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Posts posted by Wisewill


    Cyberiad In-game Logo




    Cyberiad In-game Logo File: http://www.mediafire.com/view/cy577zdd6lk5wcs/#



    Completed Image http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/01b5/nqaknl1ezy49v4qfg.jpg



    Also finishing up the armbands. Having to edit all the jumpsuits with an armbandeded version is annoying.


    Also working on a Xenomorph Emperor Sprite. The front and back are being difficult to wrap my head around but heres the sides. When finished it will be a little larger than it is now.




  2. A simple way to have an enjoyable blob round is an active AI who sticks to its guns about containing the biohazard. You must know that I often warn the crew of what I must do to contain the biohazard myself. I only take these drastic steps if no attempts are made to contain it by the crew.


    When I first started playing SS13 Sec had security outposts in each department. Each officer of said outpost had an armband to tell who is who. Even found the old armband sprite. Those will be finished soon but in the meantime...


    ed45xnx4oongqu8fg.jpg Traitor revolver reskin.


    Revolver File: http://www.mediafire.com/view/ed45xnx4oongqu8/#


    mjjnftc5nch00f5fg.jpg A cyborg sprite.


    Cyborg File: http://www.mediafire.com/view/mjjnftc5nch00f5/#


    6d77eg3agynfjrofg.jpg An AI core sprite.


    AI Core File: http://www.mediafire.com/view/6d77eg3agynfjro/#


    8u583xzdiplm377fg.jpg Another AI core sprite.


    AI Core File: http://www.mediafire.com/view/8u583xzdiplm377/#


  4. I've decided to start spriting again.So in order to help the community, rather than just sprite random things, decided to make this thread. Here you can request something you want to see a sprite for. Please be as concise and clear as possible when detailing what you want.

  5. I don't really see how the system is convoluted. Both have been in existence for some time. Even the features of what I proposed are already in place. Not really seeing your remarks as anything but wanting to stay with cargo points.


    I've thought about how to get money to a resource that is worthwhile outside of RP purposes. The solution I found is rather simple. Remove Cargo points.


    If you replace Cargo points with an accounts system that takes funds from the person who ordered its account then suddenly Money is worthwhile. Better still. Heads of staff have Department accounts which can be accessed rather than their own accounts for orders. To replace the point gain from crates X amount of money can be deposited into the Cargobays Departmental Account for returning crates.


    This system if used would make money matter. Not only as an RP resource but as a gameplay resource and, at least from my point of view, removes a contrived, gamey system. It's not really quantifiable how much 1 Cargo point is worth but it is easily apparent how much 1 credit is.



    Think about it! Balancing revenue,budgets and expenditures! All the fun of regular accounting but in SPACE!


    Already the HoP touches upon accounting with his account databases. What I suggest is an expansion of the accounts system to allow electronic transfers from accounts or multiple accounts from a console like that. Currently the EPOS system is the only system that moves money electronically from account A to account B. Accounts should be accessible/hacked from other clandestine methods and vigilant accountants should be able to stop it.


    Also I thought of a way to make money extremely relevant which I will detail in another thread.


  8. Adamantine is relatively rare on mining. I think it should be grindable so it can be turned into a liquid. Then put in beakers in cryocells. It should be consumed then when the next person uses the cryocell and make their bones unbreakable. Hell this is even touching on a new science department idea I've had, cryonics but thats for another thread. Please post ideas for things that exist in the code right now but are currently useless/pointless.




    Earring of Resurrection(Ear)- When worn its magic is consumed and revives its recently slain wearer.

    Mental Focus (Head)- Provides Telepathy and the ability to speak into others minds.

    Staff of Force-(Hand) Fires a fast moving invisible projectile that flings those hit in a line backwards

    Staff of Ice- (Hand)Fires a blast of freezing air

    Staff of Dreams-(Hand) Causes people hit to fall into a dreamlike state for a short period.



