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David Rossi

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Posts posted by David Rossi


    I dunno to be honest, having an outright mechanism to disallow cloning is kinda meh in my opinion, it's always a worry that your executed traitor could get revived by accident or through deliberate means with the help of another traitor, it's like a second life and go. I've had some amazing scenarios in which I'm revived, helped and given a new identity by another traitor.


    Plus adding in a mechanism cause you can't trust people to not clone executed personnel is lame, if someone clones a labeled body named DO NOT CLONE, that's aiding and abetting to be honest if the antag in question strikes again.


    All this would really do is add a hurdle, removing an implant.






    Most certainly ignorance, I do care little for the fur race to be honest, I am just mostly surprised it's in the game with no lore, I'd rather add a teeny bit of possible lore for them instead of just bashing the fact they have no lore and are present in the game.



    I only just realised they don't have a lore when looking at the wiki, so they are actually just a fur race rushed through? Now I see the large backlash when they first came about.


    My suggestion though, make them come from a cold planet, arctic conditions. Fur wise fits that, other than that I don't really have much input to be honest. Somethingsomething rawr.



    When you're an antag and you have to debrain x IPC, it's easy. EMP, debrain with 4 tools.

    What you don't know is that when they're debrained, they can transmit binary via :b to the borgs and AI.


    My suggestion is to add a feature to allow you to mute a posibrain from speaking locally and over :b

    Perhaps tapping it with a multitool, that'd be simple.


    Casue in its current state, it's impossible to actually steal an IPC's brain without them going over :b HALHAPL THEY'RE LING AND DEBRAINED ME!



    How about clown shoe galoshes that you can buy in the uplink? They look like clown shoes but you can't slip on them. I think traitor clowns should have this benefit at least available to them should they decide to banana peel everything in sight. I wouldn't know how many TC it should cost; I don't play traitor


    I like that idea alot, it'd couple well with the banana grenade. Perhaps no slip clown shoes, no slipping on peels, soap water and this'd be controversial but lube too?


    Don't want to derail but on the original topic, I don't think the Clown needs a 'buff' say to speak in balance terms, it's P funny seeing the Clown slip up on their own peels.



    Whenever I am observing this seems to go with everything.



    Especially nuke ops.

    But for seriousstoof.

    I am weird and I listen to this mix regularly.



    The guy who makes them does alot of '2 hour' mixes of genres ranging from well, celtic music to fantasy.. rock, you name it. Good stuff too. The timed example there is my fave song from the 2 hours.

    Fits well when I play Warband too.



    Ponies is back, Nations 2.WHATEVERUPDATE IT IS NOW! Meteors is in rotation, Tully is GA and wooping butts, Para is unlisted now, mentor apps are open again (HINTHINT.. ALL OF YOU APPLY :P), new mods including myself, they have a few extra bits and bobs. Swarmers are in, barber is actually FUCKING useful now.


    Also the last point is the biggest change ofc.


    Barber... IS USEFUL.

    And yeah, that's Para since August, alotta changes and few bits and bobs. Welcome back.




    • I've once had my arm removed by a banana peel projectile as an IPC.

    • Also as an IPC, I've slipped on such a large amount of space lube it tore off my foot and fucked up a ton of other stuff on me.

    As a drone, I accidentally mass drivered myself whilst working on fixing a breach in disposals.



    Heh, these aren't too bad!


    When I rolled my male character who has a robotic arm and a robotic heart, I got Wizard. Not thinking about it at all, got a set of abilities, along with the infamous.. DISABLE TECHNOLOGY...

    I am getting chased by two cyborgs I don't think and I say to myself 'Ooh, destroy tech, lets fuck these borgs up!'.


    Activate Disable Tech.

    Wizard round shortly ends with me tearing up.



    What it says on the tin really, not sure of all the coding gaff but there's been occasional discussions in OOC over the topic.



    Take a look at the TG wiki entry on them.


    Basically.. how to sum it up, Grey Raiders.

    IMO, I think it's pretty cool, it'd be nice to see some extra spice instead of lame Vox Raiders who never Raid!


    So yeah, what do you think? Yay or Nay? Thoughts?



    Stole the nuke disk, pretty casual, Blueshield is following me for quite a while...

    Walk into the bar and they sit next to me and then.. I stop and ask why he is and he points to the pinpointer and then I get tazed and cuffed.

    Never leave loose ends I learned!



    That'd be pretty fun, I dun understand how a Human would try and speak Trinary but perhaps with some/most of the languages or maybe even just the secondary languages like Tradeband, Gutter etc.


    Also... yesyesyesyes to the straight razor for BarberT.


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