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Posts posted by Frank

  1. I havent killed every megafauna yet but I'll tell you what I know. 


    They are slow but can do a lot of damage. Just practice dodging and eventually they will become less of a problem. Bring a splint (from survival shelter) and a pen in case you end up badly injured so you can fulton out or walk to medical. 


    Imo the most forgiving opponent, but can be very tricky to dodge in the beginning. Have a survival pen on hand in case you screw up and start dying. 


    Pretty easy but you can be overwhelmed. Have a escape route ready just in case. 


    Grab a lot of cores the first few times (8-10) and have a couple pens. Avoid melee range if you're using a PKA. If you have a fire extinguisher, this can help you save a lot of healing items. Making a big space to fight it with a plasma cutter will help a lot. Use 1 range and 2 cooldown upgrades for the PKA in the beginning, then start using 3 cooldowns once you learn to dodge. 


    Take all range upgrades for the PKA and fight it in a big cleared out area. Bring a lot of cores. Armor does not help at all for this fight, so you will have to learn the patterns and dodge all the shots. This is all I know so far. 




    You will die several times and there is nothing wrong with that. Just focus on learning from your mistakes and you will eventually become a true loot goblin. Good luck! 

  2. Ok so I will be a little harsh here and tell you how I feel about this. Friendly gestures become pointless when someone has to tell you to do them. Being nice and respectful to other people should be common sense. I dont think recieving a task about "make x feel like they are in Sweden" is going to make anyone want to do that.

    While its a wholesome idea, I think its still bad. But then again, I'm one of those people who hate being told what to do. 

    • Like 2
  3. Its not the worst of ideas but sometimes you have to sit back and think "can this be abused?" 

    And it can. We already have traitor HoPs giving out AA and opening 30 clown slots all the time. Now sec comms can be incredibly useful and hard to come by so giving HoP the ability to freely distribute comms might make the shifts even more chaotic. 

    I'm not saying it should not be added just because it can be abused. It should however be announced somehow that 'x is printing comms to x channel' or something like that. Maybe the AI should get notified? I don't know. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Meow19 said:

    I agree, remove slime "people" or at least forbid them from leaving xenobiology.

    Also not to be that person who points out "Balance" in roleplay game but vox are 1000 times worse than slimepeople but have same revival methods, so giving slimes another revival method that vox dont have access to ain't too nice.

    Imo voxes belong in trashcan not in space station. I hope they make patch soon. 

    • Like 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Daeodon said:

    I know posting this is probably outing myself as some sort of gigantic wimp

    Absolutely not.

    We have all been there, and being antag can be nerve cracking at times. You will fail several times, but do know that one failure is a step closer to success. Learn from your mistakes and you will eventually stop making them. 

    My best advice is to try and master the stealth tactics first. Sometimes you will eventually have to go loud, but that is significantly easier if you have a secret identity, several different disguises and a hidden base in maints. 

    • Like 1
  6. Hello everyone.

    I have not made a proper forum post in ages. Work has kept me very busy lately and so I have spent most of my freetime working out or playing in the mornings. I'm gonna try to fix that eventually as I do enjoy a little shitposting every now and then, but for now let's talk about the cultist ability Rune of the Spirit Realm. So what is wrong with this rune? Well let's start with describing the rune and what it does. I stole the wiki description for this as it is easy to understand and can be seen below:



    This rune gives you two powerful options:

    (1) To manifest ghosts as semitransparent homunculi, which are effectively weak, humanoid cultists with no self-preservation instinct. To sustain these homunculi, you must remain on the rune, and each homunculus you have summoned will cause brute damage over time. This option is only available on the space station itself, as the veil is not weak enough in space or Lavaland to give spirits a physical form. If you get stuck on the rune after summoning a ghost, use your ritual dagger to remove the rune before you get hurt too badly. Each rune can summon up to 4 ghosts total, but each objective accomplished lower the rune's power, to a minimum of 2 ghosts.

    (2) To ascend as a dark spirit. This option will give you virtually unlimited knowledge. You can use information given to you by ghosts in this form and commune with the cult with your booming voice to coordinate them. You can even use this function after manifesting ghosts to help guide them in combat - manifested ghosts can also see regular ghosts and therefore can see your dark spirit as you lead them in battle!



    What is this rune used for?

    As you can see you have two options when using this rune.

