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Everything posted by Gibson1027

  1. I am kinda on the hype train for this. I was a big runescape fan back in the day and puzzles keep me going. I don't think people would mind if a complex solarium code piece was redacted from viewable open source. It would give players the chance to take a look at something quite large and test the metal of the most seasoned player. You could even put it over in science south of toxins. +1 for SPACE PUZZLER
  2. Why not keep the slowness,buff the suits back up, and have a limited number in eva for engineers to use (I think 4 -6 and the ce's) This deters engineers from going full idiot and wearing it 24/7 because of the slowness. Still gives accessibility to them for the eminent attacks and holes into space there are going to be. And allows them to be safe from damn space carp when we are repairing hull breaches with our little jetpacks. I will say if you got froggy you could make it a customization suit where r&d stick on armor parts or mechanical leg harnesses to make you go fast. It would satiate all problems but that is ALOT of work. Just as a side note to this: Of all things engineering hard-suit nerfs are not the end of the world, but I see why players complain about them. It is a direct debuff to a common staple of a fantastic job and not many players are familiar with handling the job without a suit. So if there is that much of an uproar just listen and compromise, not shoo people away for complaining. This is a good community with good people and good ideas. Why not work together to make our 2d spaceman game a little better for everyone both player,and admin?
  3. Yeah I agree two hundred percent. The amount of condom robotics lately has been through the roof. Literally had one come into the armory and ask for me for all the lazer pistols while playing warden. When I told him no he laughed and said he would take them by force. Like WHAT nonantag does that? (solution: casually get ion rifle and blow the phazon to smithereens) Something needs to be done asap. This whole "hur hur I is self antag cus I has phazon and is walk through walls or I is durand and you cant kill me hur hur" is ludicrous and blows the whole self antag rules out of the water.
  4. Yeah...that is a rampant problem I am not going to deny you on. Response times can be abysmal due to well... lack of organization. Especially when a internal authority figure (warden,hos) is a massive condom; times can be AWFULLY SLOW. I usually like playing space pod pilot,but when no recourse of moving to x to handle y is called out and I have to turn back, land, remove hard suit, and then get there; that is a major problem. Especially when a single station officer could move to handle most situations. Also the AI thing: I do like that and would not mind instead of just a dispatch job have ai handle it all with some nifty alert levels for pda messages. I just think people will have to learn to wait a bit longer before screaming "AI IS ROUGE CONDOM 4 NOT OPENING DOOR" while people are being beaten to death in medbay.
  5. I see a simple solution here for this. Because I do not like shutters to begin with. If you ever been to a mall, why not make metal grate shutters like that. Literally have it where/if need be/ robotics can shut down the lab part with grates but we can still see inside! It would simply be a invisible background of a re skinned shutter. It should have its own separate thread, but the combat mech business is getting out of hand. Its just a matter of time before people fully realize phazons are the strongest mechs in the game and can overpower most situations barring a mechanized ert/ds (even then it still has an upper hand). Just to throw in maybe build mechanics should change slightly lest you are a syndie or special mech already spawned in that forces you to have a beacon inside. (hell maybe even put in when the board is locked into place) anways gg for the shutters. I like science but secluding yourself from the world and limiting visibility of your shady shit is a real big nono when its that easy. (science rebuild so crew can see inside hehe)
  6. I'd go for it. Especially Security Casters. Puts out posts or missing persons. I would love to see a dispatch job or a second channel devoted to guiding sec forces to scenes. 911 operator or something like that.
  7. Simple and straight forward. Blueshield,Captain, CE, HOP, HOS, Warden all get hats. The nice NT rep and recruiter need to get something to warm our cold heads. Especially the recruiter. It gets lonely in that long hallway. I was thinking a simple recolored beret would be nice.
  8. A large majority of stuff is real. We have kevlar armor,guns, atmosphere,food,and such. Its just a natural progression to take real substantial things and make them into 2d space men. anyways...I am a big gym and combat enthusiast and LOVE self defense stuff. If you got the time Would love to see a combined combat and tazer implemented like riot police now have.
