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Buff the gibber


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Grinding a corpse nets you three delicious meats and one strip of skin, plus some lovely gore of course.

In comparison, butchering a monkey gets you no less than five bits of meat and a bunch of organs too, upgrading the gibber adds nothing to it's efficiency.


To produce a respectable amount of soylent green you need a lotta dead people, even more if you want a full set of snazzy bloated human skin clothes, it'd be nice if upgrading the gibber's parts at least made it's yield less terrible but ways to better it's efficiency in general would be great.


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I've tried to upgrade every machine I've seen, and as far as I remember, the gibber doesn't have parts and can't be upgraded. The monkey recycler can, but not the kitchen gibber.

I managed to dismantle it a few rounds ago and a helpful admin spawned in a board for me, it's buildable and upgradable but the circuit board isn't creatable/acquirable.


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I've tried to upgrade every machine I've seen, and as far as I remember, the gibber doesn't have parts and can't be upgraded. The monkey recycler can, but not the kitchen gibber.




/obj/machinery/gibber/RefreshParts() //If you want to make the machine upgradable, this is where you would change any vars basd on its stock parts.






var/turf/T = get_step(src, acceptdir)


lturf = T

component_parts = list()

component_parts += new /obj/item/weapon/circuitboard/gibber(null)

component_parts += new /obj/item/weapon/stock_parts/matter_bin(null)

component_parts += new /obj/item/weapon/stock_parts/manipulator(null)



Didn't look very hard then... Link


Gibber on /tg/ definitely gets upgrades, but nobody really wants to go into the kitchen plus it's easier to just give the chef a bottle of cryox and a syringe to bleed out his monkeys for tasty tasty synthmeat.


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I've tried to upgrade every machine I've seen, and as far as I remember, the gibber doesn't have parts and can't be upgraded. The monkey recycler can, but not the kitchen gibber.



Not everyone knows how to or wants to go digging through code to find this stuff when easier ways exist.


I just checked and the gibber is the only machine (I know of) that doesn't show its parts when you examine it with a research analyzer. It just doesn't. Every other machine in the kitchen did, but not the gibber.

I also deconstructed the gibber and it dropped no stock parts or circuit board. An admin had to put it back. I didn't get to check if an RPED works because I was playing as a drone.


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