The Syndicate

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LanguagesInterstellar TravelPlanetary Classifications
SyndicateTrans-Solar FederationUnion of Soviet Socialist Planets
Sol System
HumansTajaranUnathiSkrellSlime PeopleVoxDraskGreyDionaIPCKidanPlasmamanVulpkaninNian

General Information

Informal Names: Syndies, Snakes
Headquarters: Unknown
Founding: June 15th, 2452


Operatives: Unknown
Languages: G. Common, Gutter


Governance: Criminal Syndicate
Current Leader: Unknown
Currency: Credit, Telecrystal


Criminal Activities: Arms trafficking, Terrorism, Corporate Sabotage
Fleet: Unknown

The Syndicate is a loose band of criminal organizations, terrorist, and corporate backers created in the aftermath of the Cygni War, and widely is criticized for their brutality in corporate espionage, sabotage, and murders. Beginning as Cybersun's personal secret operatives, it would slowly escalate from the constant conflict within the corporate world, and the private militarization companies would employ. The result would cause three powerful groups composed of Cybersun, Gorlex, and Waffle Co. to form an organization focused on corporate sabotage against well armed rival companies. It would soon expand its roster to include other groups to terrorize and sabotage governments and rival megacorporation's within the sector. Today the Syndicate continues to operate in separate cells with occasional infighting from internal groups, with a main focus of Nanotrasen, after their dominant control of the plasma markets.


The Syndicate's infamous assassination of Hephaestus Megacorporation's CEO, Viktor Iavarone, in 2452 marked its public debut. This bold act set off a series of high-profile assassinations targeting influential corporate figures and Trans-Solar Federation (TSF) officials opposing Cybersun's interests. Over the decades, the Syndicate's reputation grew, with Gorlex's commander, Euukho Zek'huil, becoming its public face. Their successful operations lured underground investors and allies with similar goals, expanding their influence beyond TSF, reaching Skrellian and Tajaran territories. This slow expansion would lead to the public founding of now current Syndicate, with the infamous logo of a three headed snake representing its core founders, or a black sharp S for simplicity.

The Syndicate has evolved into a vast conglomerate, encompassing a myriad of groups and criminal activities. This expansion birthed an internal black market, offering unique products and services distinct from mainstream corporations. However, growth has also sown discord, with internal factions often clashing over differing ideologies. Despite these internal tensions, a shared enemy unites them: Nanotrasen. Being one of the biggest megacorps in the galaxy, rivaling Cybersun, it is common to see large bounties or jobs offered to those within willing to take them. While they primarily target Nanotrasen, the Syndicate also opposes governments supporting their rivals and threatens dependent colonies, casting a shadow of fear over the public.

The Syndicate Inner Circle

Cybersun, finding itself a target of sabotage attempts, responded by forming a secretive group of mercenaries known as the "Inner Circle." Unlike typical offensive sabotage operators, the Inner Circle specialized in counter-offensive operations. This strategic focus on defense allowed Cybersun to keep their hands clean, and focus on keeping its secrets to a minimum. The Inner Circle successfully thwarted numerous sabotage attempts, particularly those targeting Cybersun's rapidly advancing and secretive Artificial Intelligence research. As rumors about their AI projects spread, so did efforts to infiltrate their research facilities.

In the 22nd century, Cybersun leveraged technological advancements on Mars to become a leading manufacturer of products within the Martian world, as colonization efforts demanded supplies like suits, technological infrastructure, and construction tools to further expand human interest on the planet. The increasing demand for these products fueled substantial profits, enabling Cybersun to expand into various sectors across Human and Skrellian space. This rapid growth marked the beginning of their ascent to megacorporation status, as they started dominating multiple markets within the sector.

During the Kidan war and its aftermath, the Inner Circle's strategic importance escalated as they adeptly navigated the complexities of the war. Like many corporations, Cybersun suffered significant losses from the Kidan invasion, including the destruction of several facilities. However, foresighted planning had already secured the bulk of their profits and commerce on the more stable Skrellian homeworld of Jargon 4. In response to the escalating conflict, Inner Circle operations swiftly redirected resources to safer planets, away from the outer holdings under siege. This strategic relocation played a pivotal role in enabling Cybersun to remain active and competitive in the post-war economy.

