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Well, we have minimechas (mostly for combat unfortunately), we have a great variety of space suits, we have powered armour RIGs for adminbus(because they OP and nobody willing to recode them) but what about plain exoskeletons? Which could be worn in exosuit slot(and maybe with power pack on the back) which could provide wearer additional strength. Just imagine cargo tech wearing something like this




He could carry one or two crates full of metal in his hands. While engineers could carry air tanks, emitters and other heavy equipment with it.

And with some science work that suits would probably even carry and use mechs weapons. Using both hands and lacking speed and space protection. Armoured version for security could exist but they will be very slow and cumbersome, forcing wearer to walk only and pray that there would be no enemy with EMP weaponry. Because without power one will be just ordinary weak human wearing extremly heavy suit without ability to even move.


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We had those for a moment. They were ridiculously OP and were sent back to hell and never spoken about again

Well Harduits were OP because of modules and problems with taking them off, okay. But whats OP in just ability to lift and carry around heavy things? Exosuits would not have any modules at all. Just servomotors to allow wearer carry things above human strength.


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