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Posts posted by davidchan

  1. MetaStation is built around a scavenger playstyle, very few jobs are given all the material they need to complete their task and are expected to scrounge, trade and steal to accomplish their task or feck off to do nothing until their job is missed enough they are given the resources and/or someone else does it for them.

    In theory, this works for some codebases. Assistants having maint as their play ground while anyone who's not some form of Security or Engineering has to stick to the main corridors gives those roles first dibs on loot, and can trade it to relevant jobs as they see appropriate and the offer is good. In theory, this is good because it encourages departments to work together, in practice this usually winds up departments unable to fulfill their job because an item or resource that might be of use to them is in some greyshit's backpack who'se waiting to trade it for a gun or some of medical's supplies. Being able to barter with another department to make one or both of your jobs easier is good. Having to deal with someone willfully with holding resources to prevent you from progressing your job is bad.

    On the overall I like the layout of meta, research and medical are centered nicely and the only thing that feels needlessly far away from everyone else is engineering (and thus the AI sat) but the current status of a lot of departments leaves a lot to be desires, especially when it comes to karma roles (such as medbay's double-double doors where one button opens both sides and everyone tresspasses because they can.)


    TL;DR MetaStation is SS13's second best map but it still leaves a lot to be desires as it's geared towards a different philosphy and governing rules that makes it less than ideal for Paradise.

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  2. Bring back Vox Traiders.

    Add 5~ Cryosleepers to the skipjack, 20 minutes into the round ghosts are given an notice that the pods are now active and players can take control, giving them a grocery list of goodies they need to collect from bars of gold to a kitchen knife or even some used or useless trash items and the occasional kidnapping 'Guest of Honor' objective. Enforce the involaite, so as side antagonists they can't start shooting and killing people, but they are free to loot anything they feel they can run away with, and are encouraged to defend themselves or capture anyone continuing to show hostile intent towards them (such as overzealous security officers and tiders trying to get aboard their ship.)

  3. Beepsky just needs to have an option to react hostile to anyone without valid records attached to their identity. If you don't have a security file then it's safe to assume you don't belong on a secret state of the art research station.

    also HoS and CMO should have hardcopy backups of round start records in their office.

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  4. Another idea for Data 6+ item(s):

    Advanced Departmental HUDs.

    Adv Med Hud would allow the wearer see a person's health stats on examine (Brute, Burn, Oxyloss, Toxin) as well as any sign of broken bones and such. An optional overlay for the Health HUD could be added for Adv models that shows what kind of damage and gives a more real time representation of that user's declining or improving health, or a clever coder/spriter could attempt to make overlays that would highlight body sections or limbs that are damaged or suffering internal injures.

    Adv Diagnostic HUD would work like the Medical but for robots, allowing the wearer to see component damage, if any, upon examination.

    Adv Meson Scanner would add material scanner to the meson vision, allowing the wearer to see items through walls and darkness. This could also be used to examine machines to see status of internal wires (cut or what lights/functions are active) or even immediately highlight which wires control which functions for hacking, as well as allowing to them to examine cabling, pipes and tanks to their contents (how much power is in a wire, how much gas is in a pipe and composition, ect...)

    Adv Security Hud would likely just be relegated to showing a person's intent while moving around, or even flag automatically anyone carrying a weapon or dangerous contraband level item

    I don't really know how you could improve Science and Hydroponics HUDs except perhaps to see the tempature of reagents or the last reagent, if any, that was in a container, or the age of the plant and estimated time until next stage/when it will be harvestable or die.

    Beyond that, a combination HUD might be in order, such as a Med/Sec HUD or Meson/DIagnostic HUD

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  5. Add inductors would be neat, I believe tg code has them where they can transfer power from a cell in the inductor to another object, be it an APC, SMES, Borg, Stun Baton or other battery powered equipment. Could split it up so power 2 or 3 gives a low efficiency one that only passes 50w per 100w used, a mid level one at power 5 that does 1 for 1 and power 7 could be a bluespace inductor that can remotely transfer power to anything in line of sight.

    Engineering 7 could be an Advanced RCD, 'Clone Tool' that could scan and detect an area up to 5x5 tiles and then build it somewhere else.

