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Posts posted by davidchan


    Pod Pilot and Brig Physician are already both Karma jobs. Magistrate is also Security, by a technicality. Security just needs better players, not more Karma fools. Medical and Science have no Karma jobs, in comparison. I'd rather see this addressed before giving Sec more positions.


    A more Rigid/enforced SoP would be a godsend, and while I don't want the old space law back, a bit more comprehensive Space Law that accounts for people not doing their jobs, as well as things like Kidnapping or Illegal Detainment.


  2. To my understanding, things like Gateway and Derelict reclamations are supposed to be there so people without jobs have something to do. Problem is, nobody gives EVA suits to anyone who doesn't have access to them in the first place. Ontop of that, we end with HoPs who don't give out access for anything for of a CentCom fax or give out full access to anyone who fucking asks.


    If someone is being an utter shit to me as a roboticist, I will forge a 'Cyborgification upon death/Do not resuscitate or clone' form and get the Captain to stamp on it. Wait for a while (building a Crew Monitor helps or getting a portable crew monitor) and wait for them to die. Steal the corpse and shove the form in anyone's face who tries to stop you.


    Borg the individual and give them a direct order to become a Service or Miner borg upon installing the MMI into the endoskeleton, so their laws mandate they carry it out. Now I have a robotic bitch to get me drunk or get me materials.



    Be a clown.


    Get a piece of paper. Any piece of paper will do, if you can't find one at a HoP office or Robotics desk, check the Library.


    Hold the paper in your hand active hand.


    Right Click> Rename Paper.


    C4 PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE > Enter (bonus points if you mispell it.)


    (Optional) Get a pen crayon and write something on it. BOOM! or KABOOM! works, or just a little 'u mad?'.


    (Also optional) Use your Rubber stamp to HONK it.


    Run up to a random individual and drag their sprite onto yours. Click any slot they have. PREFERABLY their head slot.






    Get beaten into crit by every single valid hunter within earshot, and wait for security to arrive to execute/brig you.


    Contemplate ahelping getting killed over a piece of paper.



    +1, would make drones a bit more of a pain to play due to their limited battery capacity. Minichargers for drones would be nice though, little wall outlets they can crawl into.


    As for materials, I'd personally say double all the energy costs and have plasteel require an upgrade module. Biomass too, since this basically means an infinite amount of cloning if anyone in science is smart enough to build a charger in medical. Or the engiborg does it himself (as I've done before)


    Also raises the question of what about materials you can pick up? Would these be decompiled into energy? If I have a stack of 10 metal beside me, I make a machine frame (5 metal) and click the stack, am I going to get +5 sheets in my stack or am I going to get reimbursed 5 sheets worth of energy?


    Basic components from the autholathe would be nice. Say 300 energy to make Airlock Electronics or Air Alarm Circuit ? 500 for a Power Control Unit (APC circuit)? Not the entire lathe mind you, but things they would need to repair or renovate.



    About the only thing Space Cleaner spray would do for Janiborgs is allow them to spray clean messy crew members cloths. Which, IIRC, having them lay down and running them over does anyways.


    The mop is slightly faster than soap, but requires you to drag a bucket. Having their own bucket that synthesis water would be nifty. Could have a robotics upgrade module to improve it to space cleaner and an advanced mop for speed cleaning.


    What the janiborg really needs is a god damn crowbar, I am tired of being trapped in airlocks or rooms because of a power outage/singularity got loose.


  7. Oddly enough, pressure/content of pipes doesn't affect vent crawling mods. Spiders, who most certainly require the same oxygen and pressure as humans, vent crawl just fine. Diona nymphs aren't harmed (to my knowledge) despite there being no light. Hell I've even crawled through a scrubber pipe after a plasma fire as a xeno hunter to get away from the heat.

  8. To my understanding Telescience is just Trig. Teleport a GPS to coordinates, read the actual coordinates, find the offset. If you're good at math, pretty much the entire station is yours to play with, especially if you know the coordinates of 'fun' things like the Clown bananium shuttle or the space teleporter, for example.




    All pets could use a bit of TLC when it comes to coding. Runtime doesn't get goofy costumes or wearable items. E-N is a reskinned Ian that sparks, any hat you put on him changes his name back to Ian. Poly is just a thief who steals small items. Renault doesn't get anything that I'm aware of. I kinda wish we'd give pets vent crawling.



