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Everything posted by Gentlemanly_headcrab

  1. Probably the best ending to a round as Captain I've ever played. It all started during a ling round, when suddenly spiders spawned in, followed by aliens. We called the shuttle but it kept being mysterious recalled, and after the Captains office being broken into for no real reason. And us having to call the shuttle six times. While fighting off lings, spiders, and aliens. We finally got the message across to CC that feces was hitting some metaphorical fans. And this followed. Then they gave us a location. Which then was swarmed with greytide. He shunted himself off station and we destroyed the console. Angela and Alice gave them praise. *Distant sounds of a shuttle being recalled and LOUD laggy explosions* Best ending to a Captain round evurrrrrrrrr.
  2. o7 hoping for a glorious return for Bulma filled with hugs and kisses.
  3. Not sure if I ever actually posted this, but I was looking though pictures and found this little piece of gold from my stealth tator rounds. And after completing my objectives I had to die a glorious death. Resulting in me signing up for CMO, posting this, and sitting in 'my' office for sec too arrive. It was a good day.
  4. All hail the mighty scarf, it shall consume all. Scarf'sie
  5. I'd love to see some of these ported into the station. I'm sitting looking these over and thinking to myself "OOH OOH I GET THAT ONE!" Also... Gasmask "Are you my mummy?"
  6. https://gyazo.com/e5aa8e123fef4a5144461143d8cb2c65 https://gyazo.com/f79e927e7d4bf7eaebaf7373854e2765 Tricking the Captain, HoP, and CMO into letting us into the bridge. Only for four nuke ops to pop out and gun/slash/murder everyone and take the disk. We breached the vault and tried the code on their nuke. Only to realize that it wouldn't work and I went off to grab our nuke. In the end they left without me. And Angela Compton, nuke ops professional. Was left to guard the nuke alone, with about five rounds still left in her bulldog. Probably my favorite round of nuke ops in a LONG while.
  7. https://gyazo.com/3b2de2425830d6efe9b3bed283f4a7db After killing Orlando as a bartender via sleepy pen and mind slaving him to shoot himself with my shotgun. I had one more objective left, die a glorious death. I signed up for CMO and decided that this would be my final stand and after sending out the message sat in "my" office with a double barrel shotgun and beanbag rounds. Until my capture and suicide. Personally one of my favorite traitor rounds so far.
  8. https://gyazo.com/3dcd2e04b82773ebd8eaca8a4a1713d6 Warning: It's not a picture Dance party in bridge with Angela leading the charge Only to get gunned down by Syndicate about five minutes later. Party poopers...
  9. I've been playing the server for QUITE the while now and never went to the forums. So after HEAVY procrastination I finally decided to make an account and meet the community. HELLO YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!
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