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Posts posted by mkenner


    The idea of the mutiny rounds is for unlawful, abhorrent and repulsive commands to be issued. It's what the RP is based upon. All of the mutiny rounds are fairly unpleasant examples of endorsed bigotry, violation of rights and people being pushed too far. As such it requires them to be objectionable, and nothing should be more objectionable than commanding the deaths of crew-members who have done nothing wrong. To provide variety there is a sliding scale of possible mutiny events, with the one you experienced being perhaps the most extreme and others regarding forcible job removal being the least extreme.


    Deaths, whether by accident, misadventure or round-type are a part of SS13 gameplay. We do provide respawn options to allow the player to continue in some fashion, but fighting for your character's life is sometimes a part of the high stakes involved in the narrative. While this being done randomly or capriciously is completely prohibited in our server rules, when done in service to the narrative of the round it's completely acceptable.


    From the perspective of the mutineers, the loyalists are antagonists and vice versa.



    The omission of an IPC embassy wasn't an oversight, it was very deliberate in an attempt to match the lore. NT's treatment of synthetics is... well, not the best. They are practically slaves. Most humans still haven't realized that the IPC are sentient beings and treat them more like a piece of equipment. This isn't to say that this is fair or that they are correct, merely the current situation in game.


    The idea of changing this in game is awesome. It'll provide many rounds of great RP and I love having the lore progress as the game continues.


    For all you Star-trek fans out there, anyone else thinking "Measure of a man"?



    Hmm... very interesting idea. It's damn good medicine that's for sure, I'm just not sure about the political and economic situation. The question is whether NT would provide such facilities exclusively for the Vox.


    With the development of the ambassadorial roles it might make more sense now on the station. I'll talk about it with Neca when he's doing the next map update.



    Thankyou for lodging the complaint.


    I was not present for the incident in question, but I have been in similar situations enough to offer some insight. Despite shuttle grief being expressly forbidden within the rules, we none the less receive frequent grief during this time period. This makes an admin heavily pressed for time at these moments. Not only must we deal with this grief, but this is also the time when we are preparing for the next round. Completing a ban takes time, in order to process one properly we must type in the reason for the ban. This is actually to facilitate the player's ability to appeal more than anything else. To complete the ban before the round ends is difficult and must often be done in a fairly hasty fashion.


    Cian contacted you, and then banned you on the basis of your response. This is actually more than we can often manage during this peak time of demand upon our attention. I don't see anywhere in your complaint that you indicated to Cian at the time that your response was a partial response and to expect further follow-up.


    I can understand how this must have seemed brusque and short, but it's an ugly necessity at that period in the round. While I certainly encourage all our admins to take as much time to investigate as possible under the circumstances, I cannot call Cian's actions inappropriate.


    I understand it is immersion-breaking and non-rp friendly that you can't respond to provocation on the shuttle as you would other times without risking rapid admin interference. However, if it is to ever be possible to allow RP-appropriate actions on the shuttle, we must first end the current culture of end-of-round griefing. This requires us to be as harsh as we have been.


    I do encourage you, since your response was cut short, to complete your response via our ban appeal forum. This will allow us to reconsider your individual circumstances. However I do not believe it likely at this time that our overall responses to situations such as this will be changing while problems with end of round grief continue.


    My apologies for the necessity and how it has personally inconvenienced you.


    As Cian was enforcing server policy, any personal complaint against Cian is inapplicable. I will close this complaint. Further discussion of general server policy can be undertaken in the suggestions forum. However Cian's actions were not against the administration staff's guidelines for this situation.


    Complaint Closed.



    M Kenner.

    Senior Admin.



    This thread is dragging on and becoming personal. I'm going to bring it back on track.


    Complaint: IcyV does not enforce the rules consistently...


    As has already been established above. IcyV was not the admin in question.


    All players should be entitled to the same protection under the rules of the server.


    As Neca mentioned above, this is not our policy, thus it can't be considered as part of an admin-complaint.


    Complaint Closed


    The actual substance of the complaint was not applicable, therefore this complaint is closed.


    Please address any changes to our banning policy (which is staff wide) to the suggestions forum.



    M Kenner.

    Senior Admin.



    I see the rules against it, and hear people reference it all the time like it is a plague that never dies. Do people really ERP on here? It seems to be the worst place ever to go to get your rocks off.