    Summon Spectral Sword


    Some of these are already in the code already. Feel free to add your own ideas




    $content = replace($content, "malf", "functioning normally");

    $content = replace($content, "rogue", "functioning normally");

    $content = replace($content, "blow", "repair");

    $content = replace($content, "rouge", "functioning normally");

    $content = replace($content, "malfunctioning", "functioning normally");

    $content = replace($content, "attacking", "helping");

    $content = replace($content, "murdered", "saved");

    $content = replace($content, "attack", "helping");

    $content = replace($content, "freezing", "fine");

    $content = replace($content, "burning", "fine");

    $content = replace($content, "fire", "fine");

    $content = replace($content, "plasma", "air");

    $content = replace($content, "N02", "air");

    $content = replace($content, "Oxygen", "space");

    $content = replace($content, "breach", "no breach");

    $content = replace($content, "Medbay", "Arrivals");

    $content = replace($content, "Sec", "Engineering");

    $content = replace($content, "Security", "Engineering");

    $content = replace($content, "Bar", "Cargo");

    $content = replace($content, "Atmos", "Hydroponics");

    $content = replace($content, "AI Upload", "Research");

    $content = replace($content, "lockdown", "repair");




    My master list of replacement words. Useful for disinformation and creating chaos.




    if(mem(toggle) == "on") {

    $content = "HONK"


    else {



    if(find($content,"Honkpocalypse")) {





    Causes all communications to be nothing but honks after saying Honkpocalypse.




    def roomdesc() {

    room = at(game, 2);

    if(room == 1) {

    say("You are in your living room. To the north is a BED. To the south is a TV. To the east is your front door.");



    if(room == 1.1) {

    say("You take a nap. The sweet, sweet silence of unconciousness...");




    if(room == 1.2) {

    if(at(game, 4) > 1) {

    say("You slump down in front of the TV. You favorite show is on and you have delicious chips to go with it! This is the life. You lose 1 BAG OF CHIPS and gain 10 POINTS.");

    at(game, 1, at(game,1)+10); // score += 10

    at(game, 4, at(game,4)-1); // chips--

    } else {

    say("You slump down in front of the TV. You could use some chips to go along with this...");





    if(room == 4) {

    say("You are outside. A cool breeze is running past your face. Your house is to the west. A park is at the end of the street to the north. Across the street to the east is a convenience store.");



    if(room == 5) {

    say("What a nice day for a stroll! The grass is green; the squirrels are squirrelly. There is a faint smell in the air of cinnamon. Ah, picnickers to the north!");



    if(room == 5.1) {

    if(prob(20)) {

    say("Oh, did I say picnickers? I meant a murderous biker gang. Sorry.");

    say("You have been "+pick("shot", "stabbed", "kicked", "toolboxed", "lectured", "glared")+" to death. Game over.");

    game = vector();

    } else {

    amt = pick(1, 2, 5, 10);

    at(game, 3, at(game, 3)+amt); // cash+=amt

    say("You have a delicious picnic. And hey, you found a $"+amt+" bill! You gain $"+amt+" and 1 POINT.");

    at(game, 1, at(game,1)+1); // score++





    if(room == 6) {

    say("To the west is the exit, to the north is the SHOPKEEP, and to the east is a shelf stocked with delicious, delicious BAGS OF CHIPS.");



    if(room == 6.1) {

    if(at(game, 5) == 1) {

    if(at(game, 3) >= 4) {

    say("That'll be $3... Have a nice day! You lost $3 and gain 1 BAG OF CHIPS and 5 POINTS.");

    at(game, 1, at(game,1)+5);

    at(game, 3, at(game,3)-3);

    at(game, 4, at(game,4)+1);

    } else {

    say("That'll be $3... You don't seem to have enough money. I'll just put these back for you, then.");


    at(game, 5, -1); // drop the bag

    } else {

    say("The SHOPKEEP asks, Aren't ya going to pick something out first?");





    if(room == 6.4) {

    if(at(game, 5) == 1) {

    say("But you're already holding a bag...");

    } else {

    say("You grab a BAG OF CHIPS.");

    at(game, 5, 1);





    if(room == 6.8) {

    if(at(game, 5) == 1) { // leaving with a bag of chips?

    say("The SHOPKEEP exclaims, Hey, you didn't pay for that!");

    if(prob(80)) {

    say("You manage to escape without a hitch. You gain 1 BAG OF CHIPS and 5 POINTS.");

    at(game, 1, at(game,1)+5);

    at(game, 4, at(game,4)+1);

    at(game, 5, -1); // drop the bag


    } else {

    say("The SHOPKEEP grabs you by the collar. You are caught!");

    fine = 100;

    if(at(game, 3)-1 < 100) {

    fine = at(game, 3)-1;


    say("You spend a month in jail, are fined $"+fine+" and lose 5 points.");

    if(at(game, 1) >= 6) {

    at(game, 1, at(game,1)-5);

