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Posts posted by dadols


    Lot o` stuff I agree with.


    I say a "Big Yes" to most of the thing you said,

    ex. when you get EMPd,you get stunned long enough to let someone cuff you remove your headset twice or more and your optical sensor glitches for a long time, but not only your optical sensor even your movement gets strange, you`re gonna move like if you were"Drunk"


    (They still need roboticists for heavy damages,but it`s pretty rare that it happens atleast for me).


    You`ve to remember that IPCs got Mass Produced, so they won`t be so "Resistant" because probably cheap materials`ve been used (unless the NSS IPCs are special IPCs).

    I mean, they`re still made of metal so the Burn/Brute damage I still think is too much, a buff is still needed for the IPCs.



    Lot o` stuff


    I mean, I feel like that 2x burn/brute damage is most of the times too much.


    The Burn/Brute 2x damage, is just too much... We`re in 2560 and IPCs, how can it be possible that they`re so weak compared to other races.




    +You Don`t to breath.

    +You don`t need welding protection.

    +You can heal yourself pretty easily & get revived.

    +You can`t get poisoned and neither get sick.

    +Lot o` fluffy stuff.


    -You take 2x Brute damage.

    -You take 2x Burn damage.

    -You get "dismembered" very easily.

    -You can`t use beneficial chems.

    -You can`t use beneficial genes.

    -You can`t use beneficial diseases.

    -EMP equals Insta-Death.

    -Lot Weaker than other races.

    -Costs 15KP.

    -Can`t get cloned.


    From my point of view, that`s not such a balanced race compared to other races.

    IPCs are obviously made out of paper.



    I mean, you said that Admins look like "Lifeless Machines", but like other Staff members said, even little events cause chaos & problems... and it`s not always easy handling all of them, and as far as I can see, all of the Staff Members on Paradise are different but all of `em acts as best as they can..


    Not every admin acts like a "Lifeless Machine" there are some really cool admins like Fruerlund,

    when he can he creates little events even when he is alone, and he is good at it...

    He always answers to ahelps... but it`s not always easy to handle more than 80+ players a day...



    We're coming up on 100 total submissions,

    There are some quite interesting suggestions, espectially some that when you look at the bigger picture of the other changes, have the potential to be a bit more interesting and impactful.


    May you make these suggestions "public"?

    So Everyone can join and give his own meaningfull opinion about a suggestion/idea and by doing so Improving it or rejecting it.

    by doing so you can ease your work and extract some really Smart & Interesting Ideas/Suggestion,


    I mean,


    It`s best to ask the Community and work with them, to create an enviroment comfy for them and for the new ones.



    I was hoping one of the coders or maintainers could give a status report on the bug fixing and when the feature freeze might be lifted.


    I also wanted to pose an opposing viewpoint about the feature freeze: we are getting a lot of fresh blood into Paradise. Undoubtedly, some of these individuals have coding experience. I am not a coder, but I would venture a guess that those who do code for Paradise got into it to code a feature, not fix a bug. So, by locking down features, we are perhaps losing a fresh source of talent. In addition, some of our current contributors might not be motivated by fixing bugs when they cannot do the more "fun" business of coding features. It is pure speculation on my part, like I said, I am not a coder. Maybe you guys actually enjoy fixing bugs. I mean, I'm the rare accountant who enjoys doing taxes. That said, perhaps either a temporary or permanent lift of the feaure freeze may be warranted, to provide a little motivation to our coders. Sure, there will be more bugs, but if we lose our coding talent due to no fun being allowed, those bugs will never be fixed.


    Just a thought.


    They can still code stuff and then port it into Paradise, and it`s very easy.

    When the Freeze ends, they will suggest this stuff or straight up implement it.



    Perhaps something along the line of scoring 20 disarm punches (as an example) will lead to you being weakened for some 5 - 7 seconds, which is enough time to cuff / restrain / disposal you if you were prepared, but afterward, the victim get an adrenaline rush (Or some sort of things like that) and could escape without the penalty of stamina damage? Granted, if someone manage to disarm punch you for twenty time, I am quite sure you can manage to call for help


    Probably the Idea I had that:


    Ex: "Weapon X" deals more Stamina Damage than Brute Damage if used with Disarm Intent.


