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Posts posted by davidchan


    Plasma spills in the toxins research room have been an ancient tradition since ever, and the bane of any engineer/atmostech wishing for a green alerts console.


    The entire toxins lab should be moved to the toxins test chamber, more explosions happen in the lab than in the chamber anyways.


    Toxins and Research Test lab both need to be moved to the test chamber away from the station, or better yet down to the Asteroid/Outpost. I gave up working in Xenobiology the third shift in a row where some idiot blew up the test chamber, destroying my Slime processor, fridge and Xenobio Airlock in one fell swoop, usually cutting power to my area since the APC and/or wires that feed it were caught in the explosion.



    Bags of Holding are a direct reference (and in fact item) from Dungeons and Dragons that have been around since the AD&D days, if not earlier. Creating an extradimensional space, items are stored on another plane of existence. In D&D, putting one extra dimensional space in another causes physics to break, the equivalent of dividing by 0. In most cases (there are exceptions, which have even more fun consequences) doing this causes a rip in the fabric of reality, opening a Portal to the Astral Plane or some other Demi-Pocket plane full of nothing, and sucks in everything within 10 or so feet inside unless you make a pretty high reflex save or strength check to get out of the way or hold onto something.So, we got 2 references off one item (set)


    I've never seen a griefer pull out the dual bags of holding personally. I know it happens, but it's a LOT more difficult than you make it seem.


    Plasma greifing can be done at start of round from 2 locations. Atmos or Toxins both have enough plasma to flood the station, Atmos can do it better, but opening up all the Plasma canisters and starting a fire is just as deadly. Probably more so, as it quickly dumps a ton of toxin into the air, much faster than the Atmos system can do without tinkering.


    Bags of holding are 'late' game items. They require Diamonds, which requires Miners to do their job. And they require high level bluespace and materials research, requiring Science to do their job. In almost every round I've played Scientist, Maybe 5 or 6 of at least 50 in the last 6 or so weeks, has mining delivered materials, let alone Diamonds, which are unbelievably that there is no guarantee three productive miners will scrounge up more than 2 or 3 veins in an entire shift. Removing the rip in space is just a bad idea to me, making a pop up 'You are about to put a bluespace object in another bluespace object. This is a bad idea. Do you want to proceed?'


  3. Is there ever a chance our drones will get vent crawling back? Disposal mailing is fun and all but our Disposal network is less than ideal. Plus, the new vent crawling system is perfect for drones. As long as the gripper doesn't bug out, Drones can do most repairs, though a mini-autolathe function for printing out Airlock and Power controls would be nice, maybe some pipe dispensing too. Adding unique drone charges around the tunnels would be another idea, only drones can charge from them (keeping drones out of the cyborg chargers) and they'd work a bit faster to allow the drones to keep at what they are doing.

  4. Giving priority for senior accounts is a bad idea. A person may have logged on 2+ years ago and played a week before coming back to SS13 to give it another go, and bam, now they are the leader of a nuke ops team with literally no idea how to do it. Having Op Leader be an opt in would be better. [Do you want to be team leader? Yes or No.] With some quick warning about how newcop leader has more expected of them. If the game wants to RNG it and assign each op a number and then slide down the list till someone says yes, that's fine too. Once a leader is assigned, the rest are given control of their op and play as normal. Vox could use a similar system for picking a Quill.




    Jokes and sarcasm aside, I hate AIs that do this. Intercoms are for public radio in the event of power failure and/or comms failure. In conjunction with station bounced radios they work well to keep the crew informed of anything they should need to know, such as a plasma fire, nuke ops team rampaging through their department or even Xenos on the loose. I've seen several people die because comms were down and because the AI tinkered with intercoms and the public radio warnings and alerts did not reach the people it would have helped.


    In most cases, I'd consider it a law violation for the AI to mess with these, as most lawsets require the AI to aide and safegaurd the crew. You aren't NSAbot2.81, stop trying to spy on crew and validhunt antags.