    SS13 is an escapist pursuit. Some people log on to feel like a stalwart captain in command, others log on to feel like a gruff doctor saving lives... some people go on to feel pretty in a nurse's outfit. It's a fantasy much like any other.


    The wonderful thing about SS13 is that you get out of it what you put in. Like any roleplaying experience, most of it exists within your imagination and the graphics, interface and programming is simply to keep us all on the same page with what we're imagining.


    We also tend to have a surprisingly young demographic in a reasonably anonymous environment. This creates a safe place for people to experiment with their nascent sexuality and begin trying on adult roles that they're unable to explore within the real world and yet are somehow expected to know and understand.


    Honestly... my surprise isn't that we get ERP but that we actually get so little of it.



    Basically no, it's not allowed.


    The story of a round is determined by the round-type and by Game Master level admins. This isn't to say that squabbles, interpersonal drama and RP can't be done between players, but anything which involves the station as a whole requires approval (a proper murder mystery requires a detective to investigate, security to detain, command staff to hold tribunal and doctor to perform autopsy at a minimum).


    I've been wondering this since a lot of rounds are pretty slow so something like that can surely spice things up.


    Perceiving a round as being fast or slow is difficult from the perspective of anyone involved in the round itself, except on a personal level. You may think things are quiet when you haven't realized that nuke ops have made it half-way to the vault without being spotted or that a MALF AI is one APC away from blowing everyone up. It may also be one of the rare rounds where we're offering some significant relevance and screen time to the roboticist and miner through a special event.


    Also the admin may have noticed it being quiet at the same time as you, so while you're preparing for your murder mystery we're spawning an alien artifact to be founds and whoops... you just murdered your friend the xenoarcheologist. (although admittedly a station finding strange alien artifacts just as the xenoarcheologist is killed could make an interesting story, but I trust you get the point).


    Now that said, if you have a great idea for sometime to spice up a round, definitely contact us. It might be exactly what the round needs. I can't promise we'll say yes, in fact often the response will have to be no. We can't necessarily explain why we're saying no either, since that would involve spoilers. None of this means that we're not interested or that you shouldn't offer. We really do appreciate people helping out the round, but it's important that you're not just stepping on everyone's toes.



    M Kenner.

    Senior Admin.



    Congratulations, you've now got the attention of another host. This was perhaps unwise.


    Your racist language and behaviour was completely unacceptable.


    Your expectation that admins resolve the attack against you, flies in the face of your decision to take violent action into your own hands.


    Regens is fully within their authority as a game master to resolve such matters and did not exceed the bounds of the trust placed in them.


    PMs work two ways, before criticising the admin for not contacting you perhaps you should wonder why you didn't contact the admins via adminhelp when the situation started to escalate.


    I don't need Regens to prove anything. Their word is good enough for me.


    Turning you into a crab gives you a chance to continue to speak calmly and rationally to the admin. Banning does not. They were merciful, moreso than you deserved. It's not their fault you didn't take advantage of this opportunity to communicate.


    As demanded you have our attention and we'll keep an eye on you. You'd better improve your behaviour.



    M Kenner.



    Is any head admin like Neca or Ponies gonna reply or something?


    About six months later it seems.


    It's a great idea, but...


    Twenty minutes in, the captain goes SSD. Security is more obsessed with arresting the guy who assaulted pun-pun in the bar. The roboticists are sitting around doing nothing because no-one's mining metals. The only competent staff went running off through the gateway, have died and no one is cloning them so all the departments are in chaos. The players we picked to come over as DS are still hanging around on centcomm station, trying to decide what equipment to pick up except their commander has already taken the shuttle and sent themselves alone to the station.



    yes but for a petty crime an implant is a bit harsh and really hard to remove


    If it's just a petty crime, then there's probably no need for added restraints unless the prisoner has a history of escape attempts or is considered a risk to the station.



    There are a lot of appeals that get processed through this forum. While a majority of them have been accepted this is often after a lot of posts back and forth. This results in players being unable to play the game for a longer time while they're waiting for their appeal to be processed and in the admin team spending a lot of time working with people to bring an appeal to the successful stage. This post is intended to help cut that time for everyone by telling you upfront what you'll need to include.


    1) Use the template. As a policy, any appeal that doesn't follow the template will not be processed until you use the format from the template. This template covers all of the information we need to know to process your appeal and it keeps everything in a consistent format which is easy for the admins to read and respond to.


