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Da Dman234

Retired Admins
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Posts posted by Da Dman234

  1. Hey there, I was the admin who made the call to fire all of security, as I was the only one online at the time.


    To give my side of the story, security had more or less been running poorly all shift, with there being multiple complaints regarding their behavior in both the brigging of a scientist, as well as permanently imprisoning two non-antag civillians over possession of the hand teleporter. Both I had chalked up to IC incidents with IC resolutions & moved on, but as the shift progressed the things quite obviously escalated. To jump to the important bits, ultimately 5 prisoners had ended up in perma, and there was a traitor with an access jammer/camera bug actively opening doors. Some prisoners attempted to escape, others did not, and all were mass executed & cremated against the magistrates orders. At no point during any of the described IC situations, before or after, were any rectifications by any officers attempted, no one tried to stop the illegal executions, no one tried to stop the cremations, no other officers stepped in when a scientist were being improperly brigged earlier in the shift. There were many, MANY instances throughout the whole shift where any officer could have stepped in and helped out to restore order. That, obviously hadn't been done, and it had gotten to the point where over half the department needed to be fired, so I made the call it be best to start over. I acknowledge there were some good officers on staff, but I A.) Did not have the time & manpower to actively go through 10 peoples logs & effectively take prompt IC action against what amounted to half the department, and B.) As stated above, believe that EVERYONE in the department was responsible for what occurred throughout the shift to some degree, as anyone could have attempted to fix the situations occurring within their own department & over radio.


    As for the DS, it was sent after a hostile response to the Security ERT I sent, which was overseen by two other admins that had come as backup for me. It was an agreed upon response as to what had occurred during the round, given that there was a mutiny and that command, in general, were incapable of handling the station to any significant degree. Just to be clear, I did not fire security with the intent of sending a DS at the time, but rather it was an action taken based on general crew response to the situation, which I acknowledge was shitty all around for both admins & players.




  2. To be clear, the 24 hours I'm speaking of was in reference to a chain of events that happened yesterday, not today or in relation to this ban. They are merely to explain my reasoning for why I recommended what I did.

    Apologies for the confusion, a Head Admin will handle this when available.

  3. Hey there, 

    So I'm aware this is a complaint against SpacemanSpark, but I believe it was my reasoning that prompted him to administer a dayban.

    To further explain:

    1. Despite clearly being an advanced player mechanically, you've committed rather vital mistakes such as completely dismantling/destroying telecomms in an effort to loot it, despite it being clearly labeled & the roundtype being extended.
    2. Bragged in Dchat about your, "Powergame", in which you had accumulated multiple insta-stun weapons, cuffs, ect.
    3. Incited a rebellion in cargo for a rather poor reason

    This was all done in the span of (and I'm not exaggerating) 24 hours. As such, I voiced my opinion that any future rule-breaks we not be lenient on, so, while your complaint is against Spacemanspark, it was done due to my observations/prompt. 

  4. As was already stated, they were a balance nightmare, it more or less simplified down to the crew annihilating them in 5 minutes, or them controlling the station in 30. I'm not very knowledgeable about our coder situation, so there are more qualified people to speak on it than me, but at the time of their removal our coders didn't have the time/energy to sit down and balance them in a meaningful way, and I'm inclined to believe that that's still the case. 

    It's not a unique feature, and people (or those with coding knowledge), generally,  aren't interested in putting the time into fixing it. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Ralta said:

    Here's my response from the Git, since Necaladun has asked we not discuss anything but code there:

    "Boy oh boy, I do not understand the reactions here. It baffles me how admins can say things like "If this is merged, I'll just make all my notes private!". You've just made the case for transparency on your own; if you're intending to hide your notes, I dread to think what they might contain.

    I say this as someone who has administrated for a variety of games at a variety of levels for years. I know everyone says "I was a headmin on this one server so I know my stuff" but I do system administration for a living and have done for some time; hiding responses from your clients is unprofessional and breeds an atmosphere of doubt ("If you've nothing to hide, you've nothing to fear" - I hate that particular concept, but some people tend to think that way). That said, private notes would exist purely to ensure admins have a way of communicating concerns about behaviour of a player privately (metagaming/comming, toxicity etc) and the player shouldn't even know they exist. They can ask if there's a secret note and the admin response will always be "I cannot tell you." This is literally how regular notes work now, so people would be no more likely to ask about private notes than they would about current notes.

    In the event of admins abusing the private notes system, headmins intervene and slap the admin on the wrist. If an admin is incapable/uninterested in writing notes that are appropriate for public viewing, they should not be an admin, period.

    Other servers work like this, so it's not like there isn't already precedent for using a public notes system and they seem to do just fine (except for Oracle - F). Irrespective of the decision made on this matter, admins shouldn't be showing their asses by announcing they'd flout the system; that makes you all look bad by association."


    To admins saying things like "Player gets warning, wants to know the contents of the note", you tell them no, like you do right now for all notes. Although they shouldn't even know you've left a hidden message, so that point ought to be moot. 

    The mistake you're making here is that the players aren't clients, and we aren't paid. I, personally, do not want to spend what could be hours of my time arguing with players over a note they don't agree with. Everyone seems to be vastly overestimating the use of the note system, and on top of that I'm noticing a ton of "Us vs. Them" mentality between admins and players. Admins do not log on to the server with the idea of "I'M GONNA MAKE X PLAYERS DAY REALLY SHITTY" we're here to play the game just like everyone else. Contrary to popular belief we do not give any significant amount of thought to players unless we receive direct reports that they're breaking the rules at the current moment. If you choose not to believe that and distrust us, that's on you.