    The first option lets you spawn in ghosts that can aid you a lot of different things, mainly conversion. You can also spam pylons around yourself and summon a lot of ghosts and tell them to go kill sec or your target. This is incredibly frustrating to go up against as the ghosts can just go ham without the fear of dying or anything. Self preservation is not a factor when you can just be respawned by the same guy again. These guys can also soak up a lot of damage from lasers and do a lot brute damage to people all around. It's very cheesy.

    The main problem however is the usage in conversion. Spawning in a couple cult zombie things is what makes it possible to be a solo cultie in the first place. You don't have to rely on your teammates and you can just go all "Gal'h'rfikk harfrandid mud'gib!" and convert people by summoning however many zombies you require. To convert or sacrifice your victims you do need to be 2-3 cultists around the offer rune and the zombies count as cultists when doing this.

    The second option lets you ghost from your character. It's extremely busted, but I have no problems with this because it helps you track down your target and coordinate fellow cultists to take them down and offer them to Nar'Sie. This is useful and sometimes necessary for a cult to even be able to find the right person to sacrifice, as Kerberos is fricking huge and Cyberiad is a pretty big station as well.


    Teamwork is the only way:

    The cultist gamemode is one of two gamemodes where antags work together, the other being Shadowling. I'm not counting revs because it's just unga and it's not in the main rotation. Not gonna talk about abductors either even if that is somewhat teambased.

    The description of the gamemode tells you that "You must work with your brethren to summon an avatar of your eldritch goddess". But you don't have to do that. A cultist both can work alone if they choose to because of how this rune works. You don't have to rely on anyone. All you need to do is grab some plasteel, make yourself a nice base, grab unsuspecting people from maints, pull them into your base and summon ghosts for conversion. In my opinion this is not how it should be, because you are supposed to be a team of cultists. This is not a solo operation and I feel like the first option of this rune should be removed.


    Balance and impact on the game:

    The shadowling gamemode has a lot of problems, but when they win it's most of the time because they manage to work as a team. This is how a teamantag is supposed to be. If you're fairly capable and you have three bald shadowlings on your side you are gonna have a bad time. Sometimes you get unrobust or incompetent players and this is fine. That's just how the game is. It's the same with security, as security relies heavily upon teamwork. If you have an incompetent team you will end up getting stomped and possibly game ended while recieving no backup. Shadowlings can work alone, but they don't have an ability that lets you straight out ignore teamwork completely and do your own thing. So why should strong independent cultists who need no team be allowed to exist? This should be the most teamoriented gamemode on both sides. It's just straight out silly that this is possible. Cultists should win by working as a team, not by having 1-2 competent cultists converting crewmembers until the cult snowballs out of control.

    Reckless conversions are not necessarily a good thing for the cult either. The moment the halos show up, the crew is allowed and even encouraged to protect their workplace from cultists. And unlike sec, they will rely on stuff other than stunbatons and tasers which can end horribly for you. Facing the wrath of the tide is not in your best interest at all.


    My suggestion:

    As I mentioned early, I think the first option should just be removed. This will make cultists a lot more team oriented. In the early game, converting will be a lot harder. This can be fixed by having more roundstart cultists (6 at high pop and maybe 4 at lowpop?).

    The only big difference this will make in terms of difficulty is that it requires cultists to be more coordinated when converting. Unrobust cultists who are self aware will still be helping out as they will end up teleporting around or stay at the base to help convert crewmembers. This is optimal as converting as a cultist is way too easy right now and it might add some more balance to a cult round. And the pylon zombie spam? That can fuck right off. It's garbage and should be more frowned upon. It's dumb. Sorry, not sorry.

    The second option should be the only option even if it is completely bonkers.

    Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Mr. English is my third language.

    • Like 2
  7. 11 minutes ago, Longpipe23 said:

    Agree to disagree. Space-walking, the regenerative stasis, x-ray, anti-stun, and speed-legs are all incredibly good and on top of that situationally better than anything in the traitor kit really. 

    Yeah we will keep on disagreeing there and thats fine. I know it is quite powerful, but trust me on one thing. If security officers didn't have to hold back on vampires or regular traitors, dealing with them would be a piece of cake. 

  8. 17 minutes ago, Longpipe23 said:

    Unless they got a nerf recently changelings are pretty fucking bonkers. I think it's just people using the kit incorrectly. However, to be fair, if you play them as intended - a stealth antagonist - it does admittedly kind of suck. 