  9. Considering we are a couple hundred years in the future and xrep shotgun rounds made for riot control (since 2011 I believe) have internal electrical currents running via shell and attach to spot I think having rounds weather they be loadable,lazer based, or whatever is a likelihood. Not particularly. If we had real life tasers versus most organisms tazers would win hands down. Most tazer effects can last from one to two minuets of inability to use gross motor skills and around thirty minuets for all effects to wear off; This being either on shot or touch. Even against a nuke ops who have partial suits made of both metal covering and reinforced fabrics would still be affected depending on cover cloth thickness The reason for this is as of mid 2000 taser began making curved penetrating barbs for their tasers. This allows heavy based military fabric to be pierced unless clothing is made to be specifically taser resistant. (carbon taping or a chemically treat polyester usually does this. As long as the material can basically discharge the current it will work. It has to be in strips) Here I have a small disagreement. In all honesty there are around 4 levels of security available for the station at any given time. We have standard issue sec officers, Emergency response team, and Death Squad. Now standard sec officers are primary and secondary lines of defense. These men, from having red alert armory, can be assumed to have up to equivalency of basic military force training. Due to the fact we have proper mentality of handling space law, sop, armor, riot gear, lethal laser rounds, and the likes these men make up the force of primary officers and army core of the station. Upon calling ert you have accessed tertiary level defenses and requested marine aid. Finally DS is Quaternary level aid when all else has failed(THINK seal team 6). With this said sec makes up for half of the levels of security measures within the game. They need to have capabilities other than being chewed up and spit out by antagonists. With this said, if a officer is surprised then I understand. If it is a even ground on combat engagement, security should have equal footing of winning. This is a bit rude is it not? Considering that we have two entire game types devoted to crew versus command and sec (objective,revolution), I feel this is a slanted comment. I understand you are not acclimated to security, but please keep this civil. This is a discussion and forum for an issue, not a slandering ground. With that said, from those of us who enjoy security and learning the context of space law, standard operating procedure, we take a look at all aspects of our job. I hate to say it but non antag crew are the number one incarceration. This is not because "sec is trying to brig us all" it is because crew break space law more so than any other group. I understand that sec have bad connotation because there have been bad officers,wardens,hos's and every other position, but there are some of us who just enjoy it for the mechanics and laws of it. If you are referring to a instance, you or a friend were arrested, please refer to the paradise wiki and space law. There you can determine what you did was a breaking of space law or simple ignorance. This is also a bit slanted yes? As previously stated, there are good crew of sec and bad. With this said if you are not reasonably acclimated with the system I would advise you to try your hand at security positions during a hectic round of nuke ops, revolutionaries, or changelings. It is a do or die situation and nine times out of ten you are called shitcurity or a condom even though you know they did something wrong. As simple observation of this, I played warden the other day with a gentleman who was incarcerated for (215) grand theft of a officers weapon - fifteen minuets to perma, beat him causing (104) battery -eight minuets, and finally (101) trespassing - three minuets. For first time bring in and complying I reduced the sentence to around twenty minuets. He committed suicide, and then reported me for extension of sentence. I will tell you doing your job as a security personnel is thankless. Any person who is a veteran sec player will tell you that. Anyways enough discussion of topics you did good foxy, that is my last spiel (+1 still)
  10. I personally enjoy the stun redo. I have been around for all modes of stun mechanic and as someone who enjoys playing security based rolls and general nuke ops antaging it is quite enjoyable. A long while ago when we had the normal stun system with the fake damage and pain crit that just "i felt" was a poor excuse of a weapon. Now I know I am going to get yelled at fj45 for this but I enjoy mechanics that closely resemble real life mechanics of things when applicable. With this said having a tazer take THREE shots to knock someone down is absurd. Tazers are meant to cause electro-paralysis of all major muscle groups by sending a electrical current spazaming them. They are disabling weapons not rubber crowd control rounds. It is a plain and simple raw stopping power weapon with capacity to immobilize the assailant. Same thing goes with the