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Da Dman234

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Posts posted by Da Dman234


    There was a PR.

    It was closed after a bunch of people hated on it.

    Well, it had majority support, it was just opposed by the staff. It's been dead a long time, but maybe I'll revisit it at some point. Sorry for never updating this post, just sorta forgot about it.



    Welp. most stealth items (for example the sleepy pen) they live test it on you to prove what they do....

    there's a thing that needs to be reinforced.

    Sec testing things on the person they found them on.

    like death chem syringes/patches *I have no idea if they can even come in patches*

    Generally not. You'll only really ever see knockout syringes, since 15 units isn't really enough to kill someone quickly with. Anyone who knows what they're doing will use either a pill, grenade, or bar bottle.


    Also, both chemists and scientists have a function on their PDA to scan the regents inside an object. Since I assume these would be the only people you'd find with death chems, just borrow their PDA to scan whatever.



    Now, are we just talking about restricting information on contraband, or antag types in general? I feel enforcing one but not the other would be confusing in multiple senses.


    For example, people are allowed to know that space vampires are weak to holy things, changlings fire, ect, but not be able to identify traitor gear? I feel if you start divying up what meta knowledge is acceptable and what isn't it could get messy... Though, I'm sure some servers do this, just none that I know of/play on, so I couldn't tell you if they were successful at it anyway.



    My main character actual has a few mental disorders (Not that anyone ever checks medical records), so I LOVE this idea. But I I think that rather than IC effects, prompts limited to the player's screen would be best suited for this, and maybe a text message for those who examine you.


    I'll use an example from my character here. One of the disorders they are diagnosed with is Cyclothymia, which is essentially a more mild form of Bipolar Disorder. In a situation like this I honestly just think prompts along the lines of, "You feel euphoric!" or "You're feel yourself drop into a bout of depression." would be more than sufficient, leaving the player to RP it out.


    If you're looking for ideas and choose to go with IC effects though, Impulse control disorders where you randomly crave something you see would be cool.



    I really liked owlman and corgiman or whatever the other guy was called back then. So i think it would be great to add the wishgranter back into the event rotation. So that it won't just spawn every round, but just sometimes. This will make superheroes a semi-regular thing again and i think that will be cool.

    Wishgranters semi-frequently spawn in the gateway.



    First off, 'D kinda appreciate if you cooled your jets a bit.

    You're gettin' randomly aggressive over this. Long post =/= me flailing on my keyboard in a huff, so you can totes chill out with the "In poor taste" and shit, cuz the moment this stops being a civil debate is the moment I'm just gonna peace out cuz it's *really* not worth it over minor pAI suggestions that in all likelihood are not gonna get coded in anyway.

    In no way shape or form was that intended as aggressive, merely what I saw it as. If you took offense to that then I apologize, that was not the intention. That being said, I feel like I've made my point in my previous posts, so I'm going to discontinue this little debate and chalk it up to differences in opinion, since this is going nowhere.



    "Have no responsibility" is not a very harsh law. Enforced, sure, but it's REALLY not a harsh one. And Posibrain has the same laws as all cyborgs, but that's just it. you return to the match as a fuckin CYBORG. That's basically a respawn button given cyborgs are a round-start role you can spawn into. Not to mention as a positronic brain you might not even be Borged, I see plenty of posi-brains be turned into a new flippin Station AI or Piloted Mechs.

    That's not very "Death is a penalty" unless we start REALLY nitpicking around what "Is or is not a punishment" due to the law restrictions. You're still a walkin, talkin, RP'n robot who has defined jobs an roles.

    Drones are quite literally not allowed to interact with anyone on the station, and there is exactly ONE posibrain on the station that observers have first dibs on. Very rarely are more made because of the extremely high tech and material level required. I exclusively play science and I can say I hardly ever see these made, so no, dead players don't usually get to play borg unless their own brain is placed inside of it.


    And really, Death shouldn't be a "Penalty", at least not in THIS sense. There's no "I WON SS13!" Because there's nothing to win or lose or to punish, the name of the game is roleplay, even Goonstation and other low RP servers still have roleplay in there to a degree, the objectives of both crew and antags are ther eto push roleplay along, Antags are ther eto spice up the round to make for roleplay beyond "Work Simulator 2556". Having a "Penalty" is that you died and can't be cloned, why do we need more punishment then that? What purpose does it serve to point at people and go "He died, he's terribad, he shouldn't be allowed anymore fun."

    Why do you keep bringing up leaderboards and winning? I've in no way shape or form implied that's the case. Are you really going to make me explain why dying should carry big penalties and something that can be easily made should remain weak?