    Compared to traitors which are captured and put in perma, clings are a lot harder to play due to being KOS. Once a cling is confirmed you get beat to shit and beheaded normally. The kit doesn't quite make up for that in my opinion. 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, CornMyCob said:

    I don't disagree. My point is that even if this was implemented, if an officer that kills you wants to keep you dead, they will via another method so this doesn't change much at all.

    What other methods are you thinking about that doesn't involve pushing onto a table and performing amputation on the head?

  10. 16 minutes ago, CornMyCob said:

    Why SR specifically? I see the decapitation method used far more frequently than SR gibbing, that and cremation, and they all effectively have the same outcome for the changeling besides maybe the possibility of not getting borged. All methods generally prevent the changeling from reviving before they even get a chance to and I don't think changelings should be entitled to a chance to revive if they're caught by security.

    Codewise, not very difficult to implement however this would conflict with their headslug ability which gibs the changeling so something would have the change there too.

    Well my man, it's both quicker and easier to just forcefeed someone one 1u pill of SR instead of decapitating. This can be done in the field without surgery tools, no need for a table or anything. And when it happens, you're screwed. 

  11. Clings are hands down my favorite antags. I get this feeling of paranoia whenever they are confirmed. It's as if anyone nearby that I don't know can be a cling. It's awesome. 

    They are a little weak right now in many ways. Unlike vampires, they dont have a million stuns. Instead they have survivability and identity theft. Lots and lots of identity theft. However I do feel like the cons do outweigh the pros a little bit. 

    If you get caught and beaten to the point of death, you do always get a second chance unless you happen to be decapitated by security or gibbed. I have a problem with the gibbing part, as recently I see a trend of Brig Physicians rushing to medbay to get SR the moment clings are confirmed. This is clearly powergaming, and it can ruin a cling run completely. 

    My suggestion is to make clings either completely immune to all the effects of SR or just immune to the gibbing part. I'm not sure how hard this is to code but it would help balancing it out a little. 

    My English is very nice and I will not apologize for it. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Charliminator said:

    paranoia. Imagine walking through maints.... then you light flickers off.... you are alone in the dark... 

    Interdepartmental Co-operation. Science can upgrade peoples batteries or fully negate the need for replacing them with yellow slimes.

    We have many mechanics like this that require you to do things to maintain something. Food is a prime example of this.

    It also gives cells more of a use. Cells get used for primarily 4 things. Stunbatons/prods , mechs, cyborgs and APCs. surely cells could be used for more things right? 

    IDK if I am fully commited to the idea. I just wanted to hear what people think first.

    Listen here mane. If you want more horror elements for this game I have far better suggestions than adding something this tedious.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Esenno said:

    Pardon me for asking but uh... Why was their status in terms of their ability to play on the server even included? I don't exactly think this violates rules but you have to admit that's a really weird thing to add to your guide. 

    So I have been playing geneticist for a while, and I have learned from a lot of different genetics maints. After a while writing this guide, I wondered what happen to them as I had not seen them on the server for a while. After doing some searching and stuff I found out they had been banned. I will not go into detail about why and it's a little funny and sad at the same time. People who main or play geneticist tend to become power hungry and end up getting banned. I realized this one time when I was playing botany and I got murdered by a vampire, and I thought "wow this never would have happened if I was a geneticist with a lot of kick-ass powers". Later my attitude changed, and the game became less about winning and more about doing the unexpected and having fun.

    I didn't mean to provoke anyone, and if you feel like it is in bad taste or in violation of rules I will remove it. I did it mostly for me because while I completely understand that they are banned I want people to remember them and know that they are gone. Maybe they can learn from their mistakes and not do the same thing. Genetics is extremely tedious, and seeing people willing to main it is very rare nowadays.

    • Like 1
  14. 25 minutes ago, Charliminator said:

    Great guide! But no breathing is worse than space proofing. Internals are much more common than being space proof and you can pull off some stupid combos with space proofing. Evidence, reactive armour + being space proof + syndie teleporter. You become the slipperiest person on earth.

    Hi there!

    I'd like to mention that no breathing equals way more than just not having to use internals. Removing suffocation damage completely has a huge set of advantages on its own. I gave this A-tier for the sheer amount of bulkyness and additional survivability it provides you. As mentioned in the guide, this gene will allow you to not fall into hard crit when sustaining injuries that other crewmembers would have died from long ago. Having low blood doesn't affect you at all until you reach the death cap. 


