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Posts posted by Wisewill


    I despise what they've done to D&D rulesets so I play Pathfinder mostly. I've played Paranoia once and have actually seen a game for it (The game was more like a board game with writing than anything) I'm familiar with Shadowrun but I've never played it.


    As a side note I've been a Dungeon Master AI twice on paradise, both of which were hilarious.



    I will defeat anyone at Sins of a Solar Empire. Advent is strong...Advent is vast....All will join the psychic cyborg unity and HONK with one voice!


    As for games to play however Shadow of the Colossus is an excellent game and easily one of my favorites. As is the God of War Trilogy.



    Easy fix. Will have it up soon. The overlay is simply mismatched from a previous sprite and misaligned. Can't remember if I used the human body sprite to align....anyway its a simple fix.



    EDIT: Actually it looks like its fine on my end I cant check the alignment exactly as I am not on my computer atm but it looks like from your pictures that the overlay was torn. In either case I can check exactly soon.



    EDIT: Looks a little messy when I posted here. I will clean it up once I'm finished with classes


    EDIT EDIT: Looks like there's no classes today because of a little snow....MURCIA. Fixing now.






  5. In my opinion I think customs officers would be much more enjoyable if they had access to certain player statistics. I know that such statistics are already collected but they are for admin use only. I think that making these available to the custom officer would increase the depth of the job considerably.


    I like the Game-mode Idea. It works and if we did it that route Ghosts could have powers to effect the round, fun powers! Would be an interesting dynamic however. A bunch of strangers come to the station to save it from things terrorizing the crew as more people die the situation would become even worse. I could see this even being mixed with a traitor or ling to expedite people dying.


    Or we could have the aetheric-enities event enable poltergeists. That would make it wise to call a Ghostbusters/Paranormal Investigators squad just like ERT.



    The Paranormal Investigator then is the check off to balance it out from being abused too much but I see your point. Maybe other benefits can be given to Poltergeists over ghosts because lets face it. No one will want to be a Poltergeist if it doesn't have some intrinsic benefit over normal ghosts.


    EDIT: As for features and systems within games...To quote my Systems Design Professor: "If there is a way to overcome a system or abuse a feature it will be abused. This is not to say that the feature or system is bad. A method to limit abuse is to make the gaps or features within a system harder to exploit, not remove them entirely."



    Basically this job would take up the abandoned office. It would be a job where you, as the Paranormal Investigator must be familiar with anomalies and spectral/ occult apparitions. To aid you in this you would have the following devices...


    Proton Pack: This backpacksque charging unit contains spectral apparitions within a small cube like receptacle that can be removed/ inserted into the proton pack: The proton pack keeps the containment unit charged, disbarring the spectral anomaly from exiting it once trapped.


    Neutrino Emitter- A weapon that emits a concentrated burst of aphasic neutrinos, stunning spectral apparitions momentarily.


    EM spectrum analyzer - An analysis device that samples surrounding electromagnetic fields. Areas of high electrical activity can throw off readings. Tiny anomalies in the base EM value may indicate that a spectral anomaly is near.


    Containment unit- A device that emits a powerful, but small, electromagnetic field within an area. Spectral apparitions become visible and are pulled towards the center of the EM field. If held in the exact center the spectral anomaly is sucked within the containment unit. The containment unit fails if its charge depletes, allowing the spirit to leave the containment unit.


    Background EM beacon- A placeable beacon that once wrenched into place samples EM fields of a surrounding area and transmits this data back to the Paranormal Alert Console within your office.


    Paranormal Alert Console- A console within your office that tracks EM beacon location and data alerting if a anomaly is detected.


    Boson Particle Field Generator- A generator that emits a field of highly polarized particles that prevent ghosts from passing through it.


    Electrostatic Equalizer- A device that equalizes innate background EM fields and removes hauntings. Does not function if the Poltergeist is within the Haunted zone but slows them down.



    How Ghosts fit into this


    Ghosts can only be effected by the Paranormal Investigator and their equipment if they become Poltergeists. In order to become a Poltergeist a ghost must use their Boo! spell on an area three times to obtain the ability to haunt that zone. When the ghost haunts a zone it will be able to pull objects and flip tables.They can also spawn clouds of harmless, but annoying, ectoplasm. These abilities only work in their haunted zone. Areas of High Electrical or EM activity cannot be haunted. A Ghost can only have one haunted zone active at a time.



    I'll sprite this stuff if people show interest/like the idea. I haven't the slightest idea how to code this however. Containment units with spirits inside them could be used to make robots.


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