disabler as it is a lazer version of xrep shotgun shells. Low power cycle load but can be shot over distance instead of falling off. Now mechanic wise I feel it is a buff to security that was duly needed. In previous iterations of the tazer the method of slowing shot,baton/flash/pepper spray,cuff target was used. This caused what I like to call martial style take downs. They are not effective in combat scenarios and there is no REASON to have them. If you have weapons that require you to use multiple weapons to do the same task it is a flawed design. Sec needed a weapon that was limited in number to officers with a few extra available/order-capable, effective at its job of stopping power of single/multiple target engagements, and be able to have a large enough capacity magazine to withstand at least 1-1.5-2 encounters.The advanced taser system/disabler offers this in a clear and concise package. Combine this with all other security changes I would say efficiency has gone up around 15 percent since implementation. Sec are able to DO their job so YOU don't have to worry about: antag assault as much, random griefing/beatings from civilians, armed civilians, criminals walking in the hallway without being interrogated and sentence served. Also reported crimes compared to full arrests has gone up. It has SHOWN an improvement of security. Another point that I would like to raise is against conveyed targets. there are three kinds of targets that sec officers face on duty: Antags, Crew, and NPC. Antags face sec with upgraded armaments because they ARE ANTAGS. There was no fair fight against them with a standard issue taser. It did not have the stopping power to stop syndicate from eswording you, shooting you with revolver, nuke ops smg'ing you, or even changlings from eating you. It now gives an officer a fighting chance of surviving a combat scenario Crew outnumber security by a vast amount. Average round we have around 50-70 people during peak hours. Say if we have minimal numbers of fifty; a eight man security team is outnumbered 6.25 compared to crew. If those are not bad odds then I do not know what to tell you. NPCS require red alert armory to handle most encounters due to not following normal pain mechanics. With that said one last tidbit that is more personal on this is the rp. I could understand having normal tazers that worked with pain mechanics if we had a community that valued rp more. In the current security situation rp'ing gets you killed. Or your gun stole, or a criminal beating you to death. I know it has happened over months and months of playing. If the antag refuses to value rp of a situation and jump to violence then the people supposed to do their job as officers will not show them any favors. As a final note fox you did good on the implementation of an effective and useful security asset. Keep up the great work +1 for taser alpha.
  11. >Be chichichakiyaya >Be vox raider >challenge skrekface nt ship quill to fight >feign loosing >shoot with chem gun and strip ship of all valuables and skrekface dog > yaya is good. Seriously though +1 this. I want to put this through. Literally entire crew designed to STEAL the cyberiad by taking apart the ship or valuable items. Plus I have vox so....yaya is good.
  12. I +1 this thread. I enjoy my sec pod pilot more so than most other jobs and feel it could be a VERY robust thing to play. With that said I would want to see a focus on available/build-able things for it like those cargo slots or new guns. Right now a good listing I would put for pod pilot would be: Laser module in sec armory for the craft. (maybe delta level version for like photon attachment?) Cargo module either included or build-able by r&d Tool storage unit (for those mid flight battery changes) OR toolbelt A more accurate shooting system (ie like mechs can) attachable oxygen tanks to create a base pod atmosphere for when you don't have a hard suit a specialty hard suit made for mechanics and a sec version for pod pilot where you can attach thrusters or something of equivalence for zero grave space movement. Finally something I have wanted more than anything being able to navigate via a r&d built telesciencewizardry based gps. with that said nice to see someone other than me gives some love to pod pilot. I play that and blueshield 99.99999 percent of the time and have fallen in love with it. You are literally your own squad if you have medical, and engineering experience. Also if admins do approve ANY of this I willl sprite that shit out so quick your little eyes would spin.
  13. That STILL isn't fixed?! God I wish. Muh mersions are broke when i can't fit in on. Please FJ sama help.
  14. Don't get me wrong I want to believe this. But since I came back, sec is terrible (more so than normal). When the clown makes for a more effective officer than the entire sec team barring the seasoned players, somethings up. With that said I just want to see a tiny increase in suit slots. Like i said if nothing else just have sec huts. also, LET ME FIT MY TAZER ON MY BELT. Gah I hate having to carry it in backpack or on belt. My sec item ocd goes crazy when its all not together.
