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Security SOP Update


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Please for the love of god, update security SOP


When it comes to handleing prisioners. Like for example my last round as of writing had the HOP try and kill me by throwing a mini-bomb at me, I didn't die, I reported them to security and they were arrested. Security held them for five minutes, searched them, and then released them for lack of evidence, considering my eye witness account and the huge hole in library. The shuttle came and they escaped with no punishment and only failed there objective.


This is incredibly stupid because of:



  • It was a high ranking command officer being accused

    It was a security officer to release them for lack of evidence

    Even though the shuttle was called they were still released



Things we can do to avoid this happening again


Update security SOP so that anyone accused of a crime is transferred to NT to have it delt with there (( Icly ))


Also sorry for any grammar mistakes, its 2am for me.


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