    Setting things on tables happen, people forget to grab things, it happens a lot. Basic all-access door access is NOT asking for the moon, nor is it asking for the ability to wander the station freely. We're talking the ability to wander Hallways and the Dorms.

    With basic door access PAI's could quite literally be halfway across the station from their master for whatever reason. I still have yet to see a valid reason for that other than "I forgot him" or "I need him to get a single item I'm too lazy to get". If you're forgotten not only do I believe you're doing a crappy job as a PAI, but you also have a PDA and radio to call him back for christ's sake, so that's not a valid argument in the slightest.

    So, for the third time, PAI's should not leave thier masters side. You have yet to provide even a semi-decent reason as to why they should be able to do so, because allowing them to would not only make more potential problems with antags, but also with PAI's not liking their masters and simply leaving.


    No. They are not different. pAI are just "Minor roles" for dead people to occupy to faff around without responsibility and waste time right? Well that's the SAME ROLE as what respawning as a simple mob is for, to faff around an give dead people/observers something minor to screw with to occupy themselves.

    Only one of them can "Freely wander the Station" as well as manipulate objects (I have personally seen Ian's make a fuckin yakkity sax with objects to keep them away from antags or deliver shit to security.) Ian may not be able to talk (Without using some weird bugs.) But he can do way more then that. Ian can drag PEOPLE. AWAY From Antags or from dangers. You know how many times I have watched that corgi haul in a dead HoP to medical?


    The ONLY APPRECIABLE difference, is one has an in-built radio and doesn't need to do glitchy exploits to speak human words.

    Yes, they are. Are you saying you join as a PAI with the same intention as if you join as Ian? Ian has no expectations placed on him, and is not meant to assist his master. If he's roaming the station and chooses to do so then that's that, but he is in no way required to, nor do you see him frequently doing so. PAI's are meant to stay with and assist their master, and are currently given the proper tools to do so. It's not fair or in good taste to cite Ian shittery as a reason that PAI's should be buffed.



    I didn't know SS13 was a "Leaderboard" type of game where it was a competition and we had to punish people for things, so when can I expect the removal of Drones, Xenobiology mobs, golems, holoparasites, Positronic brains and such on?


    Nobody mentioned anything about leaderboards, and I think it's fairly obvious that death should carry a penalty, so this is an argument I'm not even going to bother to make.

    Every single example you gave has a severe penalty bound to their gameplay. Drones and Posibrains are bound by harshly enforced laws, Xenobiology has no access and are bound to their master (as well as being decently hard to get, to the point where you see them maybe 1/3 rounds), and holoparasites are bound to their master unable to so much as leave their sight.


    Also please explain to me how being able to open basic access doors that, again, even TERMINATED CREW CAN OPEN and being able to be a flashlight or a scanner is in anyway going to "Fuck the antags" because I don't understand how that's even POSSIBLE, and it sounds kind of like a knee-jerk reaction to "Pls don't buff living death alarms".


    I find it funny you speak of knee-jerk reactions, when you're quite literally picking out one part of my post when I very clearly stated later on that I'd be more than ok with both a flashlight and scanner. I'm going to repeat my point earlier, PAI's should not leave their master's side.


    I'm alright with smaller changes like giving them a flashlight, or even the full body scanner, and that's because it goes with the original intention of PAIs staying near their master and assisting in very basic functions that relate to their well-being. They should not, however, be able to roam the station and vents however they please.


    Correct. Except pAI in their mobile form, are slower then their master, so they actually CAN'T stay by their master's side, especially when said master walks into the bar, and the hallway airlock closed behind them and you have to stare pitifully as even fucking Ian can open those and you can't. I also preferred the holographic forms, but we're probably not gonna re-acquire thooooooose.


    There's this crazy thing you can do called picking them up. Ian can't be picked up and placed in your pocket, speak in an understandable language, and is not meant to be bound solely to the HoP's office. It's completely unfair to compare two things when they're meant for two different things and have inherently different abilities.



    That's fair. I just want pAIs to have something to do, even if it's just updating their records and keeping hold of all their notes.

    Tiny things like that are totally reasonable, but bar a huge change to them I don't think they're going to be quite as interesting as you and others would like... I think you can still maybe put them it simple bots (other than the ED), have you tried that?



    And before anyone says that taking a whole one minute to walk to science and ask for a PAI counts as being "prepared", it really doesn't. For how easy a PAI is to get it should remain weak.


    There's only a VERY finite initial spawn of pAI and Nerfing the cost of their production is a very small price to pay to make pAI actually interesting.