    2) Read the rules. These will show the code of behaviour that you're expected to follow while on the server. Your appeal is a commitment to follow these rules in the future, something which you can't do without reading them. If your ban was legitimately based on breaking any of these rules, then you'll be expected to identify what rules were broken so that you can demonstrate that they won't be broken again.


    3) Decide what sort of appeal you're writing. They'll generally fall into the following categories.


    Identifying a factual mistake of the admins:

    If you didn't break the rules, then let us know. While we investigate every ban, mistakes do happen. Sometimes we get the wrong person's ckey if multiple people were involved in an issue. Sometimes a situation that looks like one thing was actually something else. In these cases it's best to get straight to the point. Identify what the ban was for and what we thought was going on, then explain the actual situation. If we were wrong then your ban will be lifted.


    Apology and commitment to improve:

    If you've actually broken the rules then the ban was legitimate. Regaining the privilege to play on the server may require some work on your behalf but if you can demonstrate that you're going to be a valuable member of the community and able to follow the rules in the future, we will work with you to find a way to bring you back. The best way to show that you're genuine is to understand and identify what you did wrong, if you don't know then how can you change it. If you genuinely don't know, even after looking through the rules, then feel free to ask and we can explain. It also helps for us to know why you did the action you were banned for. This isn't a matter of making excuses, it's helping us to understand the situation you were in and perhaps provide better strategies for handling that situation. Finally if you are going to change your behaviour, then say it so that we can see the commitment that you've made. If you're not genuinely willing to commit to this, then don't bother with this form of appeal. You might pull the wool over our eyes and convince us, but what's the point if you'll get banned for the same thing in a week's time. Work with us and we'll work with you.


    4) Avoid using arguments that aren't accepted for appeals. There are some arguments which aren't accepted as valid reasons, while it's impossible to be fully comprehensive here are the ones we see most often.


    I don't like your rules

    Your appeal isn't a place to question the current rules of the game. That would be the suggestion forum. We will only be granting appeals to people who will commit to following the current rules of the game. If the environment you want isn't what we provide then unbanning is a waste of everyone's time.


    My brother did it

    You are responsible for everyone who uses your Byond account. By giving someone your password, you're enabling them to perform whatever actions they want in your name. Now this does sometimes happen and we're not asking you to lie if this is what genuinely happened, but it's not a defense. Instead you'll need to follow the policy above and understand what went wrong (allowing other people to use your account) and letting us know how you intend to prevent it happening in the future.


    Abusing the admins

    It should go without saying that abusing the admins isn't a good way to get us to invite you back to our server. However sometimes in the heat of the moment things slip out, so I'll remind you here to avoid this method. While we'll try to look past this, it does send a signal that you're not looking to co-operate.


    It should be a temporary ban

    If you're going to do the right thing, why would we wait to bring you back instead of doing it straight away? If you're not going to do the right thing, why would we ever bring you back? We only use temporary bans when that seems like the best way to change someone's behaviour. If you think that some time away will be a strategy you can use to commit to following the rules, then that's fine. You're welcome to suggest a temporary ban as the best way to bring you back, but this isn't detention or a prison sentence, it's not about providing justice or "paying for your crime".


    It was good roleplaying

    You choose the character you play and all the consequences that follow. Your character isn't a real person and we can't hold them accountable for your actions, it has to be done the other way around.


    Someone else did something wrong first

    If you've broken the rules, then it doesn't matter what anyone else has done. This is your appeal and unless we've clicked on the wrong person's ban button, we're not going to ban other people based on what gets decided in your appeal. Letting us know what someone else did, at the time with an adminhelp is the best way to see that appropriate action is taken against them. Once you've taken vengeance into your own hands, the issue gets so muddied that it's hard to take any action against them.


    5) Listen to what the admins reply. If we're asking you questions or trying to teach you something, then it's pretty clear that we intend on keeping you around. We rarely waste this sort of effort on someone we're kicking out forever. Usually we're telling you exactly how to get your appeal accepted.



    M Kenner.

    Senior Admin.


    • Like 3
    • clown 2
    • honk 1
    • explodyparrot 4

    As HoP your job is to keep the station organized, correctly staffed and running smoothly. You're also responsible for any disciplinary actions short of a security sentence, handling staff complaints and being prepared to take over the station at a moment's notice. It's not an easy job, but it's the second highest authority on the station so you wouldn't expect it to be.