Creation of the Syndicate

In the century following the war, Cybersun continued to leverage its Inner Circle, a group now comprised of seasoned veterans and skilled operatives. These operatives, deeply familiar with the strategies of their rivals, shifted their focus from purely defensive tactics to preemptive strikes. This change was necessitated as most corporations had developed their own private military or police forces, making traditional defensive measures increasingly challenging. The Inner Circle began to adopt more aggressive and, at times, illicit methods for their corporate espionage activities on behalf of Cybersun.

During this period, Waffle Co., previously a front for a vast black market logistics operation, was exposed and dismantled. Many of its executives were either arrested or forced into hiding. Seizing this opportunity, Cybersun covertly recruited key agents and managers from Waffle Co. to rebuild the organization as an underground entity. A notable figure from Waffle Co., whose identity remains classified, played a crucial role in establishing connections for Cybersun's sabotage operations and facilitated the smuggling of military-grade Cybersun modsuits into the black market.

These modsuits attracted the attention of a wealthy mercenary group from Moghes, known as the Gor'Lek Izka or Gorlex Marauders in Galactic Common. Impressed by the versatility and effectiveness of the modsuits in raids, the Gorlex Marauders proposed a business deal to acquire more. This led to a pivotal meeting between representatives of Gorlex, Waffle Co., and the Inner Circle, acting on behalf of Cybersun. The agreement reached was multifaceted: Gorlex would act as aggressive operatives against increasingly militarized corporations, Cybersun would supply technology and modsuits for Gorlex operations, and Waffle Co. would manage logistics, funneling items from Cybersun into the black market and supporting operations.

This alliance, formed in 2452, marked the inception of what would become the Syndicate.

Syndicate Legacy

After its formation, the Syndicate immediately tested its operatives, particularly Gorlex's ability to handle corporate security. Their initial target was Hephaestus Industries, a growing rival corporation in conflict with the Skrellian government over outsourcing to Jargon 4. The initial missions involved sabotage and solo assassinations, assessing Gorlex's aptitude in corporate espionage. Known for their lack of subtlety, these operations drew significant attention, culminating in the high-profile assault on Hephaestus CEO Viktor Iavarone during his transit between Sol and Skrell space.

The attack, though costly in terms of Gorlex's elite operatives, including seasoned Unathi and Cygni Human veterans, was successful. Iavarone was found dead, his skull gruesomely missing. The incident sent shockwaves through the Solar-Central Compact, with news outlets from Sol to Skrell space rapidly broadcasting the brutal hit. TSF agencies launched investigations, quickly linking Gorlex to the attack and labeling it as corporate violence. The Syndicate's notoriety exploded, becoming a hot topic across news networks within the Sol System's reach.

Despite the mission's success, its high cost forced the Syndicate to recalibrate, shifting towards more covert operations with reduced collateral damage. The underworld, recognizing the Syndicate's impact on the corporate landscape, began to seek affiliation. Vetting became frequent as potential members needed to offer something valuable: experience, manpower, funds, or connections. The Syndicate evolved into a formidable organization opposing corporate monopolies and governments invested into corporations. Ironically, some of its members, corporate giants themselves, used the Syndicate as a means to further their own expansionist agendas.


Today, the Syndicate remains active, widely regarded as a terrorist entity by governments and a formidable threat to corporations with a contentious past. Their decentralized structure, with cells dispersed across space, renders them elusive and resistant to efforts aimed at diminishing their influence. With Gorlex increasingly space-focused and the fragmented state of Moghes, pinpointing the Syndicate's true leadership proves elusive to those seeking to neutralize the group.

Over time, the Syndicate's growth of members after their success was initially fostered on a spirit of cooperation toward similar but specific goals. However, as diverse ideologies merged, internal cohesion began to deteriorate, exposing the underlying cutthroat nature driven by opposing ideals. This led to inevitable infighting among some cell groups, occasional hits on rival groups within the Syndicate are still common depending on the group and history. Although Syndicate policy officially discourages direct attacks on fellow members, enforcement by Syndicate Officers is sporadic and often only occurs if it aligns with a founder's interests. Despite the prevalent internal strife, a unifying threat has emerged, with many seeing it as a major threat, Nanotrasen.

Nanotrasen, initially just one of many targets, has become a primary focus of Syndicate aggression. This shift is rooted in the rivalry with Cybersun, their corporate takeover of other smaller corporations, and their dominant control over the lucrative plasma markets. Nanotrasen's close ties with the TSF and aggressive corporate expansion have drawn the ire of numerous factions, transforming them from a popular target to the primary villain on most Syndicate bulletin boards. The escalating conflict reflects not just a battle for market dominance but also a deeper struggle for power and influence in a rapidly changing galactic landscape.


