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Posts posted by dadols


    Now, when I say this, I mean this respectfully, but I advise you to try the race for yourself a bit, Fox. It's not as amazingly overpowered and Godly as you perceive it.


    You're completely misrepresenting my intentions here and prejudging where I was going with my statements.


    The fact is, some misinformation was given in the first post; this was corrected---additionally, some strengths and weaknesses, both, were not included in the original post or being discussed. It's intellectually dishonest to not include every strength and weakness when discussing a species, its balance, and what it has/doesn't; this goes for any species, and not just IPC. I'd be just as pedantic if something like claw sharpening was non-aesthetic and no one bothered including that as a strength for the races that actually have claws.


    Whatever I wrote in the first post is what I`ve seen, I don`t think IPCs have more pros/cons, than those that I`ve listed.. if you think so, I`d love to fix the Main Post and add more stuff...


    Anyway, I still think IPCs aren`t such a balanced race.. I mean it is a cool race, but nothing else than that.. You can read other posts other users wrote when they list all the problem and you can clearly see IPCs aren`t such a balanced race compared to other races..


    -Just my Opinion



    I always take SSD bodies to cryo and most of the community does so as well...

    Anyway there`s a reason why we have a Paramedic.. I mean Paramedics are there to assist the crew..

    Most of the time a Paramedic have ton fo free time, and by the way there`s no need to get ton of access just to pull SSD people out of a room..

    We have the AI for a reason... AI always opens the door even to high danger areas just to pull out an SSD person and if it doesn`t work call an Head...



    The damage bonus needs to stay, 125%~130% should be better than 150% I mean they`re still gonna be weak, and yeah stun makes it less shitty to die as an ipc.

    And Remember that EMPs aren`t antag exclusive.. ex. Bartender has it,Chemists,Experimentor... in few words.. EMPs can be made by everyone and are everywhere...


    The damage they take right now is ridicolous.. and everyone knows that... That`s why people say they`re made from paper/cardboard/tin/potatos/wood...

    For someone that is robust that`s not such a big problem... but for the overall player base that`s a problem... and the Cons that this race gets are ridicolous compared to the Pros...


    That`s just my opinion....



    IPCflag.gifIPC.pngWhat do you think about IPCs? IPC.pngIPCflag.gif





    IPCs (Integrated Paper-Positronic Chassis)



    Library_Computer.gifWe had a discussion and Some Problems came up about IPCs:, Library_Computer.gif



    • IPCs are too weak against EMPs, the most considerable nerf would be to EMPs dealing few brute/burn damage, and a 15~20 seconds stun. Emp.png

      IPCs are too weak against everything, lowering the overall damage bonus should be an option to consider, I think 125~130% looks better than 150%..

      IPCs have an overall less chance to roll antag.

      IPCs require more personalization.

      IPCs require more chems.

      IPCs are not easy to fix.



    (Not all of this problems are Relevant)


    Note: Take in Mind that a Buff doesn`t always come with a Nerf.

    The Best way to see if some changes work is to test them in game.



    Some Problems came out from this and other discussions;



      IPCs are too weak against EMPs, the most considerable nerf would be to EMPs dealing few brute/burn damage, and a 15~20 seconds stun. Emp.png

      IPCs are too weak against everything, lowering the overall damage bonus should be an option to consider, I think 125~130% looks better than 150%.



    I think the most relevant ones are these... and I`ve posted my suggestions how to improve the current situation...



    A short term 'fix' to the healing would be fairly easy in concept, though probably a bit more difficult in practice.


    Having any extra healing from a welder or wiring overflow into other body parts, as in, if an IPC has 10 burn damage distributed across their body, and you wire their chest, 1 wire will be consumed regardless, and this is supposed to heal 5 burn. So the first heal would completely heal the chest and randomly heal other body parts until the left over heal was reduced to 0, and then they could target another damaged body part and continue the process until they were fully healed. This might make Nanopaste actually worth it's steep resource cost as it heals both burn and brute (or last I checked it did)


    As far as EMPs go, while I am fine with them where they are now, I'd happily trade EMP 1HKOs for EMPs dealing steep damage and force shutting down the IPC (like they do borgs) for 10-15 seconds, and to compensate for this slight buff taking away their radiation immunity and making 'letha'l doses of radiation deal burn damage to the IPC, as we basically all agree they are tinfoil and cardboard tubes and when you put tinfoil in a microwave it burns.


    I would also fully support going back to IPC posibrains in their skulls and not their chests, but I always thought there was a bit of a charm to having decapped IPCs still be 'active' if immobile, maybe fix it so their heads can only whisper without their body as a primary power source or give them a battery back up in their head that only lasts for a minute or so, meaning they still 'die' if disassembled. Granted, this would mean they'd need a slight buff to prevent their heads from falling off by a random toolboxing as usually happens.