    To me, the Cyborg should be incredibly specialized, and they have their own balancing whether they like it or not.


    Default: As said, not really useful for anything, to me this module is basically a personal assistant or a Synthetic Blueshield.


    Security: Basic stunner and detainer. Can't search bags. Doesn't have a taser, so it must disabler or stun baton people to incap trouble makers. You are basically an ED-209 with more(/less) personality. Usually only wanted to have around for their infinite zip ties and all access.


    Engineering: Builder of pointless things. Can set up about 90% of the engine save for the radiation collectors. Can wire solars (though only one array on a full charge. We really need material synthesizers that consume battery life.) Useful for breaches or gas leaks, but not much us. Has no plasteel, so can not repair or replace R-walls. Could really use a minilathe to generate things like Power Control Units or Airlock Electronics.


    Medical: Surgical specialist that can't apply anesthesia, EMT that can't perform CPR, and set up cryogenic if only they could put the beakers in the tubes (or mix their own cryo mixes.) Medical Borgs can handle several emergencies but they are incapable of running Medical Bay alone, despite what a lot of people seem to think, even something as simple as shaking a person a wake is beyond the medical borg's capabilities.


    Mining: Gets a Sonic Jackhammer, so is slightly stronger than the default miner. Can't operate the large drills properly (can't change the batteries), has to choose between mesons and light if they want to have their drill and satchel out at the same time. Doesn't have a fire extinguisher so is incapable of propelling itself back to the asteroid if it falls off somehow (where a miner can carry an extinguisher or just throw ore out of their satchel.) Can be upgraded with a jetpack, though by the time you get the diamonds needed for that, you've basically filled Science's quota for materials needed. Unable to empty ore boxes as well. Generally get screamed at by other miners since their all access makes them the better choice to run materials to science in the first place. Could REALLY use an RCD.


    Janitor: Arguably the only borg that functions close to what it's biological counterpart does. It doesn't need to mop (yet still has one) has a bar of soap to let it clean walls or other unmappable areas, can change lightbulbs and has a trashbag. It can't sort trash, but that is more of a cargo responsibility anyways.


    Service: Specializing in giving the entire crew liver damage. I mean... basically your job is to assist the bartender, or just do his job for him and leave glasses of space beer everywhere. In theory the Borg can mix drinks, but last I tried the shaker can't be inserted into the dispensers. A decent borg for people who like to RP, for everyone else it has no useful function and will probably be forced to get a module change by the AI or Captain.


    So, looking over it, only the Janitor Borg can actually do the job alone, a miner borg can do enough to supply science with materials though is unable to utilize a mech or diamond drills, making it obsolete if it ever manages to deliver materials. The other borgs can help their departments but will often find themselves incapable of completing a basic task and their organic counterparts will ignore their requests for help over the radio (A medical borg needing someone to reattach a limb/apply anesthetic/insert cryox into tubes, a security borg needing someone to do a bag search or hold a prisoner while the borg makes a recharger run, engineering borgs needing humans to insert nonmagnetic objects where they need to be, such as lights into fixtures/plasma tanks into collectors, APCs and Air Alarms when the code bugs out and gripper just pushes the wall instead of applying the object.) Which is many cases leaves you as the worlds most over qualified assistant who can look and know the answer to the problem but isn't allowed to touch and shooshed down when they speak out.


    And none of these flaws or downfalls take into consideration being slaved to an AI, slaved to a lawset, and validgamers in general just not trusting Cyborgs or the AI and making the synthetic jump through hoops, repeatedly, to prove they are working normally, as well as the battery cell limits and Cyborg's complete dependance on Robotics for repairs or replacement parts if they ever do get damaged or destroyed. Vox have a better chance of getting revived than a cyborg does, and it's not that hard to rip an MMI out and rebuild a borg, yet it never ever happens unless I'm a roboticist it seems.



    The only time I've ever seen Toxin's do something remotely useful is a scientist blowing up a Malf AI/Subverted AI, or throwing a bomb at a nuke squad and detonating it. In both of these cases, the Scientist is validhunting and it's reasons like these we have RnD lockboxes in the first place (which are still stupid and need to be removed.) Aside from that, they never do anything useful, I know lots people would be mad if Toxin's went away, but I'd honestly rather see it removed or replaced with something else entirely.


