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Posts posted by NTXUb


    Roleplaying without being totally immersed is a foreign concept to them.


    But why? Why do they have to be completely and totally immersed in a 100% realistic space station before they can get into character? A lot of those things you mention, hardening your department and job equipment against sabotage or hacking the autolathe, for example, I'd put under the umbrella of being "Good at your job".


    A certain level of experience IC will lead your character to realize that, no matter what, the shit will hit the fan - It's an utter certainty. Still in-character here, I'd argue that not preparing for that inevitability in unobtrusive ways is utter foolishness - burying your head in the sand, so to speak.


    Out of character now, unless your character doesn't learn at all from repeated experience, I'd say that not having some measure of powergame (Again, in a non-obtrusive manner, no ex-deathsquads here) is out-of-character. Yes, there's a firm seperation between IC knowledge and OOC knowledge, but there's also quite some overlap - If you play a Chemist, you should have Thermite, Ryetalin, and Chloral Hydrate memorized and know exactly what they do, when they're needed, and how best to use them. It would also be smart (and prepared) to have a stock on-hand for when you need them.


    I've seen Chemists pump out six pill bottles full of medicine, each full of correctly labeled pills, label each pill bottle, then fill a labeled autoinjector with 5u Chloral Hydrate. Immediately upon attempting to do the last, the other chemist (Whom I understand was faffing around doing nothing) screeched over the radio for Security, demotions, the CMO, et cetera, all while calling the actually-productive chemist powergaming filth over LOOC.


    Roleplaying without being totally immersed is a foreign concept to them.


    This is what I'm trying to understand - Why is emergency preperation immersion-breaking? Is this the same school of thought as "Handicapping yourself == Good RP"?


    because they're so used to free-form roleplays that they don't realize that ss13 is a roleplaying game and thus some actual gaming will be involved



    also don't pull the 'my character has worked here before' and act like it makes 100% ic sense and is for ic reasons just admit to yourself that that's metagaming and that's not a bad thing in small doses



    Hey, I dunno about you, but I've been framed, and framed plenty of people myself. If you arrest me, and I'm not aware of commiting any crimes, I'm probably going to resist if the punishment is severe, because damnit, I don't trust security. :P Plus people often have a legitimate reason for why they are, apparently, doing something illegally.


    When I get arrested, as the clown, for wearing my hardsuit when someone with the proper access gave it to me, that's messed up, and if you let me explain myself, you could actually focus on the real culprit.


    that's something that should be worked out when you're safely in cuffs and aren't poised to potentially whip out an energy gun at any second



    If I broke the law, you should start by informing me that I'm under arrest, and why.


    Magic is illegal. Wizards are enemies of NT. Magic is a weapon, anything that allows a wizard to make magic happen is a weapon. See a wizard? Cuff them, strip them, lock them up for suspicious behavior, and when they've finished their sentence, walk them down to the psych office (don't give those fuckers their robes back, idiot) and make sure they are evaluated, then get them to HoP for a disposition: Reform them as an unpaid crew member, or give them a Nonentity ID and keep an eye on them. If the wizard has already fucked shit up, you should be getting them into a tribunal/execution hearing immediately.


    please, never play security



    Also, IMO, i honestly hate borer rounds. Why? Its because how hard it is to get Ahelp'd and wonder "oh great, was it a greifer or a borer". I nearly permabanned a captain one round for hitting random people with the Baton, right when i was finishing the reason he started screaming somethings in him.


    do you not have any way of quickly determining if someone is controlled by a borer or not?



    The thing is, Space-immunity gives you such an incredible amount of strategic mobility - on par with the level of survivability that Kidan natural armor shrugging off heavy pulse rifles gives you. With space-immunity and a complete disregard for the crew (i.e. antag), depressurizing the entire station is now directly to your benefit and cannot possibly backfire as anything other than air-rushes. Furthermore, anywhere that touches space is somewhere you can now go (Or at least enter) with complete imperviousness. Armory, engine room, atmos, toxins off the top of my head. Space is no longer a very deadly environmental hazard, rather, it is now your best friend. Hardsuit movement speed is a small price to pay for that, and I know many engineers, atmo techs, and chief engineers who wear their hardsuit at all times because it grants them exactly that, except they're limited by internals and don't heal as long as they can get a flashlight.


    Currently, Permabrig and Labor camp sentences cannot be enforced on Diona, because they'll just break a window and walk off - This eliminates the biggest barrier to the "Fuckit, murderbone" thought process; 'What happens when I get caught'


    i think you're severely overestimating how hard it is for a traitor to get a hardsuit anyway



    Diona's have a nerfed movespeed, they move as if they have a hardsuit on if i remember, making it very hard to chase anyone down. Inaddition, they do take increased fire damage, though i do not know how much. Thirdly, plant be gone is near instant death

    That's nice to know, but I still feel that doesn't balance out Spaceproof, No breathing, and extra melee damage.


    'incredibly powerful' absolutely balances out with 'incredibly slow', but i agree that you should get rid of 'no breathing' at least


  7. also, on your other points- you either make the blob easy enough for one person to defeat, or you invite the whole station down to attack it at once. you can't do both, unless you feel like making it absolutely impossible for the blob.

  8. people aren't avoiding fighting the blob because they're dumb, it's because fighting the blob is boring and tedious. don't deny it- people adamantly rush miles out of their way to pursue pretty much any other antag, because fighting most other antags is actually fun and exciting. if something isn't working, the trick is to either fix it or get rid of it, not bash everybody over the head with it until they've taken so much brain damage they start to enjoy it.

    So what about blobs isn't fun to you?


    Personally, I've found that blob creep is incredibly OP in melee - To the point where both myself and the Chief Engineer have gone from full to crit before we could react while in our hardsuits. I'm not sure what caused that - Whether it was the blob overmind attack-spamming on us, or being almost-enveloped by five blob tiles.


    idk futiley spam clicking an almost static enemy for a few minutes until you inevitably get insta-critted by some unseeable mysterious undodgeable force just isn't that appealing to me


  10. people aren't avoiding fighting the blob because they're dumb, it's because fighting the blob is boring and tedious. don't deny it- people adamantly rush miles out of their way to pursue pretty much any other antag, because fighting most other antags is actually fun and exciting. if something isn't working, the trick is to either fix it or get rid of it, not bash everybody over the head with it until they've taken so much brain damage they start to enjoy it.

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