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WHAT THE DICKENS- Er, records of Bobby Dickens.

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Name: Bobby Dickens.


Age: Bobby is in his late twenties,27 to be precise.


Gender: Male.


Race: Human.


Blood Type: A+


General Occupational Role(s): Bobby Dickens is good at being a Mime, Psychologist, and has tried his hand at Atmospherics and Bartendering, before. He has expressed a small bit of interest in Security, but does not believe he could handle the responsibilities that come with the job. And he's seen enough 'odd' officers, to aid his opinions.


Biography: Bobby Dickens was born and raised in the Tau Ceti system, and lived a rather 'average' life. His family was midclass, and he himself was originally written off as low priority, when recruiters checked out possible prospects. However, in his teenage years, he was identified as a prodigy, showing remarkable intelligence beyond most of his classmates. Unfortunately, he himself happens to have a lazy demeanour, and is, according to reports, sarcastic, flirty, and can be rather smug. Upon graduation, he managed to go through several 'phases', when trying to find a career. One such phase was as a mime, for children's birthday parties, until a certain incident involving a clown. Bobby managed to get off due to 'self defense.' He himself eventually applied for college, and was accepted. There, he ended up getting a psychology degree, and managed to pass with minorly distinguishing marks, though he was not the top of his class. He was second, though he didn't seem to mind.


Qualifications: His degree in psychology, his references from his time as a mime, his rudimentary knowledge of atmospherics, and in general, being excellent at most 'civilian' jobs. [Though his cooking could use some work, bluh.]


Employment Records: Upon turning twenty one, Bobby Dickens was recruited by Nanotrasen, and originally, was supposed to be stationed on Tau Ceti, but was eventually transferred to the station, due to the supervisor's dislike of him. He has spent two years on station shifts, and seems to be quite okay, despite the occasional threat, or malfunction. Would he be okay if he knew how many times he's been cloned, and how many of said threats we've had to cover up? I do not believe so.


Security Records: Bobby Dickens is no security officer. He does, however, understand the rudimentary basics of combat, and can at least aim and fire a gun. To say that he's an expert at combat is saying a bit much, but he's seen his fair share of bar fights and unruly people.


Medical Records: Bobby Dickens does not appear to have any physical or mental deformities, as of this moment.



Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Generic_assistant.png Pretty generic hairstyle, pretty easy at blending in. Or at least, he would be if he wasn't snarking over the intercom or comms.



Commendations [only to be added by admin]: None so far.



Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: None so far.




This is my first time trying records, so feel free to critique/criticize me.



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Name: Bobby Dickens.


Age: 27.


Gender: Male.


Race: Human.


Blood Type: A+


General Occupational Role(s): Mr Dickens, as seen in our last record of him, is usually quite good at civilian jobs. Being a Psychologist is one of the few things he can be quite good with, though he does occasionally get bored with it, despite being a lazy, self absorbed, flirtatious gent. We don't really blame him. Mime, Barkeep, Miner, Librarian, and Chaplain are his strong suits, thus far.


New data.

Mr Dickens, despite his own protests, has occasionally been given roles involving security, or even command positions, as per our cloning program. Learn a new skill, get scanned, retain the previous information without any of the aging. Splendid. He is an alright officer, an okay HOS, and a sub-par Captain, in his own opinion. HOP's more his style, he claims. He's a hands off RD, and has never been a CE or CMO.


"Are you nuts? Buddy, I dislike several of the people on this station. Asking me to fix them up or work with power tools to repair the place is like asking a security officer to go to 'Clown Planet', or whatever those lunatics in suits call it.


Biography: Bobby Dickens was born and raised in the Tau Ceti system, and lived a rather 'average' life. His family was middle class, and he himself was originally written off as low priority, when recruiters checked out possible prospects. However, in his teenage years, he was identified as a prodigy, showing remarkable intelligence beyond most of his classmates. Unfortunately, he himself happens to have a lazy demeanor, and is, according to reports, sarcastic, flirty, and can be rather smug. Upon graduation, he managed to go through several 'phases', when trying to find a career. One such phase was as a mime, for children's birthday parties, until a certain incident involving a clown. Bobby managed to get off due to 'self defense.' He himself eventually applied for college, and was accepted. There, he ended up getting a psychology degree, and managed to pass with minorly distinguishing marks, though he was not the top of his class. He was second, though he didn't seem to mind.



Qualifications: Bobby Dickens has a degree in psychology, references from his time as a mime, rudimentary knowledge of keeping people breathing, and is alright with bartending. Just don't let him cook if you want to have a happy shift.


Additional data.

Mr Dickens has gained many qualifications from the station alone, including Security qualifications, Command, and others, though they're significantly less important.


Employment Records: Upon turning twenty one, Bobby Dickens was recruited by Nanotrasen, and originally, was supposed to be stationed on Tau Ceti, but was eventually transferred to the station, due to the supervisor's dislike of him. He has spent two years on station shifts, and seems to be quite okay, despite the occasional threat, or malfunction. Would he be okay if he knew how many times he's been cloned, and how many of said threats we've had to cover up? I do not believe so.



Security Records: Bobby Dickens was formerly 'alright' at combat, though, with occasional security jobs, he's gotten better. He's not an 'expert' on Space Law, but he gets the general gist of it. When a HOS, this usually irritates him, and leads to him putting his nose into law books, or relying on the warden and IAA. If that fails, he'll chat with the rest of command or 'greytide', of civilians.


He has been briefed on multiple types of antagonist, though he's not a master of identifying some subversive elements.



Medical Records: Mr Dickens is physically alright. Occasionally, however, he suffers from Clone Memory Disorder, though his usual body is in stages one or two. He's never lived past those stages.



Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Generic_assistant.png



Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


Other Notes: Mr Dickens is very, very sarcastic, though he manages to barely toe the line between rules that can be broken, and rules that cannot, occasionally. On the plus side, he's not stupid enough to attempt a vigilante assault.


He's not Owlman.


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