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Everything posted by Imnotthesharpest

  1. I might see to the chart, it has so much wasted space.
  2. I just took a look at the firearms page, and it is SO DAMN LONG
  3. 1] Chemist 2] 3] 4] (i hope this takes place on NSS Cyberiad)
  4. Name: P.U.R.P.L.E-236 Gender: Male Nicknames/Alias: P.U.R.P.L.E, PURPLE, purple, Purp, and pink. Picture(To be made) Age: 22 Years of Existance. Date of Manufacturing: December 13th 2544AD Place Of Birth: A Syndicate Robotics Manufacturing Facitity in the Gamma Geranite sector. Species: Machine Blood Type: Oil. Alignment: Neutral Evil Affiliation: Nanotrasen Religious Beliefs: NA Pre-Nanotrasen Employment Nanotrasen Employment Detailed Information Personal Relationships (Warning it is LONG) Faction Relations Other Information 10 hours in the making WOOOOOOOOO! I had fun with the highlighter at the end if you can tell.
  5. So I have been playing maintenance crawling assistant and I've been noticing some coins have both sides as heads, is there anyway i could produce these coins myself? any time i atempt to weld a coin it turns into a ring, and duck tape doesn't work
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