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Everything posted by Dawes

  1. Hey Pusen,One of my favourite head of Security for sure.
  2. The ink will never stop flowing!
  3. Well,Bulma was a hell of a character As many said we are waiting her comeback to the station!
  4. https://github.com/Baystation12/Baystat ... hredder.dm I know that Many Don't even feel the need for this,But as someone who usually deals with paper such as me i'd love to see this added on the server.
  5. Well,Taedra Sudden Change was mostly positive i suppose!
  6. https://gyazo.com/840f3318c459f8d489dffe6dd4b94c49 This was in a shift filled with tons of new station even the chaplain had one And well Bulma Took good initiative to do a service aswell and i ended up in her feed channell!
  7. I think this could really mean something,i like it.
  8. Name:Walter Auman Age:30 Gender:Male Race:Human Blood Type:A+ General Occupational Role(s):Head of personell,Civilian,Surgeon,Blueshield,Bartender. Biography:Walter Auman,Born on Earth In 2529,Was the son of a middle-classed Businessman and a Nurse,Since the beginning he showed love for studying,This and the fact that he lived in the outskirts of his hometown,Led him to achieve no friendships through his youngness,During his formation days his hunger for Knowledge led him to search and acquire for Books,His parents led his interst toward a local School which was focussed on The medical Arts, When he finally achieved his Advanced surgery course His Hunger for kownledge led him To a journey of Knowledge across the galaxy deep and wide,On his journey he managed to reach Epsilon Indi During the human Revolution,His journey stopped there where is knowledge of the medical procedures and surgery found usefulness in him,He eventually settled with the colonist on Epsilon Indi During those day he received the news that both of his parent Died in Car Accident,He never looked back to heart after that. Qualifications:Standard Medical Procedures,Paperwork,Advanced surgery. Employment Records:After His services provided on the Epsilon Indi,Nanotransen Hired him as a surgeon,With the hang of time he was observed to divert to different Department out of curiosity. Security Records:None. Medical Records:He lost one of His Arm During a shootout on his first day. Personnel Photo (Appearance text):(Uh This is going to be hard to make so I still have to think about it.) Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:He seems to remain calm under most of the situation,He usually engages Philosophical questioning with people(OOC:Tried to do my best but a man never stops to learn so i'd like you to point out any problem with the Record.)
  9. Damn me if i don't remember that!(Of course i do!)
  10. I (maybe) will not do that!
  11. I've Played for a bit and i decided it was time to introduce myself to the forum, So here i am,Walter Auman Bartender,Medical Doctor and i wanted to start a path in virology recently but still too complex for me,But when there is a void role i usually do that too. Anyways I'm Italian,I think i know english Decently and except beign exposed to Crash-SSD I usually do nothing wrong but if you feel to point out something just tell me. Walter out!
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