    2. Medbay that denies anybody else from actually fixing people, sometimes using force.

    - Say your friend is hurt and you make it into medbay through the main doors. You're about to put them into a sleeper, when a doctor stops you and demands you leave. His excuse? "You aren't a doctor." essentially like saying, MDs are the only people who know how to fix any bodily harm, or operate a sleeper, or place somebody into cryo. I've had doctors literally beat me to crit, and, believe it or not, gouge my eyes out with a screwdriver.



    I'm partially guilty of this, at least the screaming at people for waltzing into medical bay and helping them selves to supplies or randomly throwing people into machines without figuring out injuries yet. Pumping someone full of Salbutamol isn't going to fix that ruptured lung, after all. This kind of goes hand in hand with people making arrests and dragging suspects to the brig as non-security or non-engineers getting a hardsuit and going to wire the solars or patch a breach. It's more of an RP issue but some people really don't like others stepping on their toes. Sleepers, Cloners and even the Cryo tubes are supposed to take considerable knowledge to understand how they work, in addition to medicines and how they react with the body. Science personnel get a by here from me, since they can build and create their own.


    I've roughed a few people up and even refused treatment for uncooperative patients. If you (or your buddy) has non-life threatening injuries (a broken arm or leg, moderate burns, ruptured lung, ect...) I'm not going to be happy you broke in when the doctors. I can't say I ever put someone in crit, but I have grab-tossed a few idiots out and even flushed a particularly annoying clown who starting attacking himself when I refused to treat his broken hand because I had 2 people in crit and 2 bodies awaiting cloning. His distraction caused one person to die as it was, and he was constantly screwing with me while I was trying to stabilize a patient.


    In short, if you aren't medical nor a scientist with an RPED in your hand, I'm not going to be happy that you broke into medical. Half the doctor's don't even know how to treat patients, and some greysuit pumping 50u of Ephedrine into his friend and giving him liver damage just makes my job harder. And if I see you looting you're going to be next in my OR to repair the brain damage I give you.


    IPCs have a bit more trouble when a doctor tries to "gently escort you out". Then you may get the "Go to robotics" line. Although that's getting more rare these days.


    Frankly, there isn't much else a Doctor can do. Welding helmets and goggles aren't readily available, so as an IPC you're more 'equipment' then you are crew to me. Engineering and Science both have a surplus of the tools and equipment to repair and restore you. So why the f*** are you wasting my time with damage I can't hope to repair. The only exception here is if you get bugged and have Toxin/Suffocation damage (thank you new limb system...) to which I'll treat what I can. But don't walk up to me with a missing arm and expect me to be able to do anything. We both know Robotics is the only place on the station that can make you a new arm, and they are just as qualified to install it.


  7. Honestly I feel black should be reserved for the 'Senior' positions. Warden and HoS have their black because they are incharge of the brig and security as a whole, respectively, and have more authority. Plus it goes better with the hat. Pod Pilot doesn't get a special cap (which unless it was a flight helmet, wouldn't make much sense either way.) So staying with the greens, yellows or blues to distinguish Pilots from Sec Officers would be a good thing.


    I feel the space pod pilot fills the role of helping people in breaches, sec already has two hardsuits in the armoury anyway.


    This is pretty relevant. Sec Pod pilot is the primary response for breaches or spaced personnel. Sec could use more hardsuits, how ever. Since, HoS and Warden are almost ALWAYS the two that take the suits, leaving the officers who might actually need them stuck with what ever soft suits they can dig out of EVA. Not how it's supposed to be, but it's what usually happens. 6 Sec Officer slots (that I'm aware of) and only 3 sets of Riot armor and 2 Hardsuits... I feel our Security staff is woefully underfunded and under equipped.


    I'm aware that Cargo can order more armor sets and weapons. But really, how often does anyone in Supply do their job? Miners never mine, cargo spends all their points on hat crates or other mischief.