    • Like 5
  6. I don't think I'm quite understanding this fully, so people want basic/situational notes that aren't sensitive, but basically that just means the notes from every time an admin has spoken to and given people a warning? I always thought it was pretty clear that when we have to talk to people it's noted, and not to repeat that behavior. What exactly would be the point of having that information? Sorry if I've missed it if it's already been stated


  7. All declined appeals are automatically locked. This sub-section of the forum is here for any perceived grievances, and quite obviously is not handled by myself.

  8. Not... a fan of the idea of potentially killing "kids" causing trouble on station even if they're 17 or 18, especially with the charged political climate in places such as the U.S.


    Maybe if you were to brand it as a rehabilitation field trip for prisoners?

  9. Yeah, I still stand by what I said in the screenshots provided.

    I actually found out later that Diego Flores was your target's coworker, and that the two of them absolutely did not get along at all that shift, and funnily enough as you claim he only left 3 or 4 times, he was actually leaving as you bombed robotics (which you conveniently left out was a maxcap and called a water potassium bomb instead). Unfortunately for him, he was still killed in the blast, though not gibbed. The screenshots you provided also make it seem like you didn't heavily damage the escape primary hallway, which you did, and badly, and ended up injuring another civilian as well. Having a clean record for two years isn't impressive when you've hardly played here for two years, and our rulings on bombing have been in place since before I was even a player, and have remained unchanging.

    You should have known better, that's the last I'll add to this subject.

    • angryeyes 1
  10. Yessssss, give me tritium for those sweet, sweet toxins bombs.

    Realistically though, this would most likely require an overhaul of a couple areas of our code, including atmospherics, toxins, air alarms, ect. Would probably be a complicated port?

  11. 2 hours ago, Irkalla said:

    Mindswap: An ability that should only be used on Clings because it makes sense for them to have. For wizards its just leading to them being stunned then being thrown to death with floor tiles "just to be sure". Its one of the spells that makes cheesing wizards so utterly compelling.

    Mindswap and Summon Guns/Spells have led to some of the best and most interesting Wizard rounds I've ever seen. The problem is Wizard has such a high learning curve, the solution isn't to remove or limit them by removing spells the crew thinks are "OP" or cheesy, because the reality of the situation is it's very commonly 1 vs. 50 if not more.

  12. 1 hour ago, Mitchs98 said:

    Lol? No. It changes race and name entirely. It's annoying, serves no purpose other than to meme, and is just plain useless. It COULD be useful but most people just use it to meme and upset others.

    I'd be all in favor of nerfing it with any of the reasons stated above. I already hate most changelings for being murderboney jerks that think its their admin given right to do so, I hate the ones stinging everyone almost more. That's why every single round there's that one nerd that's memeing everyone I stay in my office or somewhere else no one can ever touch me provided I don't let them in, and I don't unless I know them or they have a really good reason.

    Everyone shouldn't have to worry 'Oh god is this jackass going to meme me next?'. It offers very little to the round and gets old after a while.

    It actually serves as an incredible defense mechanism, if everyone is the same it makes things hell for security, effectively providing a mask for antagonistic actions provided nobody blatantly see's you murder someone. You can literally just grab some random person's ID and you now have an effective disguise, as half the crew is the same person and they only way to identify them is via ID.

    Also, no need to get riled up over such a little thing. I personally much prefer antagonists/changlings have their fun this way then relentlessly murderboning the crew.

    • Like 1
  13. I was the admin who bwoinked Keluandrie, and it was indeed to find out what Imsxz's orders were. In an attempt to explain what exactly happened, I'll give a quick walkthrough.

    Dchat had brought up that Imsxz had rolled antag, being curious as to how this happened I asked Kyet if he had been unbanned, to which the response was no. Two dark priests were dispatched (not by myself, nor were any admins controlling them) and I bwoinked Keluandie in order to ascertain what exactly Imsxz had been ordered to do. With the Dark Priests that were dispatched having wrapped up the situation, I believed the everything to be dealt with. I would like to say that I never directly told you that you weren't going to be banned, but did suggest that it were fine for you to get off. I myself was not planning on banning you, nor did I see the conversation happening on staff chat as it was late and I was intending to leave soon. Quite honestly though it's probably best this conversation happen on the forums, as I feel your conversation with Kyet would have been very short regardless. Also, you did leave quite the trail of bodies in your wake.


    Regardless, in an effort to keep this short and orderly that'll be my contribution to this complaint.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Buford said:

    Read the whole thing, you can't get accurate statistics on racism due to being coined on being a racist is based entirely by opinion.

    The inability gather accurate statistics doesn't give justification to make up vague ones that seemingly support your argument. Doing so means you lose all credibility, atleast in my eyes.

    It honestly seems to me that you chose a hot-button issue and threw out some buzz statistics to sensationalize things.

    Also, I'll take the bait here. The statistics your provided in your most recent post in no way implies causality. Quoting random statistics doesn't make your argument stronger, you'd need a very specific study that examines all variables that could have increased police casualty rates. You'd also need to examine a much larger time-period for police casualty ratings to determine if there's a constant trend, and that's just off the top of my head.

    • Like 1
  15. On 8/22/2017 at 10:10 PM, Buford said:

    Political correctness is in no way shape or form used by our current president. The BLM movement is illogical considering that under 50% of the US is not racist.

    I got to here before I just stopped. I don't know how you expect anyone to take you seriously when you very clearly just pulled this number from where the sun don't shine.

    • Like 1
  16. There's just no way any of these would ever be available at roundstart... They're really cool ideas, don't get me wrong, but these races are all incredibly unbalanced, and would be difficult to incorporate RP wise (Or atleast zombies would). That being said, a sort of infection that could turn people into zombies and cause a stationwise crisis would be really cool. 

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