    Feasel Easel also tested what happens when you remove the heart while having this gene. He concluded that you can survive without a heart, but you cannot move. You don't need lungs either, so you can just ignore ruptured lungs. Being able to stay at 100% health when you have less than 50% blood is no joke. This is the Rambo gene, and I believe SOOs have it when they spawn in (correct me if I'm wrong here).

    42 minutes ago, Charliminator said:

    Also I am pretty sure shock immunity makes you immune to tesla shocks so it has to be atleast like... D tier.

    When it comes to shock immunity I think it provides the same amount of tesla shock immunity as insuls. Tesla is also not something you see every shift.  I would have given it a D tier if it didn't add 10 instability. It should be a little cheaper considering that it's basically the fancy yellow glove gene.

    45 minutes ago, Charliminator said:

    Outside of those tier nitpicks, good guide.

    Thanks mane!

  15. 4 hours ago, gangelwaefre said:

    This is really entertaining to read, and also very informative! Well done! 

    Why thank you. Happy you enjoyed it.


    2 hours ago, Woje said:

    Disagree on a few ratings here. Cold res is essential for spaceproofing, and EVA capable antags are almost impossible to catch if they're smart. Similarly Dwarf is trespass galore and lets you use places like cargo or R&D for escapes that Security can cry about at most. 

    Really cool guide otherwise, though. I'm sure it'll come in handy for a lot of tator tots! :)

    While I absolutely love cold res, I made the rating based on the price of it compared to the other genes and how easy it is to work around not having it. I know the feeling of being a badass walking into space with a hoodie and a gas mask, but when you have a gene that removes all slowdowns at the cost of 5 instability it pales a little in comparison. You have no idea how many times I have asked the AI to open EVA storage for me because I'm "going fishing in space". I feel like they open it every time I ask, so space suits are not so hard to get at least not for me. It's not that I feel like cold resistance is bad, but more like the ones I put on A and B tier are just way too good.

    So uh about dwarf. I haven't used it a lot, so I might change the description and rating later if I get a lot of feedback. A lot of people tend to ask me for it so they can become "smol", so I've always considered it as kind of a joke-gene. I will do some testing and see how it is to use when evading the police.


    56 minutes ago, S34N said:

    Man, no S rating for chav, or mention of chav at all? Sad :(

    u wot m8

    In all seriousness, I did consider making a picture text thing for the disabilities as well and rate them to how hard it is to work around them when you use them in a build. I might do it later but I am very busy.

  16. Good day.

    I am Diesel/Frank, and this is my traitor genetics guide. This guide is based on my past experiences as both geneticist traitor and regular geneticist, and I made this for people who have done some genetics before but doesn't know how to do it efficiently or what some of the powers do. This is a traitors guide to genetics because a lot of the powers are far more useful to a traitor than to a regular crewmember. The wiki also has some detailed descriptions on what the powers do but it doesn't explain how it can be used to your advantage. My English is not perfect and I hope you will not be annoyed by it. During my playtime I have done a lot of genetics but I am probably not the best one. Most of my past experiences I have gotten from someone else as people are very helpful here. So I will have a small “Thank you” section on the bottom of my guide.

    If you are playing as geneticist for the first time and you have this guide up, I suggest you check out the wiki first to learn the basics: https://www.paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php/Guide_to_Genetics. After you have learned the basics, come check this guide up so you can learn efficiency and how to use the powers to your gain. Before you start using this guide, you should know about the following:

    • How to work the DNA machine (I will give some tips and tricks on this, but learn the basics).
    • Gene 55, the humanizing of a monkey.
    • How to make a clean S.E. without any disabilities.
    • How to activate genes by changing the values of S.E. numbers.
    • Saving S.E on transfer buffers, using block injectors and S.E. injectors.

    If you know the things above, congratulations! You have a basic knowledge of genetics. So let's get started on the more advanced stuff. Time to work fast, work safe, kick some ass and most importantly: get that greentext, have fun!