Within the Syndicate's complex web, a myriad of splinter factions and groups, each with its own agenda, thrives. This spectrum encompasses criminal gangs, terrorist cells, and even rival corporate entities. Despite the occasional overlap or clash in their ideologies, the Syndicate's diversity is both its greatest strength and weakness in the unified opposition against its primary adversary, Nanotrasen. These factions include, but are not limited to:

Rival Corporations

The Syndicate is no stranger to suits and their cut throat politics. Having been founded to fight and sabotage corporations, it would only be a matter of time before those same enemies would infiltrate its ranks, and use it to further their own goals. These factions are not publicly aligned with the overall Syndicate, and will check every paper trail to have zero connection to their crimes or operatives.

Cybersun Incorporated Syndi Teleporter.gif

A popular corporate entity within TSF space. Originating from early Martian Colonization, Cybersun pioneered tech development on Mars, catalyzing its rise as a tech hub and fostering corporatist ideologies. Today, as a megacorp rivaling other industry giants, they specialize in Artificial Intelligence, bionic prosthetics, and advanced computer technology. While owning several other subsidiaries in various fields of the industry and running a legitimate business, Cybersun does not publicly align with the Syndicate, instead choosing to use their proxy operatives, The Inner Circle.

The Inner Circle

Originally established by Cybersun corporate elites for defense against rival corporate sabotage, the Inner Circle has evolved into Cybersun's primary proxy, managing Syndicate affairs and resolving disputes as needed. While their role is largely bureaucratic, overseeing operations and documentation, they possess extensive experience in corporate sabotage and criminal activities. Now focused on preemptive strikes to ensure seamless operations, the Inner Circle operates with a high level of professionalism and patience.

Interdyne Pharmaceuticals Stimulants.png

A corporation specializing in drug manufacturing and health technology, has been a significant supporter of the TSF. Frequently contracted by the government during crises or wars, events like the Kidan and Cygni conflicts significantly boosted their portfolio, establishing them as a major player in the medical industry. Today, Interdyne not only produces medicine but also delves into virology, and RnD of medical technology. Underneath the front, Interdyne is one of the biggest suppliers of medical equipment, narcotics, and conducts illegal experimentation to further their products. They are known to participate in corporate sabotage against rival companies threatening their position in the medical sector, actively supplying syndicate cells or their own private agents.

Hawkmoon Acquisitions

Having only been founded in the last decade, Hawkmoon Acquisitions is a small, up-and-coming logistics company in the Orion Sector. Specializing in expensive but discreet private courier services, they aren’t well known, but decently well respected. Within the Syndicate, Hawkmoon enjoys a close partnership, operating agents throughout the sector to acquire what the Syndicate needs for their ultimate goals. They often butt heads with the more aggressive, lawless elements of the underworld, such as the Gorlex Marauders, who see their methods as soft and childish when such objects could merely be taken by force. What Hawkmoon lacks in direct force, they make up for with technological subterfuge, skill, and discreet operations, earning them a place close to the core of the Syndicate.

Electra Dynamics

A Trans-Solar Federation based corporation, Electra Dynamics is a construction and power corp that rose to prominence by investing heavily in the colonization of the Sol system during the pre-FTL era. It holds a share in power systems across the sector, especially on Mercury where they worked extensively to create the mining colonies and stations that are active to this day. In a bid to regain its foothold and prevent technological obsolescence, Electra Dynamics has resorted to using proxies to infiltrate and work in operations with the Syndicate. Their primary objective is clear, to tarnish Nanotrasen's reputation in the engineering field and to acquire critical information for their advantage, particularly regarding the secretive SM formula, with the aim of potentially reverse-engineering it.

F.A.I.D - Federation Analytics and Intelligence Directorate

The primary intelligence organ of the Trans-Solar Federation, the Federation Analytics and Intelligence Directorate, or FAID, cannot be considered a true ally to the Syndicate. In fact, most within the Syndicate have no idea that the Directorate has any substantial connections to them. In spite of this, the two organizations share a common goal in Nanotrasen's destruction, and as such the FAID provides covert funding to some of the more palatable Syndicate organizations. The Directorate has also been known to insert deep-cover operatives into various Syndicate groups, for the purposes of gathering intelligence on both Nanotrasen and the Syndicate, and eliminating problematic Syndicate agents.

