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Name: Maynard Bardell

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Blood Type: O+

General Occupational Role(s): Medical Doctor, Virologist


Biography: Maynard, born in the month of March during the year 2529, always had a fascination with small things. No, not small things as in bugs or rocks, but the things that you can't see and are always around, on, and in you. Viruses. Pathogens. Every type was interesting, calling his name to be further studied. He would often visit hospitals during the summers just to observe virologists doing their job while he sat outside their offices, peeking in through windows. Sure, he had no idea what was going on, but it was still enough to propel him forwards into his studies of microbiology. Upon reaching his high school years, he decided that it would be a decent idea to also pick up medical classes; so he did. The work load was heavy, but he persisted. After his high school career was over, he signed up for a prestigious college, Weatherford's Institute for Medical and Scientific Research, or WIMSR for short. He was accepted, much to his relief, and proceeded to go along his path of microbiology, dropping medical classes. After his second year attending Weatherford's, he was selected for a program that would send him to a research station located at the Tau Ceti system. However, during his stay, the station was struck by an undetected meteor shower. During the chaos, he was struck in the head by a piece of debris, causing him to fall unconscious as well as incur minor temporary memory loss. The station was evacuated, only losing two crewmembers during the shower, and Maynard was hospitalized for a good amount of time, a month to be exact. He did, however, make a full recovery. The one thing he can't quite answer, however: why can't he remember where he was born? Why can't he remember his parents? Why did no one visit him in the hospital? The salt on the wound was WIMSR deeming him "unfit" for continued attendance, on the grounds of "potentially unstable". His doctor sent various letters to the institute deeming him mentally well, but no reply was ever received. Upset at the loss of his past and the loss of his education, he decided to leave the Sol system, or as he put it, "the system of broken dreams". Eventually, he found the company of NanoTrasen, and they were enthusiastic to have him join the workforce...


Qualifications: Subject has studied virology aboard a research station that was located at Tau Ceti. Subject possesses an adequate knowledge of medical science.


Employment Records: Subject has been employed at various clinics and general hospitals across the Sol system. Has not been employed at anywhere of notable interest.


Security Records: July 16, 2554: Subject was arrested for shoplifting. The stolen item in question was a pair of purple glasses.


Medical Records: [Clearance: Medical]


Personnel Photo: He is rather tall, standing at six feet and two inches. His hair and beard, oddly purple, are well kept, not a single strand too long or out of place. His lab coat is buttoned up, and he looks generally disinterested.


Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


Other Notes: Name changed as of 8/3/16. Might tune up the bio when I have the time. When not doing virology work, he likes to help the bartender.


Alias Cadwell



Name: Alias Cadwell

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Blood Type: B-

General Occupational Role(s): Research Director, Scientist, Barber (when everything else is filled)


Biography: to be done later


Qualifications: to be done later


Employment Records: to be done later


Security Records: to be done later


Medical Records: [Clearance: Medical]


Personnel Photo: to be done later


Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


Other Notes: Unfinished profile, character in development.



Harvey Griswold



Name: Harvey Griswold

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Blood Type: A+

General Occupational Role(s): Detective, Bartender, Internal Affairs Agent


Biography: to be done later


Qualifications: to be done later


Employment Records: to be done later


Security Records: to be done later


Medical Records: [Clearance: Medical]


Personnel Photo: to be done later


Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


Other Notes: Unfinished profile, character in development.



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