    If there is a method akin to a carrot and a stick to get mining to do their job and gather the minerals needed to max out science (max max, not bonus max), upgrade every machine on the station and hand out Night Vision, Bags/Belts/Satchels of holding and every other good thing, I don't know it. Mining is not a difficult job and it has practically no dangers compared to other code bases. Boring, I give you, but using the large drills and the way the RNG works, you should at least be able to make 100 sheets of metal and glass, and get 10 sheets of silver, gold and uranium. Getting a Diamonds is a bit more work, but doable. And yet, I see so many shifts where a crew transfer is called and mining/cargo does nothing to support science despite multiple requests being made. I have no problem giving miners Night Vision Mesons, Bags and Satchels of holding, Diamond drills and hyper power cells for their mechs. IF they give me the materials to make the shit.


    As for damaged borgs. Sparks seems preferable to me. Small amounts of smoke wouldn't be bad, but the borg shouldn't resemble a tire fire. I'm still more inclined to making the sprite reflect the damage like how humans are (I.E. red marks and open wounds on players in areas they are damaged.). If Armor is damaged, scratches and scuffs or burns on the chest and sides. If camera is out, sparking from the head/face area. Radios and Comms never seem to get damaged except by EMPs, and I've only had an actuator blown once by an e-sword. Making this damage more obvious to the crew would go a long way, and having a unique sprite for a destroyed/unsalvageable borg would have a similar effect to finding a destroyed Mech, players dragging it robotics for repairs or scrapping. I'm not suggesting each unique model and style/appearance to have it's own icon, but the just the basic/default borg sprite to be redone a bit to show the borg is inoperable and falling apart, literally.



    Could we get a destroyed sprite like Exosuits have? Once they reach the 'unsalvageable' state they could revert to a default cyborg, the head nearly fallen off and the other parts obviously damaged or gone.


    Ejecting the MMI would be useful, though under the current build you can remove the MMI from a broken/destroyed borg and it will become an endoskeleton with the arms/legs attached, you just need to rewire the torso and build a new head and input the flashes and wala, you have a new borg ready for an MMI/Positron. I suppose the 'eject' button would have to destroy the endoskeleton and leave it as a random pile of parts/debris.


    As someone who plays science/robotics a fair bit, I'd prefer to see there be an option to recycle/repair otherwise destroyed parts since mining NEVER does their job.



    As a Rev, you should only kill crew as a last resort. Loyalty implanted (Captain, Head of Personnel, NT Rep, Security) crew can more or less be killed at your personal discretion, though keep in mind doing so will instantly out you as a Revolutionary and likely have you executed on sight instead of arrested and deconverted.


    When ever possible, you should work with your Rev Head to convert Non-Head/Non-Loyalty implanted crew to your side. Being stealthy is the way to go, and Rev rounds really suck because only the 3 initial revs can convert, so even if you are in a better position to flash and convert people, your attempts will do nothing but piss them off. Your Head Rev shouldn't have strayed too far from Cargo in the first place, and it's always better to use non-head revolutionaries to run errands for head revs, given that you were a cargo tech it would be a good cover to deliver packages, supplies or other requests to the other heads, cargo revs in particular can be very dangerous thanks to their disposal mailing system, it's a backdoor into any Head's office and any department, and if you plan ahead a quick escape to somewhere else.


  12. After this most recent round I played, I'm only reinforced in my opinion that Shitcurity is a problem perpetuated by Sec, not a response to greytide. HoS stealing medkits from medbay without even asking, demoting officers after they broke up a barfight that HoS started, preventing said officer from being revived after they died (accident, the officer was lit on fire and didn't put it out), and then going around enforcing OLD space law (misuse of coms, slander, insulting a head, ect...) anytime someone would call him out on his bullshit, Captain did nothing to curb it and ordered the silence of those who would complain, and most of sec was going about beating the shit out of anyone who looked at them wrong or assaulting civilians on HoS's orders after a small riot nearly formed demanding he step down.