    Is Way better,

    but like everyone said it`s gonna get abused,but It can get balanced pretty easily,

    By adding a little delay of "X seconds"


    Ex. "Person X" gets in a fight with "Person Y" but thanks to this delay he just gets every "X seconds", Stamina Damage and probably very little Brute Damage and it Won`t be abused because it`s gonna take "X seconds" to Stun/KnockDown "Person X", and meanwhile "Person X" can Call for help or attempt to Robust "Person Y".


    (unless "Person Y" doesn`t get robusted by "Person X")



    I used to think this would be a good idea, but a stamina based weapon or attack that any crewman can have would be incredibly easy to abuse. You might think it'd be only good for non lethal takedowns but this would basically give anyone who's persistent a virtual infinite stun, as long as they kept hitting them. There's almost no way this wouldn't be abused to hell.


    There`s not gonna be any Stamina Based Weapon just weapons(Everything you can hold) that if used with Disarm Intent is gonna deal "X Stamina Damage"


    I`ve got another Idea.


    Ex. "Weapon X" deals Stamina Damage based on the amout of Brute/Burn Damage it deals usually, if used with Disarm Intent.


    Probably not Burn Damage.



    Using Disarm intent on someone Deals Stamina Damage while you`re holding "Weapon X"?

    (Without heavily harming them like Harm Intent does)

    Ex: "Weapon X" deals more Stamina Damage than Brute Damage if used with Disarm Intent.


    Probably it`s gonna help/assist Antags or give New Objectives to them.


    Ex. Kidnapp/Capture, "Person x" and pull "Person x" to "Place x" (and then the guy dissapears if you Call/Use Ability while in that location or while you`re using a Bluespace Body Bag, that teleports the guy away somewhere, where he has to do something or he just dies).



    Using Disarm intent on someone Deals Stamina Damage while you`re holding "Weapon X"?

    (Without heavily harming them like Harm Intent does)

    or Ex: "Weapon X" deals more Stamina Damage than Brute Damage if used with Disarm Intent.


    Probably it`s gonna help/assist Antags or give New Objectives to them.


    Ex. Kidnapp/Capture, "Person x" and pull "Person x" to "Place x" (and then the guy dissapears if you Call/Use Ability while in that location or while you`re using a Bluespace Body Bag, that teleports the guy away somewhere, where he has to do something or he just dies).



    (If you do find out any grammar error, just post below and let me know the error so I can fix it)

    Just some prayers, I usually use in game, You can modify the prayers in any way you like.




    Accendere una candela | Light a candle

    Oh great Ain, Bringer of Darkness, please take notice of the simple request your feeble but loyal chaplain has! My lord, light this candle so I may perform a ritual in your honor, as I have no fire but wish to worship you! All blessings be unto Ain. Amen.


    Evocarlo | Invoke your god

    Oh great Ain, Bringer of Darkness, please take notice of the simple request your feeble but loyal chaplain has! My lord, Me and your disciples, destroyed most of the lights of this Ship in your name and to make this place comforting for you,My Lord... I Invoke you! Come and help us convert this damned Crew! All blessings be unto Ain. Amen.


    Per essere Resuscitato | Get Revived

    Oh great Ain, Bringer of Darkness, Allow my rage to be quenched and allow me to avenge my unjust death against the "unholy" outside realm.


    Per Morire | Die in a Kewl Way

    Ain , Father, my heart is heavy. I feel like I have to carry the burden alone. Words like "overwhelmed," "distraught," "exhausted" seem to describe where I am. I am not sure how to let you carry my heavy load, so please show me how. Take it from me. Let me rest and die so that my heart won't be so heavy anymore. In Ain' name. Amen.


    Evocare una candela | Summon a Candle

    Oh great Ain, Bringer of Darkness, please take notice of the simple request your feeble but loyal chaplain has! My lord, I demand you a light candle so I may perform a ritual in your honor, as I have no fire and no candles but wish to worship you! All blessings be unto Ain. Amen.


    Chiedere cosa vuole | Ask What he needs

    Oh Ain, Bringer of Darkness, set our minds on You. Let us not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds that we may prove what Your will is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.


    Chiedere un armor(armatura) | Ask for an Armor

    Strengthen us in the power of Your might, Oh Ain, Bringer of Darkness. Dress us in Your armor so that we can stand firm against the schemes of the devil. We know that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers.


    -You’ve far more chances to get your prayers answered if you`re the chaplain, an antagonist or An Antagonist Chaplain!






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