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Everything posted by Nienhaus

  1. Nienhaus


    I agree, we need more maid dresses.
  2. That was kinda the joke, I just wanted to sprite an Arwing. And part of why I made other ones. Also don't worry, it didn't come off as a personal attack, I see where your are coming from.
  3. Well the current pods are just rotated so that's not hard to do.
  4. I'm still making these either way, I made another design.
  5. I'm submitting this as my base. There will be changes made but for the most part this is it.
  6. I'm totally spriting an Arwing.
  7. Nienhaus


    Well, nothing is shown.
  8. Nienhaus


    ♥♥♥ I love it.
  9. Nienhaus


    I should learn to draw.
  10. Nienhaus


    The Ship is pretty fun if you have people to play it with.
  11. Nienhaus


    I see nothing to be sorry about.
  12. Thanks! Normally i would post something about heresy but i'm still happy for the Commissar and Krieg Korps sprites. wowo rude
  13. I updated my thread, not sure if anything is actually new. Also.
  14. I'd sprite some if given an idea what to sprite. I'm much better at going off of something.
  15. Oh. Well I will say the wire on the Ninja start looks kinda weird. I do like the glass table and how you have it rim around the glass, that's how my glass table is. Tables need to be remade because they are missing corners but that's kinda unrelated. What you have so far is pretty good.
  16. It'd look off if they were two pixels, and it'd just look a bit funny with 3 pixels.
  17. I've played a few. Everyone should play this.
  18. I asked WJohnson, Xeno spriter. He had them, here is the link. http://www.mediafire.com/download/63lxg ... +1.7.2.rar All credit to WJohnson.
  19. I thought the cart like that was pretty OP because you can put anything in those three toolboxes, if they fit.
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