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Species Specific Agent Items.


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What it says on the tin, this would give races some more flavour.
Species specific abilities i did come up with/would suggest:

  • Enhanced claws, for Tajaran, Unathi, Vulpkanin, and Kidan, which might just be an undisarmable weapon, but maybe also strengthened to work as screwdriver, wirecutter, and maybe even a crowbar, as you would dig the claws in, and then move it.
  • Inbuild flamethrower, for plasmamen, using some plasma out of their suit as a weapon.
  • Enhanced genetics, for Grey, raising their genetic stability, and allowing them to toggle some genetic powers at will, mind over matter, including xray and telekinesis.
  • Integrated circuity, for IPCs/Machine People, gives them another cord with, or their existing recharging cord, some more abilities, like a good version of the pAI doorjack, maybe including camera hack, and other tools. Might also become a slow emag.
  • Voxleap, for Vox, seen them in action on the old code, could probably use that, i know it's strong, but so are other tools inside the uplink.
  • Ventcrawling, for Slimes, also from the old code, should probably allow the slimes to take some stuff with them, though, like the Contortionist's Jumpsuit.
  • Scouting Nymph, for Diona, with the VR code, it should be possible to make a diona "split off" a nymph from the gestalt, and then control it to scout some areas.
  • Enhanced Chitin, for Kidan, also inspiried from the old code, they basically had riot armor, why not give a loud agent exactly that?

I'm sure others would also have ideas about what to give some races, codewise, they would probably work similar to job specific items, unlock wise. Otherwise, every item would probably be rather unique, so a problem might be that the code will seem rather snowflakey. Currently trying my hands on a proof of concept implementation, might PR it if i get it running with at least one item, and it's wanted.

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Wolverine implant claws, nice. There's some good ideas here, IPCs having some method of tampering with machines/APCs/various electronics could be a neat available upgrade.

Vox magclaws giving leap when?

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