  15. I will +1 this. I could understand if any antags actually made a rp effort but in most situations actions speak louder than words. Because of this you need a large plethora of gear or else sec officers are going to be insta wrecked. With that said I would say keep the changes but make each department have a sec kiosk like medical does. quite honestly if you had enough in each kiosk for one or two officers to be able to change gear out to handle a situation in that department it implements the changes but makes it where sec does not have to stop doing their job to return to the brig just to change then head back. I would say bring back the vesting for cops. Limit the number of flash bangs available (there are like nine million laying around) Make it where the sec belt had one or two more slots. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep the seclite. I always wanted a maglite to beat people with and behold! I have it. Form and function. If nothing was implemented make more sec monitoring huts (one for each department)
  16. In the words of my good friend Monkey "Can we have a vox Mexican kitchen?" I am so behind this 2000% I would love to actually see where this goes. The plus side is SOMEONE is actually over kitchen and botany and show(beat) new players how the food service industry is done.
  17. This please. Transit tubes make me cry.
  18. I +1,000,000 this. I would kill for them.
  19. Why not? The embassies are NEVER used. and simply take up space. Unless you can provide , other than the idea of having (ambassadors) , a substantial reason to have them there then they can be changed to be something valuable. Right now it is simply a breeding ground for blob, xenos, and minimal hiding spots for those acclimated to figuring out how to hack doors.(which we have tons of aboard the station)
  20. I am not very keen on the new layout as well, What I am enjoying is station based command posts with consoles that are correlated. Fruerlund , in my opinion, has the best console setup. It divides the bridge into sectors (think like star trek ship decks) where a person who is in charge of that can monitor portions of the ship that are in need based on an area. Looking for a criminal as the hos? go to the security station, check cameras, set people to arrest. Looking to fix atmos as a ce from the bridge? go t the engineering station! It is a well thought out system that could be edited to fix current problems. still +1 for wanting to fix all nine million consoles in a line.
  21. I have two images and one quote of what I would like to retort with http://puu.sh/dEAf0/06cac75a4b.png emphasis on the rp. secondly http://goo.gl/gnolQI (taken from kidan mechanics page) Balancing factors are not really a thing here. Simply having I can be taken down with flashes and pepper spray is not really an option when the person is wielding a long range weapon or gun. To quote rule 3. Choose the role based on what you want to spend the round doing, not in order to obtain access and equipment or to impress people with a prestigious title. If you take a role, other players will be expecting - and may rely on you to do it. Playing as a head role has extra responsibility. If you are a head, it is assumed NT has assessed and approved your character. Higher standards of RP and game knowledge are expected. Logging out as a head without informing admin will result in a jobban - if you suddenly had to go due to external reasons, a quick appeal to explain is fine.This does not apply for assistants, clowns and mimes, of course. If you're playing a crucial role, notify the admins via adminhelp and your co-workers via radio if you need to log off for an extended period. Not following this may result in a job ban. or any other person in charge because these are all things that are advertised From this you can assume that rp is expected of roles. Why not as racial features and race choice? Races, jobs, and players are the core mechanics of this game and without them what do we have? An empty map with items and npcs, and that is about it. Also I would like to agree with you, balancing is a VERY important thing here. I'm not really asking for a lot. I am simply asking for admins,coders, or private interests , to take a look and see what they can do to put the races that are non humans as a competitive choice against the control group. At the current standard the only downsides of human are that they require oxygen, take normal damage from: Heat,cold,pressure, and viruses. This is very good as this allows them to play versatile roles. Now, things like greys, who have just now got a recent telepathy boost. Are supposedly able to drink acid like water (which doesn't work), are weak, and die to water(a common substance found in the world). Now the only buffs here are you are different colored than human and have telepathy. Now do you honestly feel that the good outweigh the bad here and it is a balanced choice for rp or gameplay even? What I am looking for is a compromise. Even if it not based on any suggestions of mine, but a amalgamation of thoughts, mechanics, and ideas to improve races as a whole. So before you make anymore comments that offer no thinktank value and simply tell people to leave your server because you are not fond of something: please think about what you would like to say, articulate a primary statement, and put something you feel is correlated to the topic and post. I'm not asking for mit level thought process but simple, thinktank-esque ideas that work on improving racial mechanics as a whole. With that said! I want to address the retraction of the bones idea. As much as I dislike the idea of having internal organs barring a core, I see no mechanic system around that.. A good thing that was brought up was the regeneration of a slime based on diona mechanics. Simple remove core, stick in a slime, and let it evolve and remove the slimium. That definitely gets a +1 from me.