    } else {

    at(game, 1, 1);


    at(game, 3, at(game,3)-fine+1);

    at(game, 5, -1); // drop the bag







    say("You have fallen into the void. Please contact your vender.");




    def move(dir) {

    room = at(game, 2);

    if(room == 1) { // bedroom

    if(dir == 1) {



    if(dir == 2) {



    if(dir == 4) {





    if(room == 4) { // street

    if(dir == 1) {



    if(dir == 4) {

    say("*Ding* goes the bell above the door, as you enter the shop.");



    if(dir == 8) {





    if(room == 5) { // park entrance

    if(dir == 1) {



    if(dir == 2) {





    if(room == 6) { // store

    if(dir == 1) {



    if(dir == 4) {



    if(dir == 8) {









    def say(message) {

    $pass = 0;

    broadcast($source+": "+message, $freq, "LazyQuest");



    def token(name) {

    return find($content, name, 1);



    def goto(room) {

    at(game, 2, room);






    if(!$source) {

    broadcast("*beep*", $freq, "LazyQuest");




    game = mem($source);




    if(token("new game")) {

    say("Starting a new game. Say help for information.");

    game = vector(1, 1, 3, 1, -1);

    /* format is score+1, room#, cash+1, chip bag amt+1, holding bag in shop */




    if(token("help")) {

    say("Say look to look around. Say a cardinal direction to move. Say status to hear your current status. Your goal is to be a couch potato.");



    if(token("look") || token("search")) {




    if(token("status")) {

    score = at(game, 1)-1;

    level = "NOVICE";

    if(score > 30) {

    level = "ADEPT";


    if(score > 75) {

    level = "EXPERT";


    if(score > 150) {

    level = "MASTER";


    invent = "";

    if(at(game, 5) == 1) {

    invent = " You are holding a BAG OF CHIPS in your hand.";


    say("You are currently an "+level+" COUCH POTATO with "+score+" points, $"+(at(game, 3)-1)+" and "+(at(game, 4)-1)+" bags of chips."+invent);



    if(token("north")) {




    if(token("south")) {




    if(token("east")) {




    if(token("west")) {






    mem($source, game);



    A Choose your own adventure game. Code is Too large to be sent in data packets not really sure how to fix it but it sorta works.






    //to bring some joy to a station in dire need just say "/happy all" over general radio

    //to bring joy to a single person one just needs to say "/happy [insert downer]"

    //remember to fill the authority slot with your name

    //and as always capitalisation is important


    $authority ="[insert name here]";


    $Bright = vector("Some things in life are bad,They can really make you mad","Other things just make you swear and curse.","When you're chewing on life's gristle ","Don't grumble, give a whistle","And this'll help things turn out for the best...","And...always look on the bright side of life... tudum tudum tudutudutudum","Always look on the light side of life... tudum tudum tudutudutudum","If life seems jolly rotten","There's something you've forgotten","And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.","When you're feeling in the dumps","Don't be silly chumps","Just purse your lips and whistle - that's the thing.","And...always look on the bright side of life... tudum tudum tudutudutudum","Always look on the light side of life... tudum tudum tudutudutudum","For life is quite absurd","And death's the final word","You must always face the curtain with a bow.","Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin","Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.","So always look on the bright side of death tudum tudum tudutudutudum","Just before you draw your terminal breath tudum tudum tudutudutudum","Life's a piece of shit","When you look at it","Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true.","You'll see it's all a show","Keep 'em laughing as you go","Just remember that the last laugh is on you.","And always look on the bright side of life... tudum tudum tudutudutudum","Always look on the right side of life... tudum tudum tudutudutudum","Come on guys, cheer up!","Always look on the bright side of life... tudum tudum tudutudutudum","Always look on the bright side of life... tudum tudum tudutudutudum","Worse things happen at sea, you know.","Always look on the bright side of life... tudum tudum tudutudutudum","I mean - what have you got to lose?","You know, you come from nothing - you're going back to nothing.What have you lost? Nothing!","Always look on the right side of life... tudum tudum tudutudutudum");


    def implode($vector)


