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Posts posted by Garoon


    He's basically 70 percent robot, robo arms, robo legs, his eyes are sometimes red from a previous shadowling thralling, but generally brown I think

    I think that's all I have, you'd have to ask Tully for specifics about his actual looks

    Also, it's Jonah MARIGOLD Bright, because hooray for mildly embarrasing middle names



    The gang's all here.

    About time Garoon looks happy and not in an awkward situation lol

    Though it's got me thinking : How do Unathi deal with the pants when their tails are pretty large?

    Tailor hell I imagine.

    I do like dressing my lizard up in fancy things

    And with the pants, you have to put them on VERY carefully



    I think toilet water only gives you a this tastes horrible message if you ingest it

    It gives you a 'This tastes horrible' message, and if you keep drinking it, it makes you vomit with a chance for the vomit to be green goo



    "Your love is like 1000 caucasian carnivores playing mumblety peg with an eggplant"

    What the heck is mumblety peg...


    And the ever charming

    "What beautiful negligence you wear!"



    "Your timeless negligence has a way of arousing my palliative inuendo"



    Damn it, this is not a nudist colony, I will jam you into a clown/mime hybrid suit!

    (Also, Jonah's going to damage his wrist if he tries to fire like that.)

    There's nothing you can do to stop the posing, Dumbdumn~


    I can also kinda agree with Knighted, I'm having a bit of difficulty really telling where all the movement is. I can see where you meant the movement to be illustrated, but it's not very noticeable.



    I would have taken that moment to give the shadow ascendant the bird.

    How'd you piss it off in the first place, though?


    Found the shadowling ten minutes in when it tried to pop, and yelled about it.


    Shadowling almost got seriously robusted by an army of greytide immediately after.

    Said Shadowling was also a shadownerd called Tully


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