    If your bureaucracy helps you with this by keeping accurate records and ensuring jobs are assigned to the right people, then that's fantastic. If your personal love for paperwork and official documentation gets in the way of running the station though, then you'd best hope you enjoy the very official paperwork that centcomm will fax through removing you from the job.



    Thankyou Marleur for doing so much with the Wiki, it's really appreciated. So often the admins have other tasks we've needed to work on and the wiki has taken a sadly low priority. It's been the work of our community that's really made it possible and helped to elevate the wiki into a useful resource.



    Here's the finished product. Please let me know if it's in keeping with the spirit of the server, and feel free to make amendments/edits if it's not up to snuff. I'm tentatively adding it to the 'Guides' section of the Lawyer page.


    Wow that's really good. It addressed all of my concerns about trials and how rarely they can be made to work within the first paragraph or so, then went on providing useful and intelligent ways of making it work for the rest of the document. My only potential concern is with the "tell him to bite your ass" comment, although admittedly the wiki has inherited a certain casual, irreverent style from its progenitors in the baystation wiki that I don't really mind.


    Thankyou for writing that, it seems like a very helpful addition to the wiki.



    M Kenner.

    Senior Admin.



    Sounds like good fun. I'd like to see more things people can do in game during extended/quiet rounds with self-motivated roleplaying.


    Plus I grew up watching star trek, so the officer's poker game is perpetually part of my vision of Sci-fi.



    Technically this is actually the job of cargo, although it's rarely actually done. Many people don't seem to know about the corridor just above cargo that runs to the garbage room where the materials thrown out are recycled into new and reusable forms.


    WMT would be a good alternate title for cargo though, to emphasize someone whose job it is specifically to handle this (much like surgeon as an alternate title for doctor).



    I find it a little hard to understand the general level of doom and gloom statements I've seen on this thread. These are the same rules we've enforced since the first day of Paradise station. Back when we founded this server, Kodos, Neca, Fox, Diabl0 and Myself all came from being admins on Abby Riley's best RP server where we followed the same standard, albeit with a less formal code of conduct.


    Throughout this time the servers we've run have been consistently at the top of the list. I find it hard to believe that the playerbase who have consistently come back to Paradise as their primary server, even continuing to log in directly when the server is removed from public listing, are doing so despite a constant fear and paranoia about being banned.


    Of those people who have used derogatory language on our server, they have received a simple PM from the admin saying the following:

    "racist (or homophobic or whatever) language is not permitted on this server". The vast majority then acknowledge the message and carry on about their business, with the issue never coming up again.


    We only ban those who ignore this contact or actively reject our server rules. Once a ban occurs sometimes people decide this server isn't for them and never come back, which is their free choice to do. Others post an unban appeal on our forum, where somewhere between 2/3rds and 3/4ths of the appeals are approved and that person is reinstated.


    I've had Russian players who barely speak English as a second language, who have avoided all use of derogatory terms after a single message. I haven't seen this form of self-censorship inhibit people's ability to communicate on this server or significantly slow their responses.


    We do understand that some people's speech patterns tend strongly to the vernacular. One of our players explained to us that they were used to using derogatory language within their home due to their family background, in this person's case we asked them to do their best with self-censorship and they managed it with only needing the occasional reminder every few weeks. They were never banned, just reminded when they slipped up and it wasn't long before we stopped needing to do this.


    Since this thread brought it to my attention, I have more carefully watched for ableist language on the server. This too has been responded to well by our population here, who have for the most part avoided using this sort of language after it was brought to their attention. We've had one ban for ableist language which you'll see in our appeals thread has been successfully appealed and that person has come back with a less offensive ckey.


    I certainly hope that no one is playing this game in a constant state of fear and apprehension, because that really doesn't sound like much fun. However I have confidence in the people who play here that they can moderate themselves and deal with others politely. Confidence that is constantly rewarded by people demonstrating exactly this sort of self-control. For anyone who is playing this game afraid of being banned, take a look through the track history I have covered above and see for yourself.



    M Kenner.



    The alien hungry blob thing would be a lot of custom coding and I foresee a lot of grief occurring with it unfortunately. With it doing so many different things based on code alone, it would be difficult to implement without bugs.


    Pokemon... Uhh... seriously...?


    I like the serial killer idea. I might try it as a gamemaster run special-event at some point to test how it works before we implement it as a standard round-type.


    The slavers idea seems really good. Though I had the joking idea with SSD people that if you emag the cryo-chambers in the dorms then anyone SSD who gets deleted from the game gets sold into syndicate slavery.



