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Nicholas Rafferty

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Name: Nicholas Rafferty

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Blood Type: O-

General Occupational Role(s): Medical Doctor, Surgeon, Paramedic, Chemist, Brig Physician, Chief Medical Officer, Virologist, Geneticist


Born into a life of poverty and destitution on the ruins of Earth, Nicholas faced a bleak future with few opportunities. He was able to escape from his humble beginnings when NanoTrasen funded a select few public schools in low income areas in exchange for permission to issue some ‘aptitude tests’ to students. Nicholas' school was one of those chosen, and he scored highly on these tests, being identified as a possibly gifted individual who qualified for a new NanoTrasen employment program.

The premise was simple: NanoTrasen will pay for relocation off Earth to pursue education in the field of the student's choice. In exchange, the student, upon graduation, enters a mandatory 16 year tour of indentured servitude to repay these costs, after which they are free and clear to do as they wish… except for a standard non-compete clause, of course.  

Nicholas accepted the deal, seeing it as probably his only opportunity to escape a life of poverty.  He chose Medicine as his field, as qualified doctors are always in high demand on remote outposts and deep space exploration vessels. He enrolled in Lunar University of Medical Science in 2542.

After graduating and beginning to serve, he quickly became somewhat embittered by NanoTrasen’s soulless corporate philosophy, as well as the realization that he had sold the best years of his life to a company that viewed him as simply a moderately expensive piece of equipment.  It didn't help when later he learned the 'non-compete' clause of his contract was so expansive that it would all but guarantee he would either work for NanoTrasen for the rest of his life, or never work again at all.

While somewhat cold to NanoTrasen in general, he takes his oath as a medical doctor very seriously. He will always treat anyone in his care to the best of his ability.


Degree and year of attainment:

Doctor of Medicine (MD): 2546

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D): 2548

Master of Medicine (MMed): 2550

Master of Surgery (M.S): 2552

Basic self-defense training.

Post-placement training in Virology and Genetics equipment employed by NT.

Employment Records

Began mandatory assignment in 2553, which will end in 2569. Has served on the Cyberaid for just under 2 months.

Dr. Rafferty is a skilled physician and surgeon, although there are some incidents of him cutting corners for the sake of expediency.

Dr. Rafferty is competent at following instructions and working in a team. When no leadership is present, he is capable of working independently. He has the necessary technical skills and knowledge to perform the role of Chief Medical Officer, but a lack of assertiveness as well as a tendency to place the well-being of individual employees above the interests of the greater corporation limits his leadership potential.  

Security Records

No incidents on file.

Medical Records

2542 - Surgical correction for Myopia. No complications.

2546 - Blood type alteration: From A+ to O-.  Voluntary experimental program designed to allow doctors assigned to remote locations with limited blood banks to become universal donors.

Personnel Photo

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