    Because presently, spawning as a pAI is less activity then just being an assistant with a station-bounced radio (Which are dime a dozen in the fuck tons of emergency toolboxes all over maintenance or in the several O2 lockers).


    Especially since nowadays, ghosts have gotten *WAY* Better respawn alternatives. Xenobiology mobs, Holoparasites, Golems have always been there, Positronic brains (Though they're harder to print out now.) The Nanotrasen minebot for miners who slot in the upgrade, yadda yadda yadda.


    All those compared to a Secretary who cannot be a secretary and that cannot open even basic access doors that even Terminated crew can open.

    pAI don't need to be Station AI: Pocket Edition. But giving them minor shit like flashlights or makin 'em tiny living encyclopedias as their niche sort is ... really not going to impact a round anymore then they already do.


    And if the "but lifing darth alurm is 2 op 4 skool" is a pressing concern, is there no way to make their communications instead act like a regular headset instead of a station bounced radio? So if T-comms is cut, pAI can't scream. (Might also enable the ability to insert headset keys into said pAI to enable those channels. Tator pAI able to monitor all comms an coordinate tators via Syndi-comms, pls.)


    You literally need Electromagnetic, Data Theory, and maybe Material techs at 2 to be able to make a PAI. Nothing you suggested is even NEAR how easy that is to make.


    PAI's aren't meant to be terribly interesting simply because you aren't supposed to be rewarded for being dead, and quite frankly I don't see how these changes would make PAI more interesting either. Other than being able to escape and quite literally fuck the antag that just successfully murdered their target (Which they should NOT be able to do) there's no point to the changes.


    Also, you all seem to forget that up until a while ago PAI's didn't even have a mobile form. The reason for that is because they're not meant to leave their master's side.


    I'm alright with smaller changes like giving them a flashlight, or even the full body scanner, and that's because it goes with the original intention of PAIs staying near their master and assisting in very basic functions that relate to their well-being. They should not, however, be able to roam the station and vents however they please.



    I'm against the ventcrawling and walking speed. PAIs are already stupidly strong in the fact that if your target has one, it's basically impossible to kill him cleanly. Telecomms blackouts are meant to be a godsend for antags, where it's impossibly hard to relay information unless you're prepared. In fact, that's the only reasonable way to kill someone who possesses a PAI (since last I checked for whatever reason EMPs don't work well on them). As for the walking speed, PAIs aren't meant to always be walking around with their owner. If you want them to keep up just put them in your damn pocket.


    And before anyone says that taking a whole one minute to walk to science and ask for a PAI counts as being "prepared", it really doesn't. For how easy a PAI is to get it should remain weak.



    Sure, I'll contribute to this circlejerk :^)



    Captain: Neil Wilkinson

    HoS: Tristen Edwards. Tied with Cecilia for being damn competent as the HoS but I haven't seen Tristen play Warden so Cecilia gets that.

    CE: Grendel Riker. Grendel's knowledgeable about all things engineering and will be sure to fix things up and direct their department if needs be.


    RD: Jack Price. Knows how to science and stuff.

    CMO: Halogen. halp is absorb in morgue

    Blueshield: Rynnt Oethe just kidding, can't think of any Buttshields right now



    Engineer: Garoon Garuda. Knows his stuff when it comes to engineering.

    Engineer: Cole Laurenzi if he still plays engineering.

    Engineer: Gin Gerrail. One of the newer engineers but they seem to be competent with the engine so whatever.

    Atmosian: Hawke Boetirson. Another one of the characters who adds interest to the round, and also knows atmospherics stuff to boot.



    Warden: Cecilia Fleming. Pretty damn competent

    Officer: Sergey Kuriychov. Best Space Russian this side of the galaxy.

    Officer: Dar'Konr as the purrfect Security Kitty

    Officer: PUSEN. Again, just a competent officer.



    Pharmacist: Squishika Sirus. Knows a shit-tonne of chemistry and actually does their job for the round instead of fucking off to make meth

    Geneticist: Afrum Bohawk. Not sure how competent he is as an actual geneticist (from what I've seen he knows his way round genomes), but he always seems to make rounds more interesting.

    Doctor: Heather Somna. Gotta evac those civs to the outpost! is also competent at everything medbay.



    Magistrate: Jonah Bright. Very knowledgable, impartial and fair.

    Botanist: Yuki Frost

    Botanist: Hannah Snow

    Clown: Bob from Accounting (or was it Steve?)

    Janitor: Hans. Who doesn't love the german plasmaman with a hidden penchant for violence?