  22. Well do you feel it would be beneficial for their species if more was written? The writing of fluff is not a hard thing and can be easily changed based on what wiki developer regens wants. With that said I am sure some of the people who are slime devoted people would be willing to write some stuff out and change it along the lines of what players, and admins wanted. I simply based my posting off of biological mechanics but I am sure if an approved biology based lore was created more concise mechanics could be formed to make the species actually be able to compete with humans.
  23. Personally I think it would be better if you could take out the core and put it into a normal slime (after you remove its core) maybe a little like those little tree things that I can't remember the name of, but instead of becoming one when they die they have to be placed into one and have to remain that way until they get enough electric charge to grow back to normal. so same mechanics different skin. I really like this! quite honestly I would love to see the revival mechanic based on this. It would give xenobio more fun with slimes and make their job a bit more interesting than just evolving slimes. +1 from me for this
  24. 5. so you mean like the unused embassies, the new completely unnecessary ai upload,unusued bar, library,nanotrasen recruiter hallway,the agonizingly long cargo bay, and every other place that is not used as a common place for anything. Hell we even have a z layer devoted to a clown area. With that said simply take and make embassies as traditional areas for each race. Simple places to meet and not be homesick. 6. I'm going to be quite blunt saying "this isn't bay" is a shit excuse. People do come onto this server for the quality of people interested in role playing and action. As this is the two primary assets that act as fundamental building blocks, I feel it is justifiable that you get over the hump of , ""If you make me angry I am going to cut your head off with the fire axe" before you are allowed to play as a race other than human. Each species has its downsides and benefits and need to reflect the qualities of each in a holistic nongame breaking manner. Now onto the original topic post. I feel that vox do need a buff for price. I feel that things like the cortical stack mechanic not being available in game is quite a waste With that said it would be a simple implementation of having r&d and science create a mid game machine that can reproduce a vox embryo by working with medical to harvesting stem cells or some other item from vox corpses, removing the stack, growing the body, and encerting the new cortical would be simple processing of already in game mechanics like development science and surgery. The idea of a nitrogen and plasma based mix could be useful if you were advanced but it has its' ups and downs. The plus is that vox now require a large quantity of skill to play. (minor atmos mixing skills/or skills to acess plasma and nitrogen) the down side, is some players with vox are too inept to figure out how to open a canister without releasing the whole thing. I did want to bring up some items from pokemoney that he brought up 1. I LOVE this idea of more unique vox based items. This would make playing them versatile and enjoyable. (maybe a boot item to introduce a leap to instead of knocking people down, to let them move over a large distance of squares quickly?) 2. The tether is a great idea. Stops greytide knocking you over and taking your can just so they can. It means you have enough time to stand and begin fighting before they get the full tank off of you. or enough time for help. (simple strap to add to glove or suit slot. 3. cortical stacks clonable is what I adressed earlier (r&d and med bay cooperative work) 4. I would love an indepth guide for how vox mechanics work with medical and other aspects that are not known! (i.e. treatment, cloning,etc) 5. It is doable but good luck convinicing them to add it. I,as i said, would use the embassies. 6. I also agree that pricing should be done. Prevents the people who play purely human from having a reason to complain or advance if they have not learned: server rules, basic mechanics, how to play the game. All in all I am very optimistic for this. I have vox as well and would love to see an increase in their usefulness beyond menial roles, and see them take their place back in laberous roles (or even survive to the end of the round!) +1 for good topic matter
  25. This is quite silly is it not? Considering the server is based off of "action and rp" shouldn't there be things based on the lore and their sayings? for reference http://goo.gl/fNSlQn
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