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Where Is My Mind?


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This happened a while ago, but I got some screenshots so y'know. Also, hope you like the punny title, took me an entire two seconds to come up with it.


I was a sec officer, everything was going great in life. Then a door spawning wand appeared next to me, and I knew we were all fucked. The wizard insisted they were friendly (pffffttt) but I still requested permission to shoot them. Captain (Nova, I think) said to go for it. I shot them a few times before they bolted, shot and missed as they left the med bay lobby, then chased them down the hall. They had a ton of civvies behind them, screaming not to kill them, so I couldn't shoot without hitting one of them. Chase went on a bit longer before I managed to use my last shots to down them, I grabbed my baton and began smacking him before the greyshirt army attacked me. I got pushed over, some more sec arrived and began being attacked too, as I got up I used the commotion to cuff the wizard and sprint off with them to brig, punching all the way. When there, they body swapped with me, sec saw it however and buckled them in processing.

Then they body swapped again, and again, and again etc. etc.


We then had a room filled with people and nobody knew who was the wizard. I almost killed an innocent person we were so convinced it was them, and ended that round with I think three wiznerd kills, may have been 2 not sure if I finished the third off.


Oh, and I never got my body back.





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