    QM: Tom Smith. A newer player that I've seen that keeps an eye on his miners and will always try to get them back if he can.

    Miner: Kikiyachi? Some vox who is competent at mining.

    Cargo tech: Nat Adams. *squish



    Scientist: KEVIN

    Roboticist: Cecilia Mingle


    Civilian: Elliott Campbell

    Civilian: Slade.



    AI: Door Lizard. Gotta protect them doors :^)

    Security borg: Spark 5.5. Dependable and knows Space Law to the letter.

    Engineering borg: HeliOS (I think?). Not seen them in a while but from what I can remember they were pretty competent.

    Janiborg: S.Hi.N.E. Beep boop, any messes?


    That's it! :D

    Holy crap the nostalgia, this this is full of players I haven't seen in ages, 10/10 list. Can I just duplicate everything on here with the exceptions of Clown, whom a nominate Scoots for, and Scientist, whom I nominate Anastasia Berit for.


    Bob from Wizarding will forever be the only Bob in my heart (even though they're the same player).



    The EXPERIMENTOR is unfixably terrible.

    Delete it entirely and replace it with something that has decent mechanics.

    Patching it won't bring it up to par.


    I read the title and immediately thought to myself "There's still less than 0 chance in hell that I'm ever going to use it". Due to how it's designed it's either going to be utterly OP or trash, and it's been made plenty clear it's not going to be buffed.


  14. There's a witnesses section included in the player complaint template. Just list whoever and if the admins deem more info is necessary they will contact them. I see absolutely no reason why it needs to be public.


    As much as I'd like to see a lore-friendly tier system or hierarchy of how the species interact with Humans at the top and Tajaran and Vox at the bottom, it's probably never going to happen do to how the server staff views any form of xenophobia.

    It would be cool, but it's gonna create WAAAAYYYYYYYY too many problems to justify reinforcing lore, especially since we're only mid-RP.



    I dunno about giving inmates their own garden in perma, it would feel out of place.. And could also be abused somehow, I just know it.. I'm not experienced with botany, but I just feel someone will find a way to abuse it.


    I'm not sure if you're aware, but Kyet is currently working on a sec remap that would introduce botany to perma. If you're really unsure about it I highly suggest you mention it on either the git or code discussion thread regarding it. Also, if you restrict the access to seeds, Botany is incredibly weak. The only good tools they receive is the hatchet, which I doubt will be placed in perma. Other than that they have some very weak toxins they have access to, which aren't gonna be a problem unless you're a diona.


    Also, as a reminder, isn't ammonia and water put together turn into space lube? I don't think allowing people easier access to the stuff a good idea. That, and chemist might abuse it too for shortcuts, which IC wise is not fitting of their job. Scraping fungus off walls is one thing, but running around the station gathering ammonia from toilets isn't really appropriate.


    I already commented on the error in this earlier. I'm curious as to what you mean as to a chemist abusing it and how that's relevant though? As someone who does chem frequently it's quite literally our job to use tricks to produce things as quickly as possible. Ammonia wouldn't appear in the toilets, it'd most likely be added to a special botany machine that dispenses bottles.


    I think what would be better is if they rework the recipe for Jenk, making it easier to put together without having to rely on charming the chemist to give you the needed ingredients to make the cheap drug. But what could you find in a prison cell? Hmm...


    Literally the only thing you need to make Jenkem is ammonia from the chemist, which if Botany is added to perma prisoners will have access to. It's the easiest Narco to make other than Space Drugs.



    Would it really be that hard to look it up before you spout nonsense? Takes like 10 seconds to look up the recipe for space lube.


    It takes 0 seconds to not post a nonconstructive comment and move along.



    I dunno about giving inmates their own garden in perma, it would feel out of place.. And could also be abused somehow, I just know it.. I'm not experienced with botany, but I just feel someone will find a way to abuse it.


    Also, as a reminder, isn't ammonia and water put together turn into space lube? I don't think allowing people easier access to the stuff a good idea. That, and chemist might abuse it too for shortcuts, which IC wise is not fitting of their job. Scraping fungus off walls is one thing, but running around the station gathering ammonia from toilets isn't really appropriate.


    Ammonia, Water and Ethanol form space cleaner (Which doesn't slip). The recipe for space lube is Silicon, Oxygen, and Water


  18. 100x No to the support guardian buff, it's already easily the most used/strongest. Ranged buff is reasonable. Bomb buff I'm slightly confused about, since the "bombs" set by it aren't actually explosions, are they? If you could go into detail as to how exactly remote detonation works I'll give my opinion.