    As for Data 7, hard to say what would be applicable. A remote body/surrogate system perhaps, VR-like pods where you build an IRC or similiar body then hop in the pod and control it remotely, good for allowing crew to work on radiation or toxic hazards without putting themselves at harm, though obviously leaving the controller completely blind and oblivious to any dangers around their actual body. Or a pAI implant that allows you to directly install one into your head and chat privately chat with them in psuedo-telepathic whispers (think Cortana plugged into Master Chief's helmet in Halo.)

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  6. Not to get off topic or beat a dead horse, but on the topic of reviving methods and what is broken and what is not, it never ceases to amaze me how people claim IPCs not reliant on the cloner is too strong of perk and they need to be nerfed farther, then you turn around and people say the cloner is too powerful and needs to removed out right because it's too good and requires no work to run it.

    So which is it? Because it can't be both.

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  7. Aside from keeping new or inexperienced players out of certain roles, I don't actually think this is a good idea. Head Roles are the only ones that should be time gated behind certain amount of hours in a department, most other jobs should have enough variance between them that playing them requires different kinds of thinking and play to succeed.

    For example, Security Officer, Detective and Warden all have very different responsibilities and play styles. The only shared ground and responsibilities they actually have are Space Law. Requiring 5+ hours as a Sec Officer before unlocking Warden could perhaps wrongly influence a person into thinking it's okay for a Warden to randomly patrol the station or spend most of their time in maintenance, when in fact their primary duty is to stay in the brig to watch prisoners and the armory.  Doctors and Paramedics have similarly different roles and Virologists and Geneticists have very little in common with Medical Doctors.

    For Head Roles, I'm a little more willing to see department play time locks, though I'm skeptical about those as well as I feel a head of staff should be familiar to competent in most of their department and able to fill the gaps as needed, but heads of staff shouldn't be exclusivley working a job unless nobody else is available to do it (such as the RD running RnD alone, CE setting up the engine or CMO doing chemistry/setting up camp in Surgery, their primary job is getting other people do theirs, not do it for them.)

    A far better system, in my opinion, would be for a backend where the game tracks player hours in certain roles, such as Head Roles or slightly more complex ones like Virologist or Warden, and if they have less than 10 hours in such a role, Mentors who are logged in (or via the Discord bot if that function is working) are notified and given a link to message the person directly to greet them and offer assistance and their knowledge as many new players don't know or seem to remember Mentor help is a thing but would probably engage in a PM conversation if they were more directly made aware mentors were active and willing to help without disturbing everyone else's rounds.

    Beyond that, I would like to see interns added in some shape of form, dept specific assistants who can help during high pop rounds as an extra set of hands and during low stress and drama moments fully fledged dept members could try and help teach interns the ins and outs of the job.

    TL;DR Time locks rarely improve the quality of play for most players since many locked jobs don't share the same responsibilities and mechanics as the jobs often used to unlock them, and a more proactive use of the mentor system would help educate players willing to learn a new job.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Seems like the new crit system is screwing up antags far more than regular crew. Lings, Wizards, Nuke Ops, Agents. If they go into shock once they basically have no hope of recovering.

    Also what was the point of adding variance to medical when  you're simultaneously removing many of the basic tools and items?

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  9. Yeah no, even a passive reading of space law and Security SOP and you get the gist that Security is to use physical violence only as a last resort and even executing a criminal who has committed multiple murders or devastated the station with sabotage still requires security to go through the proper channels to get approval, premature executions can result in demotions or incarceration even if they would have been justified had security just waited for the verdict.

    Adding flogging or any other form of beatings and corporal punishment sends a signal in the opposite direction that security can and should act like brutes who legal threaten beatings and carry them out with no repercussions. If we are going to allow that we might as well remove security as a whole, make the armory and brig cells command access and allow lynching when ever greytide desires. Cause that's the exact direction you'll be taking the community if you go through with this.

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  10. I feel some chemical could be simplified in general, things like salbutamol and oculine being exceptionally complex for rather basic chems.

    Having the ability to make acetone, phenol, ammonia, sulfuric acid and deithylamine would be a huge saver on medchem headaches.

    It'd be rather neat if sleeper upgrades allowed you to choose what chems dialysis pulls or doesn't pull out of the patient (similar to air scrubbers via air alarms) or auto inject chems if it detects damage/low blood. Though hopefully coderbus sees the light and realizes taking away sleeper chem upgrades entirely was a bad thing.

