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Posts posted by Sanpd


    Also sanpd, I got a folder filled with almost all the pathfinder PDFs and modules, just throw me an IM on Skype and I'll let you grab the ones you don't have off of it.


    I'd be interested in the modules as I only have Rise of the Rune Lords but I have almost every other rulebook, bestiaries and misc.


    How would people feel about 3'rd party materials? I have a few which I find very interesting mostly related to new races and classes.



    Hello all,


    Given the huge interest for the D&D Roll20 campaign I thought I would post a Pathfinder version as well. What is different from D&D and Pathfinder? Well Pathfinder is basically a rewritten version of D&D 3.5 which many swear to.


    I haven't personally GM'ed that much before but I would be willing to give it a shot if needed or if someone wants to give it a try then by all means come forth and claim the throne.


    So how will this work? If you're interested simply post below and I will revisit this thread to check the replies and answer any questions you may have.





    Furthermore I would suggest making the Chaplain natively immune to all blood magic and targeted Wizard magic without having to carry the Null Rod around, with the Wizard spell I only mean spells that target the Chaplain directly and make them fizzle like they do on gooncode.


    Could someone take a look at the code, answer and verify the following:


    The Null Rod makes the carrier immune to blood magic on the current build. How much damages does the Null Rod inflict? Besides revealing runes and destroying them does the Null Rod have any other special properties?


    Is it correct it takes 35 units of Holy Water and 2 minutes to deconvert a Cultist? Or is it 33% chance each time when used?


    Does the Holy Bible always heal and deal brain damage or is it 33% to either Heal, do nothing or deal brain damage? Can the Bible revive a dead body if it died within 1.5 minutes or is it only capable of reviving someone in crit? Does the Bible have any chances of deconverting a Cultist? Besides blessing Water and containers does the Bible have any special properties?


    This is just to clarify some things about the Chaplain as I plan on writing a guide for the job.



    I like it, however the morgue would need to be slightly expanded to fit the scanner which is a good thing since it is already clamped in there.


    And a most definitely yes to being able to print scans, this would be so useful to give reports to the CMO and provide concrete evidence when a victim is bought in as it allows for a quick snapshot of their state before being treated.



    Gamma Alert is really only unlocked during Blob or pretty drawn-out Xeno rounds. Some game-modes, cult in particular are tricky enough to balance without giving the Chaplain weapons. His null rod and bible are weapons enough against cultists.

    I would definitely support anything that would increase player interaction with the Chaplain though, and things that would generally increase his usefulness to encourage roleplay.


    Giving him an altar is a step in the right direction.


    One problem to overcome though, is that Chaplains often have a gimmick religion and they try to convert people whose characters already have a decided religion (Nomzy's Junko is a very good example) or staunchly atheistic (everybody else).


    I agree and I often find people playing the Chaplain role forgets their are the station's spiritual guide and not a acting member of Scientology unless that's what they chose. What I tend to do with moderate success is to give support in the form of encouraging speeches not particular to convert anyone but to inspire everyone of course I have to throw in the religion I decided upon but generally I'll be on the "front lines" not in the sense that I will charge into battle but I will bless those who do and help those injured or even perform miracles in the form of resurrecting a dead person in the spot with the bible. (Yes you can do it but you have to be quick and there is only a slim chance of doing it)



    I love the idea of the Altar being a secure locker and table and being a useful centerpoint for communication with the space gods.


    I hate the idea of the Chaplain being turned into a holy murderwarrior during cult and vampire rounds.


    I do agree with the fact the second part needs to be well managed but as I stated the equipment should only be unlocked by either a Gamma+ alert or by an Admin when the station is overrun and by then the equipment is all melee range and designed to award the Chaplain for staying alive and give him a fighting chance.



    After having played Chaplain quite a lot lately I've come up with a couple of suggestions for some improvements of the Chaplain job.




    As many know the Chaplain is highly roleplay based and tend to be a nice a quiet shift most of the times except for when it's Cult/Vampire rounds and the Chaplain is the prime target and during rounds where the s*** hits the fan then I honestly tend to feel completely hopeless as the Chaplain as I do have some tools for dealing with minor things such as the Holy Bible, Null Rod and Holy Water which is grand but I feel when it really comes down to an encounter between a vampire/cultist the Chaplain is always at an disadvantage which is quite unfortunately as the Chaplain is meant to be the main force against these.


