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Posts posted by M3hillus

  1. I like the current change. The short stun of the *instant* taser isn't too long, for an instant stun, and it power expensive shot per shot compared to the disabler beam, and the disabler beam damages simple animals, like giant spiders. I don't know if the damage to simple animals is intended, but It helps heaps when you cant get lethals to fight spiders.


    Perfect example of why locked air alarms suck:


    Atmos was setup and running well, me and another tech were managing everything, when somehow the kitchen caught alight. We saw that early and tried to syphon the kitchen, but couldn't for about a minute until the alarm went off.

    Yes, it would be good to have full access in this case. But maybe you would have actually locked the chef inside the burning / syphoning kitchen, shutters come down really quick if you syphon (Not saying you did or you ever would, but there might be other people not caring that much). I think people should have some sort of control over others from a remote location just syphon their room. How about making the system work correctly and set all air alarms to remote control "on" by default. So i could at least switch it "off" or to "auto", if i want to consciously prevent that?

    Better to clone 1 guy, than have 4+ people try "Fight the fire" and cause a large atmospheric issue that kills every person on the scene.



    Stun batons still damage borgs, Basic mobs, and the ilk. As far as I am aware, stun-batons are working as intended, via the aforementioned change. Plus, you can kill carp and spiders with a taser, it just takes all of your shots. IIRC.


    As for Lings-Wizards-Vampies... Ehhh...They still get dealt with, and have been, after the change.


  4. Someone should really add bone gel to the surgery crates and autolathe, or make it so chemistry can make it. As it currently is, as far as I can tell, if some miscreant steals the two bone gels from surgery, you have to resort to using a screwdriver in its place, with the associated ghetto surgery failure chances.


    Yikes, sorry to hear about the computer troubles. If you are still doing this amazing thing, I'd like to get in on the action.


    NameMedusa Schofeild

    Height 5'8"

    eye color Green

    hair color and styleFeather, Dark red.

    piercings Right eyebrow studded ridge.

    expression Stern, but with a slight smirk.

    pose Crossed arms, with one hand up on her cigar and the sunglasses low on her eyes, looking at everyone with suspicion, and a puff of smoke.

    uniform Corporate Sec jumpsuit with black webbing, Corp-sec hat, Cigar in mouth, sunglasses. Holo-badge on chest, two tasers on her belt and a set of cuffs on the webbing.

    preferred location Top corner.



    When the Mechs go on a rampage and the only ones fighting it are civilians with crowbars.



    When the person you were interacting with all round dies and you cant clone them.



    The Heads of staff during Rev.



    Crawling through maint when suddenly Xeno empress.



    Being the only member of Sec/medical/engineering.




    The damage from disposals is more about getting thrashed about in a metal tube than friction. All those bends and turns aren't good for the body.


    I've tested disposals as a bored atmos tech a few rounds, and I can confirm that its the bends that mess you up, not the straight-aways.


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