    "My way", how to be fast at genetics:

    To begin this guide, I will talk about efficiency and productivity.  At the start of the shift before you do anything else grab the following:

    One radiation suit and a geiger counter. These are found in the southern part of medbay next to the psych office and are very important. After the radiation and the SM engine update, the DNA machines no longer have radiation shielding. This means if you use Nokko's method, you receive heavy radiation from your subject until it dies. So don't be stubborn and wear a damn rad suit. This will save you a great deal of pain.

    1-2 pills of mutadone. These are found in the nanomeds and used to clean your genes up in case you accidently activate too many and get unstable. If you feel like you have things under control and have a clean S.E. on hand, just relax and inject that instead.

    1-3 bottles of potassium ionide. These are found in the nanomeds and used to lower your level of radiation. Check it regularly with your geiger counter. Once you start to get on levels above 500, drink a bottle and relax for a minute, then keep working. If chemistry has made pentetic acid, use this instead. Pentetic acid is at least 5 times more efficient but will harm you a little, so grab some saline as well.

    After you have this, it's time to bother your neighbor the chemist. If you haven't heard about Nokko's method, you can check it out at this point: 


    Explained in short, Nokko's method is about forcefeeding your subject 400u of unstable mutagen. Unstable mutagen when forcefed or injected will activate bad mutations. Around 350-400u is enough to activate all of them. This is extremely helpful to you as its way faster instead of changing the genes to the value of activation manually. I don't need to add a lot of stuff to this as this still works wonders to this day despite being over a year old guide. However you can inject the unstable mutagen with IV bags instead of forcefeeding it, so just ask the chemist to make two IV bags of unstable mutagen instead of four large beakers or eight small beakers. This will save them some trouble while making it and it will also save you some time while giving it to the subject. Humanize your subject, drag it into the middle of the lab and set the IV bags to inject (by using it in your hand). Then right click on the IV bag and set the transfer value to 10u (highest possible), then use it on your humanized subject to start injecting.

    Examine the bags after about 2-3 minutes to figure out how much unstable mutagen you have left. If you have around 50u left (doesn't have to be exact), you can stop injecting and start noting down disabilities by checking the S.E. of the subject on the DNA machine. Now you want to note down ALL genes above the value of 802 in notepad or word, as they are the disabilities.



    At this point in the shift, you have now noted down all the disabilities and you're now ready to start checking out them good genes. First of all, set the emitters. On the bottom of the S.E. part of the DNA machine window, there are options for setting them. Always set the intensity to max and the time to 1. As you are working on a non-sentient subject, you don't have to worry about it dying. This will make your work somewhat faster. If the subject gets turned into a skeleton (happens after a while to all corpses that are not voxes), just grab a new monkey, humanize it and keep going. If you absolutely do not want that happening you can also ask the coroner to use some formaldehyde on your dead subject. Do take note that if you are testing on a crewmember, set the intensity to 1 and the time to 1 so that you don't harm them too much. If they get too high radiation, take a break and use some pentetic acid.



    Picking the "right" DNA machine:

    In the start of the shift, pick the RIGHT DNA machine. Why? Well this will allow you to install a second console next to your DNA manipulator, which lets you print syringes even faster. It turns out that you can install four consoles for one DNA manipulator. This is however restricted by how much space you have in your lab.  Building the second console is very easy if you know how to make consoles in general. If you don’t know how, check this:

    1.     Around 15-20 minutes into the shift, go check over at RND if they have built an autolathe. If they have, grab one wrench and one screwdriver.

    2.     Go bug RND for a “DNA machine” board. Grab 5 metal, 2 glass and a cable coil while you’re in there.

    3.     Remove the damn table next to your DNA manipulator with a wrench.

    4.     Use the 5 metal you picked up in your hand and create a computer frame.

    5.     Pick up the wrench and use it on the computer frame. Use the DNA board on it and then fasten it with a screwdriver.

    6.     Use the wire you picked up on the console and then the glass. Finish up with screwdriver.

    7.     You now have a second console that you can use to print even more syringes!

    8.     Turn the entire station into hulks.

    Do take note that this will not always be possible. If RND is staffed by two monkeys and a traitor RD, it’s very unlikely that you will get anyone to print you a DNA machine board. Normally this is not the case, so you can go ahead and ask.



    Activation/deactivation of genes:

    When you start testing, you should have two S.E. strains saved on the transfer buffer part of your console. On the top S.E. you should have the strain you’re changing all the time for testing. The second one should be your clean S.E as shown below.