    And as Dumdum pointed out, IPC limbs breaking is possibly the most annoying and crippling con they have going for them, since they can't self repair these, and unlike broken bones they still can't heal over it and splint the broken limb to allow somewhat activity till they can get someone to surgery them. I really don't know how you'd go about fixing this, but it seems like broken bones aren't a guarantee for organics but for IPCs getting significant damage on any limb immediately renders that limb useless 100% of the time.


    I do Agree with everything you said but not, going back to IPC posibrains in their skulls... and removing the radiation immunity.. There`s no need to nerf IPCs everytime a buff gets added.



    Library_Computer.gifSomeone wrote some really "Smart" Stuff (Spacemanspark,davidchan,Dumbdumn5), Library_Computer.gif


    • Thank you to Everyone for Joining this discussion and sharing your ideas;



    Some Problems came out from this and other discussions;



    • IPCs are too weak against EMPs, the most considerable nerf would be to EMPs dealing few brute/burn damage, and a long stun. Emp.png

      IPCs are too weak against everything, lowering the overall damage bonus should be an option to consider, I think 125~130% looks better than 150%.

      IPCs have an overall less chance to roll antag.

      IPCs require more personalization.

      IPCs require more chems.

      IPCs are not easy to fix.*




    *IPCs are not easy to fix :

    it is always going to be easier and faster to heal a human/organic than it would be to heal an IPC. This is most apparent if you have an IPC and organic get exposed to space and take that 5-10 burn/brute combo across their entire body. For a human, this can be fixed in a matter of seconds. A synthflesh patch, SS/SP patch(es), sleeper or cryo. For an IPC this is 14 (or more) applications of welding and wiring or 7 (or more) stacks of nanopaste to get them back to 100%, targeting every area of the body individually.



    P.S IPCs are still gonna be weak compared to other races, but they`re gonna be slightly better overall.


    -The best way to see if some changes are gonna enchance the overall gameplay is to test those changes in game.



    IPCs (Integrated Paper-Positronic Chassis)




    -Radiation: used for that one event and very rarely when somebody actually decides to use the medical analyzer traitor item.


    -Virus: Of limited use in most round unless, surprise, there's a virus.


    -Air: The only useful thing that IPCs really have, they can avoid breathing. It's only useful for when you go out into space or some imbecile tries to strangle you.


    -Easy to Repair/Revive: This depends entirely on the community, competency, and willingness. Is this community member a good one? If no, no repairs. Is this guy competent? If no, you'll probably get hit with the welder or a crowbar. Is this guy willing to heal you? If no, you don't get a heal.

    -Lack of Needing Welding Goggles to Weld: Useful only if you intend to break down walls, not much else, no uses for flashes or anything else involving any light.


    -Your Own Language!: Talk about how inferior meatbags are while you die after they think it's a good idea to push you a little bit.



    -Brute and Burn increase: You die in a small amount of hits from anything. God help you if somebody throws something at you and you even think about engaging anything in the future. Hacking? Your arm is gone. Fighting carp/spiders? Limbs gone. Engaging anything at all in combat and trusting people? Dead.


    -Fragile: Get hit early in the shift because the clown (Honk) throws a few banana peels at you? Proceed to have your arm malfunction constantly without having any way to fix it unless you`re an engineer. Try to do anything the rest of the shift and other people don't want to heal you or you don`t have tools? Deal with the arm and walk around dropping everything you hold. Somehow avoided death after one blow? Try to get out your welder, turn it on, aim, and then weld before dropping the welder/cable or getting hit by anything else.


    -EMPs: They aren't too common, but more and more antags are getting these abilities, get touched by one of these and your limbs fly off if you're lucky, anywhere further inside than maximum range is death.


    -Death: Die. Get all of your limbs including your head all over the place, proceed to be buried underneath your limbs, have your body get left alone/disposaled/taken or get lost in front of Robo-bay.


    -Antag: Because they are not organic, they do not get access to Changeling and Vampire antag slots, giving them an overall less chance to roll antag.


    Wrote by "Dumbdumn5"


    Slightly modified it and adapted it to the new paradise.


    IPCflag.gifIPC.pngConsider the following questions when posting your Suggestions: IPC.pngIPCflag.gif


    • - Explain your Suggestion.

      - What capabilities do they get?

      - Potential for Antagonists.

      - How much does this change affect the round?

      - How much does this change affect the race?

      - Is it followed by a Nerf/Buff?



    Note: Take in Mind what is up there and that a Buff doesn`t always come with a Nerf.



    Well if we done that then I say that if they can put their on limbs back on then they get hit with a small debuff of slower speed if legs and if arms a small % to drop items, and small bit of damage to that limb that they put back on by them selfs, so what you guys think about that?





    How do you feel about the sheer number of "SINA"s that have popped up, as the original? They say imitation is the highest form of flattery.