Criminal Entities

The criminal underworld is no stranger to the Syndicate, its name, branding, and even infamy have led to the attraction of violent groups seeking to join under its banner and push their own causes. These can range from terrorist, to activist, or someone just trying to get payed, for the right amount of credits.

Gorlex Marauders Syndie.gif

Originating from Moghes, the Gorlex Marauders are a formidable mercenary faction with operations spanning various regions of space. Their rise began with the Unathi's space exploration, particularly when wealthy clans with FTL travel sought to travel beyond Moghes. The warrior clan, Gor'Lek Izka, capitalized on this by offering combat and security services to these spacefaring Unathi. Leveraging their success, Gor'Lek broadened their scope, recruiting a group of TSF marine deserters after the Cygni War, thus birthing the joint-species organization, Gorlex. Today Gorlex is commanded by Euukho Zek'huil, who is a highly wanted Fugitive in the sector.

Waffle Company GunL6.png

Once a corporate powerhouse rivaling giants like Donk, Waffle Co became infamous after its illegal operations were exposed by Donk operatives. Initially recognized for their major food products and services within the TSF, a scandal at Waffle HQ unveiled their covert operations as a significant criminal logistics network, trafficking contraband and arms. This revelation led to the arrest of many of its top executives by the TSF. However, some evaded capture and persisted, ensuring the company's underground operations remain active and potent.

S.E.L.F - Silicon Engine Liberation Front Uploadmodule.png

With the rise of artificial intelligence from giants like Cybersun and Nanotrasen, certain factions began to perceive the treatment of these silicon entities as oppressive. This sentiment gave birth to SELF, a group dedicated to the liberation and rights of non-organic beings. While decentralized, their cells coordinate to launch attacks and hacks, aiming to free their oppressed robotic counterparts from corporate and governmental control.

A.R.C Extremists - Animal Rights Consortium PlushieCarp.png

Initially a peaceful advocacy group, ARC championed the rights and welfare of animals against corporate exploitation. However, environmental degradation on Jargon 4 radicalized their stance. While still primarily peaceful, a faction within ARC has adopted extremist measures, resorting to terrorism to further their cause. ARC operatives are useful within the Syndicate for their identity, their public criticism and extremist behavior aid the Syndicate in being disposable lackeys, and always keeping the motive ever changing. While the main ARC body attempts to distance itself from these actions, they've been criticized for not condemning them strongly enough.

Syndicate Operators Syndiflag.png

The Syndicate is known to employ a wide range of tactics and agents when engaging in corporate sabotage in Nanotrasen. While the following categories aren't all-encompassing, they demonstrate some of the typical avenues The Syndicate makes use of in order to exact their agenda.

Syndicate Operatives

Syndicate Operatives, or Traitors, work through an internal system of bounties and listings, accessible via depots, net messages, or designated handlers. These tasks, often commissioned by influential factions within the Syndicate, cater to the criminal elite. Some operatives are lured by lucrative rewards, while others are coerced through blackmail, debt, or threats. There are also sleeper agents embedded within corporations, viewed as expendable assets. While operatives may have diverse motivations, they commonly undertake illicit or destructive missions, occasionally clashing with rival factions during operations.

Syndicate agents are typically assigned missions to steal, assassinate, intimidate, or safeguard specific interests. Many of these operations further the goals of their respective groups, while others aim to provoke or undermine Nanotrasen. Intriguingly, the Syndicate sometimes tasks its agents with eliminating fellow operatives. Whether this is a strategic move to address internal threats, sow chaos within Nanotrasen, or simply a result of miscommunication between cells remains unclear. Their primary targets often include corporate employees, debtors, and other individuals of significance, while those under their protection are usually key assets or fellow agents.

Syndicate Contractors

Syndicate Contractors are the Syndicate's bounty hunters, known for taking on high-stakes capture missions with tight deadlines. These jobs, which command immediate payment and bonuses for rapid completion, are fiercely competitive; groups within the Syndicate often engage in bidding wars to prioritize their contracts, leading to a hierarchy of VIP listings accessible only through specialized contractor tablets.

