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Posts posted by KasparoVv


    sell your soul for the green text


    can't play antag either. vox raider otherwise it feels inhumane/guilty

    taking a 'human' approach to any antag role makes the validhunters even happier


    forgoing objectives to remain moral


    only time i've ever been antag antag was adminbus or accident hue


    wizardling ftw



    Pretty great guide, definitely worth a read to anyone new to nuke ops-- but there's one thing I'm absolutely lost on.


    "if the arrow is green your close to it if its Villager your very close to it"


    What does Villager mean in this context?



    With the advent of LED lights, 7-15 watt units exist.


    Though, it appears as though INCANDESCENTS are still used here! 100 watts per, easy. But that's for GOOD BRIGHT bulbs, which we DON'T have.

    Even if it's 2559, nothing makes sense, so why should lights least of all? Although, 120 IS a bit high.


  4. I guess if we want it to be toggleable we'd have to tack that feature on ourselves. Oh well. Seems nifty, but most deconstruction/construction/action/mining/whatever things are so short it almost seems like there isn't much of a point to this


    For Parrot, on head I could see just chillin`on the right shoulder. For Fox and Cat, sortof curled around the shoulders behind the neck with head poking up. I`d think the same for corgi as well but IDK how you`d wear them on your head haha, they`re decently sized animal forms


    Either that, or NO headwearing functionality for the bigger sized pAI forms (corgi+fox+cat)



    Was in a round about an hour or so ago that ended up being pretty killer.

    Maxed out research, lost the first RD to some shenanigans, went through TWO CEs and lost the singulo...

    Lost toxins to a big ol' bomb.. (Kudos to the super engineers and atmosia guys for working your butts off that round).

    In the end, the station was powered by solars (I think) and the massive array of PACMAN generators Spike Ward and I made (5 in Spike's department, 2 in mine).

    Way more than adequate, I'd say! Fun fun fun. Got to be RD for the FIRST TIME EVER (even though it was just to pinch-hit for the rest of the shift. First time as a Head of Staff too, oh the pressure!) as well, which was a plus. Probably won't do it again any time soon unless it's under the same circumstances 'till I learn toxins, xenoarch and telesci.

    Needless to say I was nervous as fugg. BUT, all this aside, it's time to get to the real point of this post.




    You see-- while all this was going on, Sploosh the Xenoarchaeologist was out on the 'roid digging up some cool rocks-- when he struck gold. Well, not literally-- he found a really cool-ass pod that I hope he'll give a bit of insight on. What it did (well, what I GUESS it did) was accept items inserted and merge them-- or add onto them-- or something cool like that. It also made INFINITE LIVING CRATES, so Cargo could game the hell out of CentComm for lyf and infinite pointage. How awesome is that?


    Anyway, this awesome guy gave me what is probably the best lighter (or is it even that?) the universe has ever seen.

    (Sorry for being too lazy to crop. The descriptions in the chat're where the good stuff's at.)





    And then proceeded to make THIS





    In the end, he decided to leave the machine behind. Such a divine object is simply not meant for us mere mortals. Got to THOROUGHLY explore CentComm, as well, because of the oddly super-long endround. Thanks admins!


    Couldn't not share, lmao. It was too good. Anyway, hats off to you Sploosh. Won't forget that shift anytime soon.



    Lmfao, t'was an honour to be there. I felt bad for the mime. He caught me in maint and glared me-- kept going to town with disarm and pushing in that one hall. He eventually got cable cuffs on me but I got my juke game on and just started screaming like mad and pushing him away until he gave up and I could call it in hahaha


    Lucky that I had my extinguisher on me, too. Dat holywater fire ;)




    gr8 round 8/8 spooky mimepire


    For the Shoal! 5 Vox one room lmao, never seen that many before (unless it's been a Raider round).

    When I said that someone in game mentioned when Vox first became a playable species. Was there a proper crapload of Vox players then?


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