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Item suggestion: Brooms. Sweeps all non-large objects from the turf you click two turfs in front of you, in the direction you are currently facing. The janitor starts with one and more can be bought in cargo.


Small suggestion, but it'd be kinda fun to see and may make cleaning up non-splatter messes slightly easier?


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Honestly, it would be nice to have more ways to clean.


How I imagine it, however, is that the broom wouldn't really make messes magically poof into nothingness, but rather sweep it aside into a pile of your choosing, stacking and stacking until you can't stack no more.. Then you whip out a dustpan and scoop it all up, only to dump it down the chute (what happens to it then is beyond me).


The station has a bad habit of getting pretty dusty late into a shift, so having a dry alternative to mopping might be useful, since there aren't always puddles of blood and guts to mop up, but rather just loads and loads of dust, to the point that it becomes impossible to clean it all in a single setting.


So yeah, a broom would be a nice addition to combat dust buildup and give janitors more tools to work with.


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