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Virologist getting virus crate access


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Unless the quartermaster is a head-in-ass moron, you need approval from a head of staff to even get the virus crate. Further requiring more time from a head to open the crate is a minor annoyance at best, and almost impossible on high-pop. Giving the virologist access to the crate seems like a good idea, unless you want to wave the flag of security of materials everywhere, but really, I'm 99% of the time going to get it anyway when the CMO unlocks it, so...Why bother with the extra step just to keep the samples "secured" a bit more after transit?


EDIT: Also, I'd love a bottle of radium either in their labcoat suit storage or in the medical belt provided for their use, or in their lab office area. Maybe on the NanoMed vendor? Ideas.


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I play QM and never ask for a head's approval, knowing that the card swipe on the crate is just as good. I don't consider that being a head-in-ass moron.


That said, I support this 100%. CMO's can be flighty creatures, virology automatically gets 3 virus dishes immediately and they are chock full of bad symptoms good enough for any traitor virologist. The only reason you want a virus crate is to have a chance at the rare good symptoms.


Give the virologist access to their own crate!


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I consider it head-in-ass to not require approval from people that are needed to open the crate to order said crate. I myself during my rare stints as QM require a stamp for virus crates because of the access limbo that is there. If the access requirement was given to virologist, I'd have no problem at all letting them order it at their own leisure, instead. I make sure whoever wants the crate has access to the crate. (Meaning an assistant can't order four boxes of tasers and I even remotely consider it a plausible idea.)

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Wouldn't the access to the crate itself suggest that virologist does not need CMO approval when ordering one?


This. It can be a stamp on a form or an ID on a crate. Either way, it requires knowledge and approval. It's only 25 points out of my pocket, and I typically ensure that the appropriate party is notified to open it. Like I said, you're not giving the virologist anything they don't already have. It's such a special case that I don't treat it like I would a weapons order from a sec officer or any major contraband.


Plus, knowing that the virologist took a hike to find me, I respect their time and make sure to put in the order. That's just not head-in-ass to me.


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My thing is, why DO they need head of staff approval to continue to do their job, for all intent and purpose? Irradiating samples is much slower for the same randomization to occur, basically. Hell, I don't even think there's a stopgap in the code to prevent a symptom from mutating into itself. Regardless, arguing my word choice gets us nowhere in this discussion, and just makes me feel like you aren't taking me seriously simply because you perceived an attack on the way you play the game.

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My thing is, why DO they need head of staff approval to continue to do their job, for all intent and purpose?

To prevent highly customized omni-diseases?

It's a formality, yes.

The following is half-rant, half-evidence that locking it behind an access wall like that isn't always prudent.

I've had cargo personnel formally deny a stamped request form because they "needed the points for other, more important orders."


Needless to say, there was three collectable hat crates by the end of shift, due to this practice not allowing any orders he could actually leverage on to be put through, which severely impacted several jobs, not just my own. I'm thinking of putting up a separate suggestion to soft-cap the amount of points you can get just by faffing about to something drastically below the 200pts or whatever you need for the crate. You would have to min-max and be proactive with your assignments to get anywhere near it, turning it from a gimmick item to some sort of reward, possibly? Considering actual Cargo (NOT mining) just sits on their ass pushing buttons and wrapping crates all day anyway, there should be plenty of time for people to think of solutions to get to that fabled 200 points.


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Considering actual Cargo (NOT mining) just sits on their ass pushing buttons and wrapping crates all day anyway, there should be plenty of time for people to think of solutions to get to that fabled 200 points.


Yeah, remind me to deny your virus crate next time I QM for "lack of points" while sitting on my ass passing out collectible hats. Because that's all we do. This and the head-in-ass comment about QM's who realize that heads have to open the damn crate anyway make me wonder. What, did supply not pooper-scoop your lawn or something? Though, cargo being undervalued is certainly nothing new.


Assuming your miners show up, aren't shit and don't die, all cargo's got for 60 minutes is getting 5 points a crate from your starting allotment and those scattered throughout the station. And don't say plasma because science is busy on my ass from 12:10 wondering where their GD materials are so the miners' first volley goes their way. And that's typically the busy time for cargo, and don't suggest techs are valuable as my experience is that they typically disappear for the shift for some inane enterprise that involves hacking the autolathe, a mafia crate and Ian.


So I'm sorry if virology doesn't get their crate. And all it takes is late round mining production or a supply point bonus to get those hats for the escape shuttle. And I've been in that late round position, messaging all the heads at 13:30 saying we have 500 points, message me anything you want, and hearing zero, zilch, nada. A pizza crate and hats at that point is a cathartic order. You don't have to stare at that number anymore.


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I have never said EVERY QM does any particular shittiness I've stated. I'm just stating things I have seen that were overlooked by admins. In the most recent example, he was denying orders specifically so they'd keep all the points towards those hat crates, presumably just to have the record of having ordered three at once or something. I dunno. But yeah, the only blanket statement I've said is that most cargo employees I've seen don't really do much, and I'd love a counter-argument to that. I've played quartermaster a couple times, and all it involves is pushing buttons when people ask you to, and use a little common sense to know what button to press. I know exactly how cargo works, and I far from undervalue them. You seem to take every little thing I say and take it as me throwing it as a blanket over every cargo operative ever. I'd really like to shift the attention back to the target of the thread, but you seem content to merely act defensive about me attacking one qm I saw one time. Probably wasn't even you, with the way you're acting.

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Arenn, actually, I've been on point in each of my posts to further the discussion of the thread. I just pointed out the inflammatory language and tossed it back. And as QM, I do stay busy as best I can. The best way I do is by being proactive, ordering things that may be requested/would be useful. Like sending botany a surprise exotic seeds crate, or distributing first aid kits to heads/security/the public in times of plenty. I work out a good working relationship with science. I provide the RD with a guest pass. I'm on them from moment one to get my miners gear. Sometimes it's like trying to get blood from a stone - even when your miners have had the ore redeemer overflowing for an hour. I grab stuff from the asteroid - spare cargo teleport pad, the three coin room crates, a hardsuit, oxy tanks and vending machine. If things go to shit with my miners, at least I can suit up on the shuttle and save a minute of precious time. I use the RCS to death. I give the second to a miner and open up abandoned crates in the station. And I communicate with my miners. I don't forget about them. I rush to the asteroid if someone needs medical assistance. I make sure they remember to actually come back. I update them with ore priorities.


And if things go o shit, that's when I really shine. I unwrench the cargo telepad and drag it to wherever the front line/rally point of whatever disaster is affecting the station. I beam crates direct from the shuttle. I find this is the only effective way to get important locked crates actually unlocked and used. Because the last thing that heads ever seem to want to do is claim/unlock the crates thry screamed at me over comms to order. I'll bypass command often and order station-critical crates on the spot if something absolutely disasterous happens. Five crates of lasers and two emitters get ordered within 30 seconds of a blob announcement, for example.


I make sure the shuttle gets sent back to CC promptly. I keep an eye on disposals. I manage the paperwork. I stay active on comms, and watch others' traffic for hints of items others might need. I drop off buckets at chemistry. I collect loose crates. I DEAL WITH THE CLOWN.


Multiple times, I've run cargo alone in a crisis, and taken command of the situation during blob when the heads decide not to act.


Obviously you've dealt with some lesser cargo personnel. I stay busy.


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