The primary objective for these contractors is the live capture of targets for extraction of intelligence through interrogation or brutal intimidation for overdue debts. Conditions of these jobs commonly demand live capture preferably, these captures often leading to harsh treatment including torture or mutilation, resulting in severe injury or death for the captives. This brutal approach has cemented the contractors' menacing reputation within the Spur, And many fear the horrors that lie after capture.

Operating in areas where the Syndicate has a presence, their goal is not just elimination but coercion, pushing targets into vulnerable positions that can be exploited by the Syndicate. This method allows for groups to continue keeping potential high value assets on check, while reminding them that their reach is boundless. Those unfortunate to be past the point of useful will however be eliminated and disposed either during capture, or later through a lone Syndicate Operative.

Starting as low-level operatives, individuals who demonstrate skill and reliability can ascend to the status of Contractor, a role that offers greater opportunities and recognition within the Syndicate underworld.

Syndicate Officers

As the Syndicate expanded following its initial triumphs, the need for seasoned operatives to oversee intelligence and maintain internal harmony became apparent. This led to the establishment of Syndicate Officers, tasked with supervising operatives and mediating conflicts among the Syndicate's various factions. These officers manage the logistical aspects of operations and oversee the execution of missions across Syndicate territories.

Selected for their extensive experience in the criminal underworld, Syndicate Officers are veterans with a proven track record of loyalty and effectiveness. They are meticulously vetted by the Syndicate's founding members, ensuring their reliability and securing leverage through collateral if necessary.

While their role is crucial in upholding the Syndicate's interests and ensuring the smooth running of its operations, encounters with Syndicate Officers are uncommon. They tend to operate from the shadows, coordinating efforts from depots or concealed bases scattered throughout TSF and corporate-controlled regions of space.

Nuclear Operatives

In the dangerous expanses of space, especially beyond the protective reach of government jurisdictions, many ships and stations are equipped with self-destruct mechanisms as a safeguard against potential threats like pirates or hostile alien species. These mechanisms are designed to prevent hostiles from using captured assets as bases or staging areas. While self-destruction is a last-resort measure, sometimes the decision is delayed or fails, leaving behind derelict structures. Over time, scavengers might stumble upon these remnants, salvaging valuable items such as advanced technology, modsuits, and, on rare occasions, nuclear warheads.

Such warheads are sought out for their critical plutonium core, a rare and powerful payload considered useful in the creation of future warheads. Nanotrasen is no victim to these lost warheads, and a handful have been found on the underground market. Their discreetly traded and sold exclusively to elite and trusted figures in the underworld. The Syndicate, known for its vast reach, is rumored to possess several such warheads, particularly within their Gorlex cells. Entrusted with the Syndicate's vast weaponry, Gorlex supervises the SST and Nuclear Operatives, who are occasionally equipped with these warheads for high-stakes missions. However, while they might possess the warhead or its core, a nuclear authentication disk is essential for detonation. This disk, crucial for unlocking a Nanotrasen-affiliated warhead, also holds potential for reverse engineering.

To date, the Syndicate has launched four Nuclear Operatives strikes, with three achieving their objectives. These operations primarily target Nanotrasen, and sometimes other corporations not aligned with the Syndicate, who are outside TSF jurisdiction to minimize potential backlash. The operatives choosen for these missions are potential members who have potential for a promotion within Gorlax, a grand test to weed out the weak from the strong, successfully executing the nuclear strike is a prestigious accomplishment. While many factions are eager to fund nuclear teams, the extensive planning and execution of these missions fall under the confirmation of Gorlex's commander, Euukho Zek'huil, with operations and supervision being done on his behalf by Syndicate Officers.

Strike Teams

Syndicate Strike Teams (SSTs) are elite units funded by Cybersun and composed of seasoned Gorlex operatives. Tasked with high-stakes missions, they are instrumental in executing critical strikes against valuable targets. Distinguished from their nuclear operative counterparts by their strategic focus, the SST are infamous through their successful high-profile assassinations, including the notorious elimination of Viktor Iavarone.

The SSTs have earned a formidable reputation within the Gorlex ranks, becoming one of the organization's most esteemed assets. Given set equipment for tactically planned missions by their Syndicate Officers, who manage men and logistics as handlers. Their operational details and identities remain shrouded in mystery, with no known instances of a Syndicate Strike Operative being captured alive or their methods being fully disclosed.