    Unfortunately I think our decision to allow players to persistently upload books to the library that remain between rounds was giving people too much credit for self-control.


    I suspect most people reading WGW are getting in from online sources, rather than the ingame sources anyway so sanitizing the in game books probably wouldn't do much good, although it would be good for a laugh.


  19. I love the game paper's please, but I think the creators made many decisions about its gameplay under the assumption that the player plays the checkpoint inspector and not the people waiting in the line outside. Unfortunately for our uses the sheer majority of our players are the ones waiting in line, so we have to calibrate our gameplay accordingly.


    I'd Love to realise a little dream I've been building, the Assembly line bar. I can build it every round I play, or I could ask you guys to add it to the map. I can understand it beating the purpose or redecorating the Assembly line, but hey! just putting it out here.


    Firstly, let me just say that I love what you've done with the bar and I've been really impressed every time I've seen you build it.


    However there's really no need for 2 bars on the station. Particularly since we already have a restaurant and a dance-hall. There are more civilian/roleplaying spots on the station then there are chances for people to use them. The more we add, the more chance anyone looking to go to a roleplaying spot will pick a spot where no one is.


    The rounds where you built it, the bar had purpose, it had story and it had the drawing appeal of seeing what you'd created. If we purely added it in via the map files, then it would become a trivial location fairly quickly I think. How often have you seen people make use of Mr Chang's? I don't want to doom your assembly line bar to the same fate.


    Aside from that, Is it possible to make Xenoarcheology usefull? The items found don't have much value and don't give a lot of gratification since they don't 'interact' much with other professions. Maybe if the artifacts would give research bonusses or something, it'd be a more popular job.


    The problem is that xenoarcheology is currently boring, so no one learns how to do it (including me) and therefore no one comes up with ways to change or improve it. I don't even gamemaster any events with xenoarcheology (which is a pity because it's well suited to directly GMed events) because to be honest, I'm worried about showing my ignorance of the basic procedures of xeno-arch.


    Customs: Custom's is a high karma cost job, but takes a lot of time from people. Maybe it would be more usefull if the Customs officer has to give the new arrivals their ID, in exchange for papers. It's make a lot more sense since then he actually has more to do then just shout at the door and force people to sign documents.


    This makes a lot of sense but it's hard to find a way to implement this, where it would still work just as well if no one played the custom's officer.


    Just my two cents. I can understand if you guys don't agree with things, Just curious for your reaction.



    Love your ideas and the way you're thinking. Just not sure how to implement them.



    M Kenner

    Senior Admin.



    "I don't think it's worth enforcing laws regarding terms that aren't offensive to anyone without a study of historical linguistics." -the original

    "I don't think it's worth enforcing laws regarding terms that aren't offensive to anyone without an alternative sexual preference."

    "I don't think it's worth enforcing laws regarding terms that aren't offensive to anyone without a different country of origin."

    "I don't think it's worth enforcing laws regarding terms that aren't offensive to anyone without a skin tone different than the offender."

    "I don't think it's worth enforcing laws regarding terms that aren't offensive to anyone without a crippling mental disability."


    My phrasing was poorly chosen, if something was genuinely offensive to anyone with a study of historical linguistics then that would be worth enforcing. (Hard to imagine what that would be but perhaps an OOC chat comment of "anyone who spends their time studying historical linguistic patterns is a complete moron" would qualify). What I was attempting to communicate is that terms that were historically offensive and now unknown are matters of academic interest and not genuinely offensive. The lens of academia tends to rob things of their sting. If you read it in context the very next sentence was that if someone managed to make it offensive that it would be actionable.


    For example the phrase "Good Samaritan" in its original meaning two thousand years ago would be offensive to modern sensibilities being a racist backhanded compliment. However a millenia or so of idiomatic expression has robbed it of that meaning and is now perceived purely as someone helping a person in need. However anyone insulting the modern Samerim population living in Israel (not that I consider that likely) would attract action.


    1. Metagaming. I strongly believe that, so long as the action is not itself driven by metagaming, IC actions should not be bannable for being offensive with very few exceptions. If I wish to play a racist/sexist/homophobic character, it should be perfectly acceptable so long as that attitude never carries over to OOC.


