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Posts posted by Blackmage199

  1. I disagree with the ability to use disposals to travel. First of all, you'd have access to pretty much EVERYWHERE with one of those, also, you can't even put a damned CRATE down the disposal system, let alone an entire mech. But it's a cool idea nonetheless.

  2. Yea, as Shadey said, people need to notice/care about your work for them considering to give you karma. RP around, have some fun, and you'll get karma before you'll even notice. If you just focus on getting karma, then you'll find the time long.


    I can't say I like the idea of Security scouters being put behind a lockbox. I don't understand how they are dangerous to any non-sec crew. From what I understand on it, it's just a heads up display of the crew's job and security status, also if they are implanted or not. I can't honestly see how this would work for someone unless they are meta-gaming. Unless I'm missing something?

    You can update security records, wanted level and the such with them. An abuse can surely be deducted from these facts, such as someone using them to set themselves off arrest, and setting an officer wanted while a convenient Beepsky passes by.



    Blob has been detected on station, and 5 minutes in, you realize no one wants to man up and fight it.



    Revenants are haunting you.


    Never seen one. Sadness increases


    Drones scouting out a bombed site.



    Insulting a fully decked out sec officer, and he replies "Care to repeat that?"



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