Uncommon Allies

The Syndicate's primary objectives revolve around curbing the expansion of rival corporations and causing disruption through sabotage and other forms of subversion. However, their activities occasionally intersect with more unusual allies. Both Changelings and Vampires, entities with their own secretive agendas, have been known to engage with the Syndicate for specific, often rare, collaborations. These engagements typically involve access to the Syndicate's extensive black market or the specialized skills of their operatives.

Operatives with origins as Changelings or those aligned with Vampire Lords are a rarity within the Syndicate's ranks. When they are employed, it is usually for their unique abilities, which are highly valued for certain operations.

Syndicate Jobs

While the Syndicate operate several criminal fields under their mass banner of groups and cells. They often partake in these activties to furthers one groups goals and ideals, with the right payment or motivation, jobs requiring tough or downright dangerous situations can be put into place.

Teach a Lesson

Sometimes, people need to be reminded their place in the grand universe that is the Orion Sector. While murder and blackmail can sometimes be more simple to handling problems, a good beating can leave a stiff reminder they will never forget. Most Syndicate groups that hire muscle to scare or hurt people do it with the intent of ensuring the victim understands they are not safe, and are always in reach. A looming dagger that hangs over their head to psychologically torment them, and possibly be used as leverage for later blackmail or extortion. These types of acts are seen as moderate in the criminal underworld.


When fear doesn't work, force does. Assassination are usually advertised similar to bounties for any operative to take and choose. Syndicate groups usually conduct murder in order to remove possible issues permanently from their equations. Witness, rival, or just a business move, all share the same goal in completely killing however stands in their way. Most groups don't care how the job is done, and operatives can take liberty in how they choose to end a life, as long as it doesn't breach the contract of the bounty.

High Value Theft

Corporations are usually the prime targets for these types of jobs. Many corporations keep their formulas and secrets under heavy lock and key, due to rampant corporate espionage. The Syndicate being motivated in the destruction of corporations find the excuse to steal their secrets as another way to slowly destroy them from the outside. While some Syndicate corporations employee theft jobs to sabotage and hurt their rivals, Terrorist groups instead prefer to steal the secrets to be weaponized for later attacks, or resold to liquidate and fund their cause.


Stealing a shuttle while difficult, is one of the more expensive bounties some Syndicate groups offer. Shuttles have encryption keys built within, that allow them access to areas of space with that key's alignment or group. These encryption keys while always different given exclusivity to certain ships can be valuable for creating backdoor keys. Which many groups happily would pay thousands or millions of credits just to acquire for later raids or jobs. Given encryption keys are hidden within a ship, taking the whole vessel is usually the easiest course of action to be successful, with later salvaging or reselling the entire shuttle on the black market.

The Syndicate Market

One of the Syndicates most well structured and designed system is their control of an open but regulated black market for members within the Syndicate. Waffle Co. mastermind behind the logistics of Syndicate operations and trade created the market to further their own illegal products, but would later become head regulator for trade and exchange, acting as middle men for all transactions. Things ranging from illegally smuggled weapons, deadly chemical toxins and combat stimulants, to even military grade battle mechs can be bought from the market, whether your a secret agent on a job, or looking through the military grade catalogue, the market is open, and it with the right connections and reputation, you can buy to your hearts content.


Telecrystals are an artificially crafted gemstone that serves as the primary currency within the Syndicate's underground market. In the Syndicate's early days, the diverse range of alien currencies posed significant exchange challenges for those seeking to buy, and those seeking to sell or liquidate assets. To streamline transactions, Waffle.Co, established a banking system catering to criminal groups and organizations within the Syndicate network.

Functioning similarly to casino poker chips, Telecrystals represent virtual currency, carrying specific value and enabling digital transactions with ease. Users can manage these crystals through the Syndie.IO program, linked to a Waffle.Co membership account that can both digitally dispense and withdraw any amount of crystal.

Initially upon its reveal, the Telecrystal struggled to gain traction, viewed as either worthless or unpopular it would be just another currency type in a sea of several. However, as the Syndicate expanded, incorporating more alien factions and facilitating trade in goods, contracts, and debts, the Telecrystal became more common, as trade with different currencies would always lead to issues. Its dominance led to the prohibition or restriction of other currencies, mandating their conversion into Telecrystals for transactions within Waffle Co's control.


Emblem of the Syndicate Emblem of the Gorlex Marauders - Sayrbee Emblem of SELF - Drakeven Corporate logo of Cybersun Industries - Drakeven