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Covering someone's mouth/eyes with your hands


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I'm surprised this wasn't suggested before (from what I could see). This is probably a direct result of the salt-fest I had yesterday when I failed to enthrall some guy because he wouldn't stop screaming.


Anyway, if you're kidnapping someone and they start screaming, the typical response is to stop the screaming. You usually do this by placing something over their mouth, whether it be duct tape, or your own hands. As far as I know, there's no way to stop them from screaming other than knocking them unconscious, beating them into crit, or using a gag (and I don't think gags are that easy to get). So here's a simple solution. Aiming at the mouth or eyes with disarm/grab intent should muffle of blind the victim depending on the area. This can be resisted extremely easily unless you're cuffed, then you have to remove the cuffs first. Trying to talk, yell, or scream while muffled will result in muffled noises being sent a short distance (or over the radio if you have one). Covering the eyes gives the same effect as being blind, you can't examine things, you can only see in a one meter radius around you, etc.


Anyway, thanks for taking the time to look at this, love yall.


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This should definitely be a feature. Tape, damp rags, and hands should be able to become blindfolds and gags. I'm not sure what else on the station would work, but I'm sure there are other items.


I can't imagine this would take much work; the code for the security gag could be recycled for covering the mouth, and blind could be applied for covering the eyes. Hopefully the coders agree.


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More simply, I think putting someone into a choke-grab (kill) should stop them from screaming, as well as speaking. While I think it would be more logical for duct tape to be used as a gag, the idea of being able to make ghetto-gags would be a little too overpowered, seeing as they would be much faster to use and harder to escape than a choke-grab.

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Neckgrabs are currently one of the few ways to get answers out of someone without handcuffs, so I'm not sure that's a great idea. Tape as a ghetto option that mumbles speech and has a reasonably high chance of blocking a scream would be a better solution, I feel.


More on-topic, mouth and eye covering is currently a feature on several codebases, so could probably be ported pretty easily (though I'm not familiar without our current grabcode). I'd say it'd be a pretty good addition, given that if you neckgrab someone you've already won the engagement.


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I'm not robust, so please let me know if I'm missing something, but isn't it incredibly difficult to neckgrab? I know you can go from passive grab to hand grab quickly, but as far as I remember, after getting hand grab (blue grab), there is a small cooldown until neckgrab (red grab). In that cooldown, the person can run from you. In the time they can run, couldn't they also get out a scream? Even if the victim stands still to start typing to scream on comms and you attack them while they type, unless you instakill or knock them out, they'll be injured on the floor still able to yell on comms. If you DID manage to kill on stun them, that defeats the need for neckgrab.


Again, I'm never in melee combat, so I don't know most techniques, but I don't understand the power of neckgrabbing. Rather, I understand its power, but the difficulty of using it seems to far outweigh the benefit.


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Neckgrab is a win condition in a fight, so it's hard to pull off. Even with a stun, there's the chance the target get resist out unless completely incapacitated.


If you manage to neckgrab someone, you've got complete control over them unless someone else steps in, so being able to prevent them screaming as well wouldn't hurt.


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This was a "thing" with context-based grabs that Bay had; it was promptly shot down by the coders, some players, and some staff members here on Para; it makes things too easy to silence people, simply put---silences are generally difficult to access and are temporary in nature; this is giving everyone and their brother a suppperr easy way to permanently silence someone.



With shadowlings, in particular, their abilities not only incapacitate a person, but silence them, giving them time to yank off the headset and do what they need to do in a stealthy manner.


Bay's context based grab system has a number of interesting features that are generally realistic, but uh....very problematic, from a balance perspective.


They had: quicker grabbing if behind someone, eye-squishing, joint-breaking (fracturing of a limb), blinding, silencing, joint bending (which caused massive stamina damage), and throat-slitting.


Together, they were patently ridiculous; you do do this all while silencing them at the same time.




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