    Activating and deactivating genes are easily done by using block injectors. If you inject S.E. block number 16 and you start speaking Swedish, dø nøt panic bork bork! This is not the end. No need to suicide with console commands. Go on the console and pick block injector again, but this time from the clean S.E. instead. Print and inject the corresponding gene and it will deactivate. Now you can støp eating surstrømming børk børk move on as if it never happened. This is also something you can use on the field when you’re not in the lab.

    Let’s say you have picked a combination for your traitorous needs. You found polymorph, a very useful gene for a traitor, but you don’t want to have it in your combination due to the instability cost. If polymorph is S.E. number 21, print and label one. Then print the same block from your clean S.E. and you can activate and then deactivate it on the go. This can be done with all genes, but do take note that some genes are hard to activate as described further below.


    Gene isolation:

    So you have finally managed to change a gene into activation value. You pick the block injector, print the syringe, inject it and…


    This does not mean that you lose. A gene that does nothing when injected is not necessarily a bad thing. This can be caused by three things:

    1.     The value that you set the gene to is not high enough.

    2.     The gene is empty.

    3.     You found one of the genes that are hard to activate.

    If the gene already has a value of DAC, don’t bother to start injecting it over and over again to see what it does. Write down the S.E. number as unknown and keep going. Unless it’s empty, it will activate later.

    These genes are hard to activate:

    ·       Hulk

    ·       Telekinesis

    ·       No breathing

    ·       Chameleon

    ·       Cloak of darkness

    ·       X-ray

    If you activate one of these, go over your notes and check the genes that did nothing earlier. Take note of which gene you injected when it activated. All other genes other than these will activate immediately when injected if they have the correct value.

    Example 1: You’re on S.E. number 31, you inject it and it does absolutely nothing. So you move on, change S.E. number 32 into a value of DAC or higher. You inject S.E. number 32 and you get telepathy and chameleon. This means that S.E. number 32 is telepathy, as telepathy activates every time you inject it with a value of DAC/CAD or higher. Chameleon should then be S.E. number 31, unless you already injected some genes earlier that did nothing.

    Clean your genes every now and then by using a clean S.E. syringe. This should be done for every 4-6 genes you inject. Do again take note of the ones that did nothing and reapply these if they were one of the last you injected.

    Example 2: You inject 6 genes.

    1.     Heat resistance

    2.     Nothing

    3.     Telepathy

    4.     Sober

    5.     Buff

    6.     Nothing

    The S.E. number of the 2nd gene you injected is likely empty. Clean yourself up, and inject the 6th one again, keep inject more genes.

    7.     6th gene (Nothing)

    8.     Shock resistance

    9.     Cold resistance and hulk.

    Stop here; remember the S.E. number of the 6th gene you injected. The S.E. number of the 9th is cold resistance. By deactivating the 6th gene you find out the correct S.E. number of hulk.


    Teamwork is the only way:

    There are two job slots for geneticist. This means you will most of the time be working together with someone else. If you’re a traitor geneticist, time is a factor. Genetics is very time consuming, so if you find yourself working with someone, try to be a team player until it’s time to go do your objectives. Be nice, share the genes you find, buy your partner a coffee. Unless you happen to be working with a total asshole or someone that doesn’t know what they are doing, chances are they will share what they find with you as well. This will without doubt make your work a lot easier.

    If you have someone next to you that are willing to work with you, checking the genes that didn't activate on the first try is a lot easier as well. If you inject a gene and it doesn't activate, the gene and the value of it is still in your DNA.

    1. Inject yourself with the gene that you want to check or activate. Ask your parther to save your S.E.
    2. Doublecheck emitters to make sure the intensity is not on max or you will get very irradiated.
    3. If your S.E. is saved correctly, ask your partner to just spam change one gene (can be any gene except for the one you're trying to activate). After some activations and deactivations, you will have activated the gene you want unless it's empty.
    4. Inject yourself with the S.E. that you saved earlier with only the testing/activation gene. This will clean all the other random mutations you recieved during the procedure.


    Customer service:

    While genetics is not the most useful job on the station, people will come by to worship you in hopes of getting some free superpowers. During a normal geneticist shift, giving out some powers to graytiders, engineers and explorers are acceptable. Just make sure you ask the RD for permission first have common sense when giving them out and everything will be fine.

