usually end up getting brigged themselves.


    The worst damage they do is spreading bad and often downright incorrect information, stuff like "CMO IS TRAITOR/HELP CULT IN CHAPEL/AI ROGA BLOW BORGS" when said by a HoP/member of command, even a bad one, is always taken seriously and ruins a lot of people's rounds.


    There should probably be something in SoP IN BIGGER LETTERS about following the chain of command, the first thing you see when you join is which member of command you answer to, but people usually just defer to whoever is the loudest.



    And yeah, the assembly line and maybe the incinerator should be cleared out. Give engineers room to experiment in, not like they ever get used. "Workshop #1/#2" would be cool to have.

    On that note, the "practice area" above atmospherics/across from tech storage behind the office space is lucky if anyone even looks at it.

    It's pretty purposeless, and could probably do with being replaced.



    Alright then, to take this thread on a different tack is there anything that can be done to improve a player's experience when playing security?

    Don't try to be the hero the station deserves, be a mall cop, in space.

    I find playing command/sec tends to be a lot more !!fun!! for all involved when people don't behave like a fucking gauleiter.



    If someone's being a dick... well, that's why you have pepperspray.

    It's really a nazis vs commies thing though, the sort of player who gets a kick out of dishing out adrenal implants isn't quite the same as the assholes who slip you all the time 4noraison, though at times they may as well be.

    If it's persistently problem causing or just blatantly rule breaking, like what's said above, it's why ahelp exists.



    I can't tell you how many times people have tried to murder me for my hypospray/compact defribs as the CMO, when asking or using other methods (trading/bribing) would have sufficed.

    Thing is though, talking to people leaves you wide open to being shat on.

    I've had experiences where asking for certain items/trying to setup a trade/casually dropping odd but not really all that suspicious codewords has just ended up with me being axe'd to death/hyposprayed to doom (looking at you, syringe gun surgeons!), it happens too often to be worth risking ending my round early.


    The only way is to powerplay because most people are too terrified to try to RP anything out because everyone powerplays, vicious cycle and all that.

    I'd say a lot of that is to do with "the antags", with the exception of vox, being held in the same regard as space-nazis.


    If the crew/antags were't so diametrically set against each other I think we might see a bit less CoD in spaaace!, not really in the spirit of the game to restrict people's actions though, even a lore edit to make the syndicate a hostile competitor rather than literally space symbionese shoot on sight might have an effect.






    Or do you?

    This is space afterall, can't rely on 21st century stuff when SPESS PHYSICS and bluespace magic are at work.


    I'm thinking you're more peeved off by the possible damaging of the IPC karma race, which is fair enough of course, but considering how we have mechanical organs all over the place, vat-grown in-between cyborg-lites aren't that far off.



    Don't forget the HoS. It never ceases to amaze me how many shitler HoS's will use RnD as their own personal armory and restock. HoS has more control over RnD than the RD. If this seems okay to you, I don't understand this game anymore.

    I always found this odd.

    Sure the HoS is the hero the station deserves and all, access to the science corridor is expected, just maybe not the sub-departments too?



    This is just like one of those 19th century national congresses!

    Everyone has a different option as to what "synthetic" specifically is, as far as cyborgs are concerned I'd say they're more roboty as the MMI is really just used as a wetware CPU.


    IMO the lore should be as vague as possible , if there's too much of it we'll end up with arrrP drama without any of the RP !!fun!!.



    Cloning itself was originally a bug, I think it was only properly implemented through popular demand.

    IPC humanization sounds like a schadenfreudey thing to do, if it was made to require more than just a bit of surgery and maybe require some hard(ish) steps(say.. requiring some "strange reagent" or something) I don't see why it wouldn't be a decent feature, albeit one that should get you in some sort of trouble if you're a dick with it (ie: slimes "monkeying" themselves, that was stamped out pretty quick).


    Or maybe just make it so the resurrected IPCuman is a Frankenstein, that'd probably be funnier.



    The research console has a "lock" feature that's only ever used by comdom RDs who want to kill their own department, if the ID requirement were removed making the lock-ability more prominent for science staff would probably be a good idea.


    The bad old days had every powergaming atmostech with a fireaxe smashing in so they could setup their own R&D, not necessarily a bad thing, but not needing access makes a bit too easy.



    They're all publicly accessible at roundstart, either from one of the many vendors found near arrivals, or scattered around in maintenance, insulated gloves included.

    Making possession of them illegal would be rather pointless, it'd be like trying to ban running in the hallways.


    Sec "confiscate" items all the time, usually when they've been misused (ie: assistants welding into tech storage), it's not really an issue that needs addressing I'd say.



    Well, I didn't want to say too much and look like an asshole, but yes, Vince does that a lot.

    My advice is to everyone is to just avoid him if he's annoying.

    Usually he's just too hyper-competent and that's what gets to people.



    Hey I'm still around (technically) :o


    That said, Bay law? hell no, when it was around it was nothing but shitcurity enabler.

    If you want to spur change though, an admin council should probably make a definitive ruling, otherwise we're just gonna keep getting poll threads (which are never binding BTW).



    Gimmicks are always fun, thing is though it's likely someone'll come down on you like a tonne of bricks if it's something you try to involve other players with.

    Antags aren't the be-all end-all of the round of course, but as things presently are in my experience, they're the only thing along with adminbus that keep rounds going.



    Because the vast majority of rounds have little to nothing happening, little to no player-player interaction, the same old snowflakes (not necessarily a bad thing) showering each other with wintery affection and me left out of it all.


    Boring as fuck, 90% of the time.


    Melandor mentioned in another thread about how many rounds end with crew transfers, and this really struck a chord.

    Of course most rounds end with crew transfer, Belario, because most rounds are chock-full of shit sec, asshat AI's, arsecunt antags, no fun allowed badmuns etc.


    The end result being most rounds become boring as fuck!


    In all seriousness, does anyone else feel there's (yet another I know) problem with the game that could do with solving? Specifically in regards to what dicks we all are to each other in various ways.

    Or I am just being especially melancholic?


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