    Every "SINA-"s is different and every "SINA-" is the original one.. I mean how many "SINA-"s do we have? just 2 from what I know.. me and Splgrk.



    1) Magnetic Gripper able to grip conveyer belts assemblies and switches



    2) False walls being able to block atmos



    3) IPCs would have 1 emergency welder and 1 cable coil stack instead of an useless mask, an airtank and an injector in their box



    4) Being able to Punch Lightbulbs.



    5) Being able to repair/recharge flashes



    6) Medical Scanner needs to show blood type





    So, wanted to introduce myself on the Forum, I`ve already posted several stuff on the forum/wiki/github and played lot of rounds on the server even if I`m not gonna play any more rounds...


    You could see me ingame as SINA- .



    Like the Slot on /tg/ , so we can insert accessories inside that slot, without bothering about losing them, when getting stripped..

    I mean it`s probably an useless feature, but Probably lot of people will like it.



    I'd like to err on the side of IPCs being weak instead of overpowered. Making them more resilient to damage is not a change I'd be up for (Also I think it's 1.5x damage, not 2x). If they were to get a buff in any way (aside from an EMP change), I'd just like to be able to re-attach my own limbs, somehow. Hobbling around the ship and trying to find someone to re-attach can be tedious. Sometimes it's just finding a guy, pointing at him and saying "HEY, YOU. Hold this screwdriver and re-attach my limbs! I can tell you how!" But I can see how that might be a little outrageous to go from no legs and one arm and near crit to back to 100% with enough time and resources.


    it`s 2x I think, anyway IPCs should just get 1.2x damage not 2x, and I mean, it`s very hard to find someone to reattach your limbs.. anyway you don`t need a screwdriver to attach a limb.. Anyway I agree with that you said.. if there was going to be a buff IPCs being able to attach their limbs would be great.



    and I think it`s easy to code too,


    Just a personal irk here. Don't go around stating how easy something is to code until you've actually bothered submitting a PR to the Github tat does more than just changes a few numbers on existing code here and there---It's like telling your car mechanic "Oh, it'll be easy to fix, it's just the transmission".


    The kneejerk reaction you're going to get from some coders is "well, if it's so easy, then why don't you just go ahead and submit the feature yourself--afterall, it's easy".


    I said I think it`s easy.

    I didn`t say that it was easy.

    Anyway you`ve anything useful to say other than this??



    Just Listing stuff that needs to be merged/coded, just a reminder for when the Freeze ends.



    Additional job names :



    False walls now block atmos :



    Magnetic Gripper cannot grip conveyer belts assemblies or switches:



    Diabolical resurrection :



    Written paper hats are invisible on the mob :



    It is possible to distinguish changeling from crew by looking at their OxyLoss :



    Karma system hyperabuse ,oh noes. :



    Prevent Escape Alive Objective doesn't work when target is off station Z level : https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/issues/5767




    lot o` stuff.


    Let me explain my idea and I think it`s easy to code too,


    Ex. if "Person Y" middle-clicks on "Person X" Reticule appears on "Person X",only if "Person Y" is holding a "Ranged Weapon" or using the Throwing Intent, but when "Person X" moves, the Reticule dissapears.


    Just like the point thing works, but with the (optional)Reticule dissapearing only if the target moves(optional) and a BIG RED TEXT appearing at "Person X" when getting aimed at.



    Well I found it that it take a lot longer for IPC to be revived or healed from noob players, for what data I gathered it takes 5 to 15 min longer due to being left in the med bay for most of the time, and then lazy people who don't want to do the work of repairing the IPC.


    Most of the times, they take their time to revive me/us (10/15 minutes even more) if they fail, they leave me/us in a corner, until the shift ends....

    or they pull me/us to medbay... (Anyway, I rarely die so it`s not a problem for me)

    Anyway IPCs are too weak,IPC means Integrated Paper-Positronic Chassis...


    (Life of an IPC)



    Well before that I had no clue how to deal with Suspected EOC's and we were about 80% that the pair were cultists


    Linukas, lying doesn`t work with Staffers. (Anyway just to let you know, you was wrong, I wasn`t a cultist)

    I was SINA- and Aldous was helping me doing "Social Experiments" (Gifting people to the heads) , anyway let`s be serious..


    You said you were 80% sure I was a cultist? right?

    With no proof (literally) how can you be so sure? how can you be so sure that a person that came on the station 10 minutes ago is part of the Cult?

    and like Kluys said,


    Nothing because they might not be criminals, You wait for proof.


    That`s pretty obvious and logical, no?






    Wasn't there a talk about essentially re-implementing the ability, but with ONLY the reticule effect?

    So no auto-fire, but a visual reticle over someone for people to more visibly be like "Imma shoot you if you don't settle" RP stuff?


    That would be "cool" ex. if you middle-click on someone while holding a weapon, you point at him and a reticule appears on him?


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