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Posts posted by Garoon

  1. Pretty self-explanatory title there, basically just share stories of your dirty hissing deeds. Or your heroic ones, both make for good stories after all, and everyone loves a good hero and villain!

    My most interesting shift so far has probably been the shift just before my Mr. Garuda got kidnapped by shadowlings. He was thralled relatively midway through the round when I was responding to a call as the paramedic. Of course, that call had to be in maintenance, and... shenanigans ensued and I was taken down without much fanfare. Of course, after that I assisted in taking down a couple officers and then took them to the glorious shadowling masters!

    Push came to shove, and the thralls reached that critical mass, letting the masters ascend. Suffice to say, one of them took a liking to my lizard and ended up taking him with them for a week. He was pretty bad off by the end and didn't remember any of it, at least this part is in my headcanon.

  2. It seems we're getting all of the different departments covered so far, excellent...

    Oh, I forgot to add the big bad SST man, Colonel Kilgore to those lizards I play. Scales turned red from being bathed in the blood of the enemies of the Syndicate. He very rarely leaves a certain Syndicate officer's side, however.

  3. On 8/14/2017 at 1:49 PM, Pawneax said:

    @ZN23X We could do this all day...



    tetris vegan 005.jpg


    On a more serious note, that is a LOT of stuff that I've missed here. The pixel art you've done is quite top notch, I feel

    • Thanks 1
  4. Just somewhere for any new people to introduce themselves! Talk about yourself, tell which hisser you play as, or who your character is who's friends with one.

    For instance I suppose I'll start here. I play the usually surly blue lizard Garoon Garuda, usually found in either the bar, the medbay's front desk, buried in pipes in atmospherics, or a bloody mess in the maintenance tunnels!

    • Like 2
  5. Blue Lizardbutt: Anything involving whiskey. Manhattan only when detective, because anything else is FORBIDDEN

    Chihiyatika: Whatever you throw at him, without managing to break his liver of course!

    • Like 1

    My lizard is basically me, so I took the test for both of us. I ended up getting ISFP.


    Introvert(53%) Sensing(12%) Feeling(34%) Perceiving(3%)

    You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (53%)

    You have slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (12%)

    You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (34%)

    You have marginal or no preference of Perceiving over Judging (3%)


    Kinda fits



    Liches are assholes, least it's not Acererak


    Also, What the hell happened up there to make Garoon so freaked out?

    Alistair's basically the most shameless flirt of a lizard there is, and my lizard's personality makes it easy for that stuff to get him... bothered. In an okay way, not "Oh god no go away" way, mostly an "Uh, uhm... uhhhhh." way.

    It gets funny when that stuff happens

    Dont make the lizards kiss, dont make the lizards kiss. My lizard will die of nosebleed.



    I generally dislike vampire/changlings. The vast majority of them just monkey exploit, break into genetics to make a near infinite number of feedings with minimal effort. Combine with AoE stuns that also mute or deafen you and it makes any effort as security to detain/eliminate them come down to sheer luck when they can easily power game to their maximum effectiveness in the first 15 minutes or so of a round without ever really having to hunt someone who'se at the bare minimum capable of defending themselves or running away to expose them.

    Currently this is the primary reason why Vamps are my least favourite antag type, at the moment. Mostly the monkey exploit, if you dont monkey exploit or have some way of silencing people then you're pretty much dead from validhunting because people will scream your name out as a vampire and your ass will be hunted down and dragged to the chapel for vampire testing. There was a goddamn reason why changeling tests were removed, for gods sake.



    The chronicles of Maidbay




    The AI decided to start a news channel and take pictures of all the people in medbay wearing maid outfits, and the *male* captain in a dress


    And then this was talked about afterwards




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