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monster860's Guide to Adminbus - Flipping the Escape Shuttle


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Will not work with metastation.


Where is my giant block of text I can copy into the SDQL2 query input box?


It's an SDQL2 query, written by me:


You just copy it into the little box you get when you run an SDQL2 query in the Debug tab.


UPDATE /obj/docking_port/mobile/emergency SET dwidth = 6, x = 121, y = 94, dir = 8 WHERE x == 109 && y == 100 && z == 2;

UPDATE /obj/docking_port/stationary SET dwidth = 6 WHERE id == "emergency_transit" || id == "emergency_home" || id == "emergency_away";

UPDATE /obj/docking_port/stationary/transit SET y = 243 WHERE x == 8 && y == 238 && z == 2;

UPDATE /obj/machinery/door/airlock/shuttle SET x = 121 WHERE y == 94 || y == 100 && x == 109 && z == 2;

CALL ChangeTurf("/turf/simulated/shuttle/wall") ON /turf/simulated/shuttle/floor IN /area/shuttle/escape WHERE y == 100 && x == 109 && z == 2;

CALL ChangeTurf("/turf/simulated/floor/plating") ON /turf/simulated/shuttle/floor IN /area/shuttle/escape WHERE y == 94 && x == 109 && z == 2;

CALL ChangeTurf("/turf/simulated/shuttle/floor") ON /turf/simulated/floor/plating,/turf/simulated/shuttle/wall IN /area/shuttle/escape WHERE y == 100 || y == 94 && x == 121 && z == 2;

UPDATE /turf/simulated/shuttle/wall IN /area/shuttle/escape SET icon_state = "swall3" WHERE y == 100 && x == 109 && z == 2;

UPDATE /obj/structure/grille,/obj/structure/window/full/shuttle IN /turf/simulated/shuttle/floor SET x = 109 WHERE y == 94 && x == 121 && z == 2;

UPDATE /obj/machinery/recharge_station IN /turf/simulated/shuttle/floor SET x = 110 WHERE y == 94 || y == 95 && x == 120 && z == 2;

UPDATE /obj/item/weapon,/obj/structure/table IN /turf/simulated/shuttle/floor SET x = 120 WHERE y == 95 && x == 110 && z == 2;

UPDATE /turf/simulated/shuttle/floor IN /area/shuttle/escape SET icon_state = "floor" WHERE y == 95 && x == 110 && z == 2;

UPDATE /turf/simulated/shuttle/floor IN /area/shuttle/escape SET icon_state = "floor3" WHERE y == 95 && x == 120 && z == 2;


How this works


Abstract docking port objects:


UPDATE /obj/docking_port/mobile/emergency SET dwidth = 6, x = 121, y = 94, dir = 8 WHERE x == 109 && y == 100 && z == 2;

This moves the mobile docking port to the lower right window of the shuttle and adjusts it's bounding box and direction


UPDATE /obj/docking_port/stationary SET dwidth = 6 WHERE id == "emergency_transit" || id == "emergency_home" || id == "emergency_away";

This adjusts bounding boxes on all emergency stationary docking ports


UPDATE /obj/docking_port/stationary/transit SET y = 243 WHERE x == 8 && y == 238 && z == 2;

This moves the transit docking port 5 tiles up (becaues MUH IMMULSIONS)


And the part that moves all the shit to the other side:


UPDATE /obj/machinery/door/airlock/shuttle SET x = 121 WHERE y == 94 || y == 100 && x == 109 && z == 2;

This moves the doors to the other side


CALL ChangeTurf("/turf/simulated/shuttle/wall") ON /turf/simulated/shuttle/floor IN /area/shuttle/escape WHERE y == 100 && x == 109 && z == 2;

CALL ChangeTurf("/turf/simulated/floor/plating") ON /turf/simulated/shuttle/floor IN /area/shuttle/escape WHERE y == 94 && x == 109 && z == 2;

CALL ChangeTurf("/turf/simulated/shuttle/floor") ON /turf/simulated/floor/plating,/turf/simulated/shuttle/wall IN /area/shuttle/escape WHERE y == 100 || y == 94 && x == 121 && z == 2;

This assigns the appropriate turfs to the windows and floor and door tiles


UPDATE /turf/simulated/shuttle/wall IN /area/shuttle/escape SET icon_state = "swall3" WHERE y == 100 && x == 109 && z == 2;

This assigns proper icon to shuttle wall that was just created


UPDATE /obj/structure/grille,/obj/structure/window/full/shuttle IN /turf/simulated/shuttle/floor SET x = 109 WHERE y == 94 && x == 121 && z == 2;

This moves the window over to the left


UPDATE /obj/machinery/recharge_station IN /turf/simulated/shuttle/floor SET x = 110 WHERE y == 94 || y == 95 && x == 120 && z == 2;

This mvoes the recharge stations over to the left


UPDATE /obj/item/weapon,/obj/structure/table IN /turf/simulated/shuttle/floor SET x = 120 WHERE y == 95 && x == 110 && z == 2;

This moves the table and all the shit on it over to the right


UPDATE /turf/simulated/shuttle/floor IN /area/shuttle/escape SET icon_state = "floor" WHERE y == 95 && x == 110 && z == 2;

UPDATE /turf/simulated/shuttle/floor IN /area/shuttle/escape SET icon_state = "floor3" WHERE y == 95 && x == 120 && z == 2;

This fixes up some icons on some floor tiles.


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