    I really like your shield idea, that'd be an interesting objective that'd require defense. I could see them setting up a sort of base on station, and would love to see them alternating between offense and defense (This would be a great place for the invader shells to come into play). Replace the AI on the other hand... not so much. It's just way too easy to do, especially when it's as isolated as it is. As for the stop the escape of crew, I'm not against the idea, but doesn't that basically mean taking over the bridge and shooting the two comms consoles, then what happens? This could probably used for a new/more unique objective, but maybe I'm just nitpicking.


    Very nice, although I hate to play devil's advocate here (since I love the spriting), I would hate to see this suffer the same fate as heist and be doomed to fail as another nuke clone. Nuke involves destroying the station. Heist involved stealing but generally devolved into a shoot em up anyways. This gamemode mimics the other two but seems to be a "seize control" type, while not technically the same objective as heist or nuke, heist or nuke sometimes try to accomplish their objective by seizing control leading to a bloody but fun gunfight.


    My suggestion is to strongly suggest against violence and limit the "overt" form to very powerful stun weapons. The idea is that they would want very little collateral damage to the crew or station. You can give them very overpowered lethal weapons if you like, but they should require something like admin approval to be able to be used.


    Also I might be able to help you with this codewise if you need help on that end.


    I'm suuuuuper against this.

    I'd rather we didn't make Vox raiders 2.0. I think that's pretty much proved that non-violent boarding parties don't work well on anything other than high-RP. Plus if they're non-lethal what's the point of invaders, where/what would they do with stunned prisoners, ect. I think an interesting way to take this is to make them into a conversion boarding party that captures crew and turns them into abominations/slaves that assist them with their objectives, eventually leading to a hostile takeover. Obviously that's just my two cents though :P


    • Like 1

    If we ever got Polaris' customization system I can't help but feel I'd have to start wearing a jacket from the sheer amount of snowflakes on station.


    That being said, out currently disability system is pretty meh, and I certainly wouldn't be against adding more physical changes to character creation (More skrell hairstyles plz)



    Let me start off by saying I really like the idea of this, but I see a few problems.


    Regarding perma, unless there is some secret use I'm missing out on, I don't really see a point to keeping the laundry machine around, and I especially don't see a point to giving it a 3x3 area for itself. You also have waaaayyyyy too many vents and scrubbers for a room that divided up/sized, honestly one of each is enough. Remember if you pump N2 in there you have those two huge honkin air scrubbers to put to work. The cells also seem incredibly easy to break out of. I appreciate that the glass looks nice, but any prisoner with some time on their hands (which they do if they're in perma) can easily break out of there taking no damage in the process (Using a glass shard to break the grille), and in that case why put cells in at all in the first place? I'd also move/remove the intercom behind the vending machine, it just seems awkward to me and you already have two in there.

    * I can't tell what that garbage chute is leading to, but it's something that you probably also want to remove.


    Right, on to interro. I really like your idea of timers on the interrogation/processing cells, but I don't think there's a need for so many. Also, for simplicity's sake the Warden really needs to see what's going on in those cells, so they should be within eyeshot of his office. Someone's suggestion of making two larger cells seemed like a good idea to me, and maybe place a larger holding/processing cell farther back. You should absolutely not have to go through one interrogation cell to get to another, or EVA access. My suggestion would be to merge those last two interrogation cells and the actual isolation interrogation, remove that EVA lock (I'm sorry but that is horribly placed) and put it near the pod pilot's office or where the labor shuttle formerly was (Either would make more sense IMO), and then make a small backup room with the SMES in it. I also again think one vent/scrubber would suffice for the hallway West of Warden


    And finally we come to cells. Other than those two odd 3x3 cells and disposals chute this looks pretty good to me. You'll definitely need to reduce the size of the courtroom, but I really like the idea of connecting the magistrates office to it.


  22. Neither of you are late, I'm probably going to submit a PR for the first mapping change tonight. Depending on how that goes I'll update you all as to whether work will continue or not.


    One complaint I have... if the entrance decontamination area is changed into a lobby, then there's nowhere to wash up after doing robotics surgery to implant or debrain. I'd suggest putting a sink near the surgery area and hiding a shower near scichem or in the hallway to deal with being splashed or catching on fire.


    Moving the fire safety closets somewhere else would be cool too.


    I"ll take that all into account. I was planning on adding a sink to the robotics surgery table. I made the place for it and everything, I'll do that now so I don't forget. Also, I think I'm going to add a shower/bathroom section to science, as I'm moving the server room. I"m sure I can fit the fire closets in too somewhere. Thanks for the input


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