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Posts posted by NTSAM


    Just a neat little suggestion for EVERYBUDDEH! Goals for non-antags!


    Most jobs should have OPTIONAL crew objectives, to give people stuff to do with a somewhat boring and uneventful role. Since we're not Goon, we need our own objectives. Also, we could have this set as a Game Preference, something like, "Have Crew Objectives"


    These are merely some suggestions, feel free to come up with your own.




    • Drink 150 units of non-alcoholic beverages.

    • Drink 150 units of alcoholic beverages.

    Eat at least one (insert food item).

    Have a full toolbelt by the end of the shift.

    Be wearing any kind of non-jumpsuit "suit" item by the end of the shift.

    Do NOT use a toolbox as a weapon on ANYONE. (Fuck your griff. Be nice and you get greentext.)




    Note: Science technically has a system like this. This could be a nonpaying system here?


    • Make sure the whole of RnD department has no messes by the end of the shift. No blood stains, etc. etc.

    • Max all research.

    'Accidentally' kill a monkey through the use of toxins.



    ...Etc. etc... Engineering: Have singularity operating by the end of the shift, or maybe have a supermatter and such and such, just general things a job can do if they're good.





    ...IPC companion (who later got ripped to shreds by an EMP)...


    That was me... ;n;






    My new BYOND hub, although it's not directly SS13, is now Syndicate property.


    The FBI keeps validhunting me nao >:(



    Printable torsos and groins? Yes please.

    IPC that loses their shiny metal ass should not be permanently ded, we have the science, we can rebuild them!


    If I'm correct, there was an IPC (P.I.N., I believe, was their name) who had their groin asploded by an EMP artifact. Somehow he lived after I put him together. Sadly, he lost his shiny metal ass.



    How to survive a round as an IPC.


    Find a dark, isolated room, such as the asteroid outposts or fire storage closet.


    Find or drag a closet into this lonely corner and hide inside.


    Step out every 15 minutes or so to steal power from an APC


    Hide in your closet for 2 and a half hours, wait for crew transfer.


    Get blasted apart on your way to the shuttle. Typically do to some harmless item being lobbed in your direction such as a discarded bag of beef jerky.


    Cry robot tears as your disabled body is abondoned 3 tiles from the escape shuttle and you are left behind.


    [in all seriousness. Why can some chucklefuck who got his Prosthetic arm or leg 5 minutes ago safely and fully rewire the damn thing after shocking it on a door, but an IPC can't fix itself?]


    Bitch please, I run around maintenance and I am never killed, muahahaha



    A (re)deployable pocket gibber? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.



    Once you use up the deployments, you're most likely fucked if a sec officer finds out where it is.



    However, a portable handheld portable item shredder? Could be neat I guess. Stick an object in there and shred it to little ribbons on the ground.


    I like this too :D





    Greetings, fellow synthetic crew of the Cyberiad. It's a well known fact IPCs are as flimsy as toilet paper! So, naturally, we are cautious as fuck! This usually works, however, everyone makes mistakes, and I have written a guide on how to avoid them.



    According to NanoPedia, "An electromagnetic pulse (EMP), also sometimes called a transient electromagnetic disturbance, is a short burst of electromagnetic energy. Such a pulse may occur in the form of a radiated, electric or magnetic field or conducted electric current depending on the source, and may be natural or man-made." This kills the IPC.




    • That damn stupid amazingly lucky xenoarchaeologist that found an EMP artifact!

    • The singularity! (of fucking course)

    That douchebag shitcurity bastard nice, caring officer that got his grubby monkey hands well-deserved Ion rifle!

    Changelings with their EMP powers!

    EMP grenades!

    Actually, anything with "ion" or "E.M.P." in it's name!




    Lasers. Bad. No touch. Heat. Zappy zap. Your plating --will-- melt off with enough blasts, that ain't pleasant at all.




    • Energy guns on the "kill" setting, identified by the red glow on the top!

    • Emitters!

    Laser guns! (The green kind, those hurt.)

    Turrets on the "kill" setting!

    [spoiler2]Syndicate deathsquads![/spoiler2] The Syndicate death squad is a lie. Any rumors stating the existance of such a death squad are false.

    Any kind of laser that looks bulky and makes a distinct noise! (Not to be confused with disabler beams, which are a kind of laser that will DISABLE you, not kill you. You will often see this kind when an officer has the blue light on his taser.)




    Electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge. Ever touch an electrified airlock? Then you know how flimsy we are to this.




    • Wear insulated gloves whenever you work on live wires, these help alot!

    • Be prepared to lose your arms!

    Make sure your aforementioned insulated gloves are real, and not made out of some cheap material!

    Don't be stupid!


    Rarely will you die to this as long as you aren't a dumbass.



    Yes. Space has wildlife.




    • Space carp, you will literally be torn apart!

    • Spiders, you will literally be torn apart!

    Xenos, you will literally be torn apart!

    Doomcrabs, you will literally be torn apart!

    Mega Carp, you wi- You get it, now?!



    never expanded rip





    I love this :D


    Since we have traitor carp plushie (makes real carp) and similar (minicrossbows look slightly like the toy ones, the sword toy), why not have a minigibber uplink item? You can use it, and it becomes a real gibber. Maybe you can turn it back into the toy-like one, and it can be placed three times until it's stuck in its stationary form. It can be easy to distinguish from the toy when used (obviously) and any competent sec officer can spot it.


    Suggested uplink price: Maybe around 10 TC?








    (That was a joke.)


    Yet another robotic pet. It belongs to the HoS (because he's so lonely. Fuck the warden, he can get beepsky dammit) and it has a neat little power. You can use him like a skateboard (vehicle. think of the Paramedic tug) and he beeps/pings/sometimes buzzes/barks.


    I dunno what he'd look like. I guess this is a half-serious suggestion.



    I remember a shift, quite like any other...


    And on that shift, I was a civilian. Like any normal non-greytiding [spoiler2]Non greytide civvies? HOW[/spoiler2] civilian, I applied my buttocks to thine wooden throne in the tavern. Then I just stood there. The whole shift. I did nothing else. I just... Sat there. Apparently, nuke ops stole the disk and the shuttle arrived. I just sat in the bar. I got spared until the nuke went off. THE END


    This awesome story has been brought to you by Jebediah Kerman's flesh.


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