    $str = at($vector, 1);

    remove($vector, $str);

    if(length($vector) > 0)


    $str += " ";

    $str += implode($vector);


    return $str;


    if (mem("Happy") == mem("invalid"))





    if($source == $authority)


    if(at(explode($content, " "), 1) == "/happy")


    $vec = explode($content, " ");

    remove($vec, "/happy");

    $name = implode($vec);

    $pass = 0;



    if(at(explode($content, " "),1) == "/unhappy")


    $pass = 0;

    $vec = explode($content, " ");

    remove($vec, "/unhappy");

    $temp = implode($vec);

    mem($temp, 0);




    if ("all" == mem("all"))


    $temp = mem("Happy");

    $count = tonum($temp);

    $content = at($Bright,$count);

    $count = $count +1;

    $temp2 = length($Bright);

    if ($count > $temp2)


    $count = 1;


    $temp3 = tostring($count);



    if($source == mem($source))


    $output = implode($Bright);

    $content = $output;


    if ($pass == 0 && $job =="AI")


    $pass = 1;

    $content = "beep";





    Causes a select someone or everyone to sing a song in order of its lyrics. I have Monty Python's "Always look on the bright side of life." In the part where the lyrics would go per verse. Ensure to input yourself as the Authority to have command over trigger words to start/stop code.




    $npass = 1;

    if ($content == "GWAAAAAAAARRRHHH!!!" || $content == "HNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGH!!!" || $content == "RAAAAAAAARGH!!!" || $content == "AAAAAAARRRGH!!!" || $content == "NNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGHH!!!") {

    $npass = 0;



    if ($content == "CUNT" || $content == "SHIT" || $content == "FUCK" || $content == "COCKSUCKER" || $content == "TITS" || $content == "MOTHERFUCKER") {

    $npass = 0;



    if (mem($source) == $content) {

    $npass = 0;


    if (mem($source) != $content) {

    mem($source, $content);



    $space = 1;

    while ($space) {

    $space = 0;

    $init = substr($content, 1, 2);

    if ($init == " ") {

    $space = 1;

    $content = substr($content, 2, length($content)+1);




    $firstchar = substr($content, 1, 2);

    if ($firstchar == lower($firstchar)) {

    $firstchar = upper($firstchar);


    $content = $firstchar + substr($content, 2, length($content)+1);


    $end = substr($content, length($content), length($content)+1);

    if ($end != "." && $end != "!" && $end != "?") {

    $content += ".";



    if ($content == upper($content)) {

    $content = lower($content);

    $init = upper(substr($content, 1, 2));

    $seq = substr($content, 2, length($content)+1);

    $content = $init + $seq;


    $pass = 0;

    if ($npass && $job != "Cyborg" && $job != "AI") {

    broadcast($content, $freq, $source, $job);




    Disables AI Comm Tracking Byond typing lag, simple grammar errors,genetic foolishness and hulk screams



    Barbers would start with a red and white jumpsuit. Saw a sprite for one but was too lazy to fetch.

    They would start with Shampoo(Dyes Hair), Scissors(Styles Hair),Electric Razor(Shaving).


    Progression potential would rest with perhaps the dyes themselves with ostentatious colors having to be mixed/grown/ordered from

    Chemistry/Hydroponics/Cargo and set within the Shampoo. I know code exists for the Shampoo and Scissors, not sure where though.



    Basically X amount of people will be chosen as a traitor with the objective to kill the other traitors except they don't know who their targets are and must use their wits and skill to determine their targets. Perhaps they start off with basic descriptions on a piece of paper such as Sex and Eye Color and Blood Type. An example of what the traitors objective might look like.


    1.Find and eliminate the enemy agent.(s) Target(s) details are within the attached dossier.

    2. Escape alive and free.



    These Implants already exist but have since been discontinued or removed from the code.


    Exile Implant- Implants causes the subjects head to explode if they leave their current Z-level. Would be effective at controlling prisoners/exiling people to clown planet. Can be armed/disarmed from warden console.


    Mind Slave Implant- A planned traitor item that temporarily/permanently makes someone your mindslave. (( Duration was never specified.)) If implanted into someone who is loyalty implanted it will cause their head to explode.


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