    Your desire to play a character so strongly prejudiced that it's discovered within a two hour time period, conflicts with the in universe assumption that you have remained employed in an equal-opportunity employer like Nanotrasen for the years of training required to be dispatched to an important plasma research facility without being fired. This prioritizing of your out of game preference for character type over in-universe reality is a form of metagaming and bad roleplaying. It is analogous to playing as a 5th century mongol raider, something which by all in-universe logic should not be found on the NSS Cyberiad.


    While our method of dealing with this is metagame, this is based on the "theory of the second best". This principle, described by the economists Richard Lipsey and Kelvin Lancaster, explains how in a situation where there is an enduring sub-optimal conditional the most effective solution often also violates the same ideal criteria. Like many economic models, this can be generalized to other fields through game-theory (at least in my opinion).


    Handling this through IC methods, will purely result in the player creating a different character the next shift to do the same thing. This would not resolve the situation and is not a practical workable solution. Handling it through OOC methods, does however result in creating a more realistic corporate environment IC.


    2. Fairness and Victim Bias. These issues need to be addressed and eliminated. I play an AI who consistently offends EVERYONE deliberately. He is sexist, ableist, and any other sort of offensive prejudice I can get away with that won't result in a ban. This character receives complaints for calling players assholes, retards, fuckwits, and the like, but I have never received a ban, nor more than a warning (which was quickly disregarded).


    I can't speak for other admins here, since I've never been online while you've played this AI character you're describing. However I would recommend that you not play this character in future as based on your description above it violates our server rules. Alternatively find a way to play this character concept without drawing upon prejudicial or insulting language. I draw your attention to the following rule.


    1. Maintain a friendly and welcoming environment:


    Hate speech, bigoted language, discrimination or harassment will not be tolerated at all and may at admins discretion be considered grounds for immediate banning.

    OOC Profanity should be kept to a minimum and must be stopped if directed to do so by a member of staff, or if it appears that it is upsetting other players.

    Some people are going to be new to the game. If you teach them and make them feel welcome, then you’ll still have other people to game with down the line.

    Terms like faggot, nigger, and the variations on them, are neither acceptable IC or OOC.

    This does not apply to discrimination against non-existent species. Discrimination against non-existent species (or humans as a whole) is an IC matter.


    THIS IS NOT FAIR. If it were a matter of people getting bans for ANY offensive language that was complained about as you suggest, I'd be loitering in the ban appeals right now. So I am inclined to believe this policy based on whims alone, and not any sort of integrity.


    I'm sorry that the rules were unevenly enforced in the cases that you describe. We'll attempt to keep a closer eye on this in future.


    The simplest solution is to simply not make judgement calls as administrative staff, and only respond to those offensive statements that are reported by players.


    Our administration staff are players of the game. If you're offending our staff then that's a statement reported by a player.


    as some players very well might not feel comfortable reporting their issues


    This appears to contradict your earlier argument. Players being uncomfortable reporting their issues is a reason the administration staff need to act without player reports.


    This also would alleviate the growing trend of players being banned for saying something in jest that the administration found offensive and took upon themselves to punish/respond to.


    Precisely because administration staff are not omniscient (as you pointed out earlier), we are often forced to ban all usage of this language regardless of intent to prevent this being an unjust case of selective enforcement based on admin perception.


    IC insults shouldn't merit OOC punishment.


    I disagree with this argument for the reasons I've gone into above.


    Either all groups should be protected (regardless of importance) or only the groups who complain should be protected, to establish a degree of fairness not currently present.


    It's a sad truth of the world that any attempt to provide law requires a balance between Justice and Praxis (the legal concept of what can practically be done).


    While all use of prejudicial language is banned by our rules (as I've quoted above), our administration staff perceive the game in a way no player realizes. When Aghosting, the text-box on a server of 50-60 players displays all conversation and emotes. This is something you can see when observing and it's already a chaotic mess. Combine in the attack logs, administration messages, discussion about the round on Msay and Asay (admin/mod OOC chat), viewing all of deadchat and adminhelps it becomes even worse. The entire chat window fills up and scrolls within 1-2 seconds. For approximately half of our administration staff english is a second language.


    Expecting us to be able to speed-read every line of conversation and to perceive every possible use of prejudicial language is unrealistic. Particularly while we're busy responding to adminhelps, watching action occurring in the game-window or potentially leaving the screen minimized while working on mapping/code updates and waiting for adminhelp burps.


    As such we can only act on things we notice ourself (which are usually issues we're biased towards because the emotional reaction draws the attention of our conscious mind more quickly) or things which are reported to us.



    M Kenner


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