    Security pod pilot gets a hardsuit as they may need to go into space for whatever reason (for example: arresting a space-born vox, manipulating dead people to somewhere the pod can get, and escaping from the pod if it is too highly damaged to move).


    Aside from arresting the stray vox, none of this requires a hardsuit. If anything, wearing a hardsuit would uncomfortable to downright restricting of their piloting skills. When's the last time you saw a helicopter pilot wearing kevlar or a flak jacket?


    Well, if the body is in a narrow tunnel, or inside the derelict, you kind of have to go outside to retrieve it. If your pod's too damaged you'll have to go into space to escape. Both of these would need some form of protection of space... Maybe a softsuit would suit the sec pod pilot.


    My point was that they don't need a hardsuit to do this. A softsuit would make much more sense, their 'flightsuit' if thats what we want to call it could come with a helmet to protect them from vacuum. A lot of Sec Pilots do their once over on the station and then just march around the station in their hardsuit regardless of what code the station is in. Given a softsuit, they could accomplish their job without being tempted to be a supercop.



    Security pod pilot gets a hardsuit as they may need to go into space for whatever reason (for example: arresting a space-born vox, manipulating dead people to somewhere the pod can get, and escaping from the pod if it is too highly damaged to move).


    Aside from arresting the stray vox, none of this requires a hardsuit. If anything, wearing a hardsuit would uncomfortable to downright restricting of their piloting skills. When's the last time you saw a helicopter pilot wearing kevlar or a flak jacket?


    They can, however, change the pod equipment from inside their cockpit, though.


    I've noticed this too, seems like more of a bug/oversight than a feature, since you can't flush yourself in a disposal chute but you can change out your weapon system or power cell mid flight.


    While useful, the pilot's job isn't really "Space Enforcer" as much as a sort of recon and maybe rapid response. Given that there's a passenger seat for the pod, it can move an actual officer into a place.


    This is entirely what the security pod pilot is for, along with taking out space carp and maaaaaybe going on a space hunt for some fugitive.


    I agree with Nakhi and disagree with you. Pod Pilot is more of an advanced scout or pest control. He can spot threats early but the pod is ill suited for dealing with large number of threats, like Nuke Ops or Raiders. A fugitive, maybe, though realistically you are trying to herd a fugitive back onto the station where the rest of sec force is waiting on the other side of the airlock. Lasers can penetrate the windows of the station, but much of the outer windows have been removed or there is lots of corners or solid objects that block your shot preventing external take downs.



    You get a cool space pod... and spend 90% of a shift lost in space because nobody thought to build a GPS into your pod.


    Getting a GPS is mandatory for me, Hand held crew monitor when MediScience is being smart and not wanting bodies to float around in space forever.



    As a sec pod pilot, you shouldn't be getting lost in space - you are, after all, an officer, and if there's nothing in space you need to do, you should be assisting sec with other, more mundane, stuff.


    Borders of Z levels aren't clearly defined and you'd never know you passed a Z level unless you knew what to look for. Patrolling the station requires you to move around a bit. And the AI Sat is on the very border of the Z level, get more than 3-4 tiles south of it, you are in another z level. And good luck returning to the station quickly with the RNG. Several of the landing sites you are expected to check out from time to time are similarly close to the edge of the map and as such without a GPS you may or may not get what you are looking for. God help you if the AI reports someone on the Telecoms sat and the HoS/Captain orders the pod pilot to check it out and you don't have a GPS.


    The only other request would be for there to be TWO pod pilot slots. This may or may not require a 2nd pod bay and pod, but having a wingman would just feel better. Having top gun in spess and all that. Or just someone to tag along with along with you.



    Want a wingman? Get another officer to accompany you. However, I've never seen this being done.


    It's unrealistic and infeasible to snag a sec officer to fly around with, and if you find a body someone has to walk home. Having a 2nd pilot slot wouldn't change things up that much, pods are fragile as is and 2 pod pilots are just as likely to hit each other than they are their targets. Closest thing you get to a wingman is the Mechanic, and he's always focused more on expanding his pod bay over actually making pods and exploring the area.