    The Chaplain job like some other jobs such as the IAA and NT Rep requires Admins to be online and interact with then in this case through the pray command. It's been suggested before the Admins keep tabs on the Chaplain and keep score of how well he performs for funerals, services and such. However if there are no admins online or they are busy the Chaplain job can feel a bit unfurfilling.


    Because of this I've come up with a couple of suggestions.


    The Altar


    Just like it says on the box it's an altar for the Chaplain to use in his family sacrifices daily services. This should be used as the main object exchange between him and the gods; e.g. he gets a holy mission asking him to bring forth Lamarr and give it to the gods by placing it upon the altar and praying to the gods. The altar could also serve as a traitor objective to destroy it to affect morale on the station. Gameplay wise it should function as a table and a secure locker. Wait did you just say secure locker? Yes I did in fact and it would serve multiple purposes and also synergize very well with my next suggestion. The altar should be able to be unlocked by using the Holy Bible on the Altar when held in the hand of the Chaplain, it could be used by the gods to reward the Chaplain for his missions by having it visually change such as emitting a light or having a white crack run down it to signal it can be opened and yes it should only be able to be opened when it is triggered beforehand in order to prevent it from becoming the ultimate hiding spot of items/bodies.


    The Holy Crusader Set

    So we all tried playing a Chaplain during a Cultist/Vampire round and suddenly people are starting to show up for your daily messes and services; How nice! Except for the part when the Cultist gang up on you and beat you to crit and sacrifice you to Nar'Sie in your own Chapel or the Vampire tricks you into having a one on one meeting for counselling and only to be turned into their snack because of Vampires being bugged and able to go into the chapel without taking damage over time anymore. If you happen to survive until Security arrests a cultist/vampire without killing them first is never rarely going to happen and only then can you be to service by deconverting the cultists by smacking with your null rod or waterboarding force feed them with Holy Water or execute the Vampire by the same means but the Chaplain can never really become THE paladin when dealing with these even when Gamma+ alert is called which is rather unfortunate which is why I purpose we issue the Chaplain his own armour and weapon set for dealing with major cases for cults and vampires and he is the only one which can do anything about it. I would suggest it should only be available when Gamma+ alert is called (Since gamma armoury works the same way as being spawned in when called) or when unlocked by the gods through prayer (Be reasonable about it).



    Amoured Cloak, same brute protection as Riot amour with some added protection against Energy weapons most noticeably the Cult Energy Sword. Fits the body armour slot.

    Helmet of Holy Light, same brute protection as Riot Helmet with some added protection against Energy weapons most noticeably the Cult Energy Sword, should also protect against Vampire glamour and vampire stuns but not other abilities, emits light that cannot be turned off. Fits the Helmet slot.

    The Holy War hammer, uses the alternative skin of the Null Rod, deals same brute damage as the Fireaxe when wielding in two hands. (Should perhaps deal 10-15% less damage) like the Null rod it should also have a chance of deconverting Cultists upon hit but at a higher rate so instead of being 33% it should be 50% or more in order to discourage mass murder sprees from the Chaplains side, when hitting unholy creatures such as Vampires, Zombies, Skeletons, Cult Constructs and the alike it should deal additional damage in the form of smite (Same kind of damage and type when you fart on the bible) and should deal burn damage to listed creatures when wielded by them. Uses same mechanics as the Fireaxe and Null Rod, shouldn't fit into a bag but can be equipped on the backpack slot.


    These are just the suggestions I've come up with so far and if I have more suggestions in the future or someone posts a good suggestion I will update the post.


    Please do share your feedback.





    Hi all,


    I have a suggestion for all us bureaucratic HoP's out there.


    Can we please add a noticeboard in the HoP's office so we won't have to pile the papers onto of the printer and have somewhere to better store our forms and papers.


    Secondly could we please add a Red, Green, Yellow and Blue pen to the office as well as it gives us a bit more creative freedom when creating our forms and adds some additional flavour.


    Kind regards,



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