    However, if you’re a traitor, you are ON THE CLOCK. If you have a partner in your lab, just leave the customers to them. If they ask you directly, be polite and decline. You don’t have time for that shit, as you’re going to get telekinesis and X-ray so you can steal that hypospray. If you get invaded by a bunch of people who refuse to take no for an answer, beat them to death with a fire extinguisher call security and ask them to remove them for you. Do not resort to violence unless it’s self-defense.


    The genes:

    Here at the end, I will list up and describe all the superpowers you can find when working as a mad scientist who likes to play god geneticist. It’s not that easy to know what “your fingers feel numb” even means. Did you just turn diabetic? Is this cryokinesis???

    Do note that while I will rate them on a scale, nearly all genes can be A-tier in the right situation.


    "You notice a strange cold tingle in your fingertips."


    "You suddenly notice more about others than you did before."


    "Your muscles hurt."


    "Your leg muscles feel taut and strong."


    "You feel hungry."


    "Everything around you seems bigger now..."


    "You feel no need to breathe."


    "Your fingers feel numb."


    "Your mind feels closed."


    "You feel smarter."


    "You feel one with your surroundings."


    "You begin to fade into the shadows."


    "Your body is filled with warmth."


    "Your skin is icy to the touch."


    "Your skin feels dry and unreactive."


    "Your body feels if can alter its appearance."


    "You don't feel entirely like yourself somehow."


    "Your wounds start healing."


    "Your mind can see things from afar."


    "You feel you can project your thoughts."


    "The walls suddenly disappear."


    "You feel swift and unencumbered."


    "You feel unusually sober."


    "You feel buff!"




    Balance is always important when it comes to making a combination. This is because if you don't have it, you will take small burn damage every now and then, warp, or warp to death based on how unstable you are. To create the perfect balance, you will need to mix some disabilities in with your abilities. Most of them are very annoying, and I have therefore made a list that you can use.

    • Fat: GIves -5 instability. This one is just lovely as you can use swift for free, and swift is always useful.
    • Nearsightedness: Gives -10 instability. Get some glasses from the medical reception and this turns into a free -10.
    • Hallucinate: Gives -10 instability. Doesn't activate too often unless you're extremely unlucky, and sometimes it's just scary sounds. 
    • Radioactive: Gives -15 instability. Useful if you have rad meds such as pentetic acid, and don't mind of you accidently go bald.
    • Tourettes: FUCK
    • Colorblindness: Gives -10 instability. Can be used if it's not as annoying to you as it is to me (and I am colorblind already).
    • Mute: Gives -10 instability. It's nice if you don't plan on saying anything while murdering the head of security.
    • Dizzy: Gives -5 instability, and it's just not worth it. No. Don't use this.
    • Clumsiness: Gives -5 instability. I wouldn't use this one either.
    • Unintelligble: GIVES!! -5!! INSTABILITY!! IT!! OK!!
    • Epilepsy: Gives -10 instability. It's OK to use as a hulk as hulks don't care about being incapacitated. Otherwise it's very risky.
    • Coughing: Gives -5 instability. It's very annoying, and you do drop objects while coughing. I don't like it.
    • Blindness: Gives -15 instability. If you like playing on hard mode.
    • Deafness: Gives -15 instability. You shouldn't listen to what everyone says anyway.
    • Swedish: GIves 0 instability. Bork bork!


    Thank you:

    This is the end of the guide. I hope you have had fun happy time reading it. As I promised I am making a thank you page, because some people love to teach others and I couldn't have written this guide without you. I have been working on this guide for a long time. My exams were done this week and I could finally finish it.

    Vicente S. IG: Vikente Djtovtchz. Told me a lot when I was new to genetics.

    MomoBerry. IG: Ser Koksure. Also told me a lot of stuff that I didn't know.

    Nokko. IG: Not sure. He wrote a very good guide on how to do genetics faster.

    Not sure about ckey, but Feasel Easel in game. Helped me test some of the genes.


    You are great!




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  17. I tend to play some sec, and my main problem with cult is the consequences of losing a fight against them. If you get fucked over by any other antag (except wizard at times) there is always a chance that someone will find you and revive. If you get caught by cultists, you get sharded never to return. While you're expected to go easy on subverted personell, they can remove your identity completely and then use you against security as a construct. While the cult can simply make up for losses by converting some more crew, there is no way to recover officers that got sharded. You gotta make up for the losses by either calling ERT or do manifest hiring.

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