    Yeah, I really don't want to see traitor gear being more common. Legitimate uses of a lot of traitor gear exists, and some traitor items are basically reskins of other items, but I've played on servers where it's possible for RnD to make Chameleon suits, for example, and it ALWAYS ends in the arrest/execution of said person by meta-happy sec.


    Sec would just start confiscating more stuff, declaring it contraband and brig otherwise innocent players for obscenely long times, and pretty damn good chance that the Warden or HoS gets a new toy to play with. Most of our sec players are hypocrites looking for any chance they can to assault and arrest crew, having illegal items more readily available is just another excuse for them to do it.



    I'm on the fence, though I feel the difference between Beepksy and a Police Dog would would be that Beepksy only stuns, cuffs and leaves the subject. A police dog could bite and drag.


    Giving the dog's sense of smell a chance to pick up items that might have a distinctive odor (Firearms, Drugs, Food or even clothing worn by and individual the dog has honed in on.) Being able to follow a trail would be nifty. Dog can sniff items or objects, similar to how the Detective's scanner works. Instead of finding fibers or fingerprints, he can find scents. He can lock onto a particular scent and go around sniffing objects, getting a pass/fail response when he sniffs and object if the person interacted with it


    As an example, Assistant drops gloves. Assistant runs into tunnels. Dog sniffs gloves. Dog sniffs tunnel door. Pass. Dog sniffs opposite door in tunnel, fail. Assistant didn't touch door. Dog doubles back and sniffs locker in tunnel. Pass. Open locker, find assistant hiding in locker. Scents would need to fade over time (~10-15 minutes sounds good, any case that goes past that is probably cold anyways.)


    This could also be used in search and rescue, for example the HoP has his headset torn off by the vampire dragging him away. Dog sniffs headset, gets the trail, and proceeds to follow the trial of doors and tiles that the HoP was dragged over until finding him in a firefighting closet being sucked dry by a vampire.


    The Dog could spawn with a K-9 vest, giving him resistance to melee attacks like standard sec armor. This would have an ID attached to it to allow the dog to go through doors. Additional vests could be found in the Warden's office/armory, a bullet proof vest and a riotgear set to offer full protection. Research could design and albative vest for K-9s, it's be important to make anything the police dog can wear, also wearable by Ian and E-N, and vice versa.


    Though, this seems more like it should be tagged along side a K-9 Handler who 'summons' the dog upon joining, the dog would have to be removed from traitor/antag roles, though working along side a K-9 handler would allow it to play out /some/ antag roles. No Lings and Cult would be a bit finicky, but Traitor and Vampire would be doable for K-9s.



    Help - He looks like he wants to play


    Disarm - He looks to be cautious, his tail is between his legs.


    Grab - He is bristled up, and his head is low.


    Harm - His teeth are bared and growling.



    I may or may not be the other sec pilot, but yeah the role is pretty vacant most of the time.


    You get a cool space pod... and spend 90% of a shift lost in space because nobody thought to build a GPS into your pod.


    Getting a GPS is mandatory for me, Hand held crew monitor when MediScience is being smart and not wanting bodies to float around in space forever.


    A softsuit would make a LOT more sense and help the Pod Pilot stand out, it really just needs to protect them from vacuum and hold an O2 tank/their jetpack. Bomber jacket is fine, though their other clothing options are indistinguishable from standard Sec choices. If the softsuit didn't slow the Pod Pilot, it would be nice since they could patrol on foot with it.


    Honestly, half the time I play Pod Pilot I wind up bugging HoS/Captain for permission to let Robotics make me a Gygax so I can patrol the internal part of the station and still pilot something. The few times it's been approved, I had fun tasering Revs or blasting them with a laser cannon.


    The only other request would be for there to be TWO pod pilot slots. This may or may not require a 2nd pod bay and pod, but having a wingman would just feel better. Having top gun in spess and all that. Or just someone to tag along with along with you.


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