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First Day On The Force

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I just wanted to express a HUGE thank you to the Security team that played on 12/13-04-2016. They were a quirky, amazing force to be contended with, and I'm so, SO happy I helped more than hindered in that round.

It may have been a regular shift for you guys, but that one will stay in my mind for a while.


Extra shout-outs to Tristen Edwards, for willing to take RISSA on board in the first place (as well as that wonderful movie-esque holobadge gift at the end); SHIP, for the simple and effective laptop co-ordination (and for retrieving my ID card); Rasheke Burman for being a willing participant; SOPHIE for being a sassy as fuck and damn quick-responding AI; that fucking rad as hell Chaplain - Renomaki Story, I believe? - that service was inspired, and I wish more Chaplains would do stuff like that; and lastly, the rest of the force. You were a rad little family together, and it was good fun.


I was behind the desk the entire time (and intend to do so in the future, I'm not terribly robust) - so any highlights in particular you want to share that were memorable and fun? I quite liked that literally ALL of the people that turned off their sensors were actually cultists, and the uncertainty of the showdown in Bar Maint was quite a tense moment.


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Hey, I was the Chaplain that round, and thank you for taking the time to join my discussion on the value of Unity. I was honestly worried that I would have ended up taking all the time getting the service ready only to have 3 or so people attend, but I was rather moved to see that what I think was a good dozen or so (plus the AI of all people) decided to join and listen to me talk about my rather creatively made-up religion.


Hoo boy, though.. There was quite a bit of crazy behind the scenes stuff that happened that you may or may not have seen. Came across a bug that forced me to relog, got stuck in place, admin had to make me a new body on the spot so I could move again, then my body somehow imploded, forcing him to make ANOTHER body to fix that, then I lost my holy powers and had to have them returned to me.. Hoo boy, that was one crazy experience for both me and the admin on at the time.


But yeah, in all, that was one heck of a shift.. Started out quietly enough, with me trying to think up a religion for the shift and gearing up, trying to encourage people to come over by having the HoP set up a time.. Then all that Cult business started that ruined all my plans and thrust me into some crime drama... But after all that, it was a miracle we still had JUST enough time to perform the service, and man, what great timing too if I say so myself..


Heck, it was just as big a miracle that everyone decided to come on down the way they did. Considering how most people treat the Chaplain in most rounds, I didn't think anyone would care.. But the fact that they all came after all that happened was more touching than everything, and if I could, I woulda gave a Karma point to everyone who attended, if only because it was a nice of them to seriously pay a visit to me and listen to me ramble before packing up for the shuttle.


I only hope that after that, though, the next person who plays as a priest might take inspiration from me and realize that there is more to being a priest than running around the station donned in armor, pretending to be on crusade and stuff.. If you take the time to ACTUALLY prepare and communicate with your HoP, it can be a fun, RP heavy job.. Although it did help that I spawned in during a cult round. Talk about perfect timing, eh? Was a very interesting round as priest indeed~


... Even the ghost attended.


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You were a GREAT Chaplain, dude. I actually hope to see you on that role more often, to be honest.


Again, I am flattered, heh heh.


Although honestly, I might give it awhile before I tackle it again. When you pull off a performance that successful, it is kinda hard to really top it with something just as good, and I can't just reuse the same religion over and over again, because then it would get kinda dull.. Kinda like how a clown has to cycle through his routines, rather than just do the same thing shift after shift.


I do look forward to tackling it again eventually, though, and hope that people will be as willing to attend as they were that one faithful shift.. It makes being a priest a whole lot more fun.


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