  11. I like the department lathes but the way the gear is divided doesn't always make sense. If miners want a telescopic shield and bluespace backpack, they need to go harass Security and Science to get them, and security rarely if ever gives combat gear to anyone even when they need it.


    4 hours ago, Shadeykins said:

    Stims making you drop an item wouldn't balance this out to be fair, it would just make tasers/batons have an even bigger edge in combat.

    The real issue is instastun in general.

    My point being that adrenals need to be retooled so they are not reliable for prolonged fights. It either needs to be a short burst of anti-stun that allows you to quickly finish a fight you otherwise would have won were it not for the stun, or to give the agent/op a chance to break combat and run away to regroup. Not the current minimal effort get out of jail free card with out any discernible downside since it's one use anyways and you can't OD.

    2 hours ago, EvadableMoxie said:

    I think both adrenals and d-sword is the problem, honestly.  In my perfect world, melee would be the king in tight spaces or from ambush, but ranged would be stronger in open areas.  Instead, you just pop adrenals and mindlessly charge everyone with a d-sword because you'll close the gap before they can react anyway and even if they do you're immune to all energy weapons and 75% of projectiles on top of having massive armor.  Even if they get a shot off, it probably won't connect. Even if it does, they're just going to be absolutely murdered a split second later.

     D-sword is the SS13 equivalent of W + M1.  There is literally zero strategy, just run up and click spacemen until they go sideways. 

    Thats a bad analogy since W + M1 only works if you ambush your opponent or otherwise going against someone who can't properly fight back. It's not overpowered, it just requires an objective lack of skill to be overwhelmed by it.

  13. Adrenals is the problem here, not the E-swords. Stun is king of combat and while deflect/block makes it harder to stun them, it's the actual kip up from adrenals that allows them to get up quickly and re-arm that is making them seemingly invincible. If stims came with a side effect (a twitch that made them turn the d-blade off or drop the weapon) then you'd almost assuredly see this particular strategy less effective without nerfing other game modes (traitor) who might use the weapon.

    Adrenals should be flight or fight, not both.

  14. Heads of Staff are supposed to be the ones enforcing SOP, and Captain ensuring they are enforcing it, and NT Rep ensuring Captain is enforcing it amongst the heads.

    Security won't give two shits about SOP because HoS will never check or care what their officers are doing as long as antags are being pursued. Captain will never know or care if HoS is turning a blind eye towards SOP, since it will almost always benefit the Captain to let security powergame and do what ever they want to pursue valids. Anyone who complains about security breaking SOP gets called a greytider and told to shut up, if not outright brigged under some stupid charge like aiding and abetting an unknown antag, the NT Rep and IAAs that try to curb Security get told to stay in their lane and that SOP isn't their responsibility and/or Code Red is just a blank check for security to do what ever they want to enforce martial law.

    This leaves it down to CC/Admins to actually enforce SOP, who are going to declare it an IC issue unless it actually gets so severe that server rules are being broken.

    X-ray should not be something non-antags/security can get reliably, and I'd argue it's far worse than when Science could print guns without a lockbox. At a bare minimum the crew should have to have high level illegal technology at their disposal to make X-ray since that at least would require some effort and coordination of the departments to obtain and research.

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  15. I'd prefer X-ray get removed all together save for the Orb of Scrying, no other antag that gets it has a good reason to have it over thermals, the genetics power was always cheesy and the implant was hard to get but equally necessary. I never really felt Nuke Ops deserved it, and definitely against vampires and other antags who don't explicitly have hijack level objectives by default.

    If we're only going as far as nerfing it, hardcoding it so eyewear doesn't work (aka Kidan) and helmets don't offer eye protection (welding mask and Hardsuits) would be the way to go. Toggle just doesn't seem like a good enough debuff for a power that makes you almost completely aware of people through walls, even if it caused significant eyestrain if left on too long and could drain a person's nutriment level to starving in under minute.

    On the overall Genetics needs a serious retune to put it in line with other departments such as needing RnD done to get high level powers and needing mining materials such as Uranium to create the SE injectors, or make all powers temporary to begin with the upgrades of the machines and materials used to craft the injector giving them longer durations before a person's SE reverts to default.

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