    Telescience, how ever, I have seen do very useful things without going around stealing every object not bolted down or locked up. If you know the math and can basically be a Transporter Chief from Star Trek and quickly send people around the station where they need to be. It's depressing that Telescience can't send people onto Gateway missions and pull them out if it gets too hot, but the code isn't perfect.


    Telescience can;


    Retrieve injured or dead people from difficult to reach places, such as space, a plasma fire, a spider/hostile mob infested room.


    Send such people directly to medical bay, to the Cryogenics tubes or Surgery where they are they are needed.


    Send personnel immediately to an area they may be needed, such as; Security to the Armory during a break in or to the general location of a group of Nuke Ops or Raiders massacring crew, Engineering to the site of a breach or gas leak. Medical Doctors and EMTs to the site of a mass casualty that would take to long to teleport individually (such as a bombing)


    Do Cargo's job for them by (almost) instantly sending crates or objects to the requester.


    And of course, Antag Scientists can always quickly and remotely steal objectives or items, flood the telepad chamber with toxin and abduct security and command one by one to kill them off in a revolution, or send a slime to someone who has been pissing you off.



    Traditionally cats are carnivorous. They actually get sick and can die from malnutrition if they don't get meat or forced into a vegan diet. That said, any sentient species could have evolved to an omnivorous diet.


    I'd consider Nymphs to be a plant, given how they are created and their body composition. Doesn't make Kidan any less of omnivores though, Bull Ants are strictly Carnivores, for example, while Leaf Cutter Ants are strictly herbivores, and various other species jump that line or sit in the middle of it.



    Regardless, more food options would be loved. Particularly recipies that use rarer Botany objects like Cabbage, which is seemingly only in two recipes that I know of. Additional Salad types, or even California burgers (basically a burger with no meat) would be nifty. Things like Watermelon and Pumpkin could use more recipes too. Bread bowls are another idea that comes to mind. Lasagna would be cool too, even sliceable!



    Definitely a metafriend issue, and it's more common on High RP servers or among groups that RP together. They interact with their clique more often and are willing to promote based upon that friendship. Part of it can be excused as best intentions, they might actually believe that person to be the best candidate for the role, though they are blinded a bit by their own personal feeling and opinion, thus unable neutral.


    Heads of Personnel or Captains seem to give out jobs to just about anyone in general, and almost always without input from other department heads. I can count at least 3 times I've been RD and had some Baldy promoted to scientist without my approval, stamp or even letting me know, baldie just waltzed right in and 10-15 minutes later I suddenly have a gaping hole where my test lab was.



    Your point doesn't stand. The planets have to fucking align before Science gets the research and materials they NEED to make bags of holding, and when they do you can guarantee that Research is going to be packed with Scientists making all their little toys, no random griefer, antag or otherwise, is going to be able to simply sneak in and snag not one but two highly sought after items. Anyone able to slip in to accomplish that can just as easily slip into toxins and make bombs or flood the station with super heated plasma.


    I've yet to see one valid point as to why this rare and somewhat obscure mechanic needs to be removed. It's uncommon at best, and given your examples of Traitors using it (with emags) than they are probably fulfilling an objective and making it a valid tactic, not grief. And if they are doing it for the lulz, as you claim, the admins would most likely antag ban them if not banning them all together for ruining a round.



    You evidently don't play scientist often enough, unless Jack Price/ Thet Raytor/ Fox McCloud is playing, science ain't getting maxed until at least an hour and a half after the round has started.


    Not to belittle a point but Spike Ward has taken research from 1s across the board to 'legal max' and gotten that research bonus in 25 minutes. Granted, other scientists usually slow you down trying to 'help' by making extra items or deconstructing things we don't need (Like Syringe Guns), Captain/Head of Security/Warden is also another huge bottleneck and slow down to get that level 6 combat research.


    We have more competent scientists than we have reliable miners, which is kinda sad. Though, it seems most miners get bored or just fall of the asteroid (like I did as a mining borg the other day, seems to be the only module without a fire extinguisher), mining gets done but it never gets refined and delivered, or the miners don't know how to use the refinery and turn most everything into slag.


    In the end, I agree that people are making a mountain out of a molehill with the grief potential of 2 bags of holding. The items are rare enough as is, require no less than 2 departments to do their jobs, and requires an incredible amount of patience on the part of the griefer for things to align. Most would just rather go fuck with the actual singularity or break into Atmos than wait around for the Mining and Science do to their jobs, the only people less likely to do their jobs is Botany/Kitchen in making food.


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