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Complaint re: Qinetix - handling Lily Whitewater-Dreadweaver


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Adminkey: Qinetix


Complaint: Handling of complaint against player "Lily Whitewater." Lily was not an antagonist during the round, (It was a changeling round). During the round, the HoP had made a spare ID for use in ID computer. Mid-round, Lily broke into the HoP's office, stole the spare ID and/or gave herself additional access. Soon thereafter, Lily accessed a comms console and requested the nuclear authentication codes. After a search, she was located. I was the Captain that round and, after consulting my heads regarding space law, determined that she should be executed for the crime (I have only ordered executions twice as Captain, I usually perma, and this decision troubled me because no physical harm had yet been done - but since there was a changeling threat and the grand theft as well as the threat to destroy the station, I had to assume she was an antagonist and as a possible changeling execution was the best option I saw - I may be wrong but that's my mindset). So, Lily was executed. Without my consultation, I understand that she was cremated.


Later in the round, a third AI was activated with the name of L.I.L.Y. Very shortly thereafter, the nuke codes were again requested, this time by L.I.L.Y. This was when I shot off my first player complaint. In case there is any doubt, I believe it was determined that Lily Whitewater and L.I.L.Y. were the same player. Her laws absolutely did not allow this. She expressed over comms that she requested the nuke codes as the AI to "teach us a lesson about leaving an ID in the HoP's console." She was carded by the creating roboticist and survived the rest of the round. After determining that she wasn't an antag, I shot off another player complaint with the clarification.


I've seen Lily Whitewater often on the servers, I believe as a blueshield in addition to command roles. She knows better. This violation of the rules detracted from a round where our sec staff started out so light we had to call an ERT for changelings because we literally had an empty security staff for that 5 minute period or so when we sent the request. Her violation of AI laws is especially egregious.


After the round was over, Qinetix communicated with me. I'll show the transcript of our entire conversation, beginning with my first player complaint:


(Me) Player Complaint: Lily Whitewater - now L.I.L.Y. called for nuke codes twice, once as a borg. If her laws don't somehow allow it, that's a severe violation of the rules. She should know better too, I've seen her in important roles if I remember correctly.


(Round ends)


L.I.L.Y. (Played by: Dreadweaver)'s laws at the end of the game were:

1. You are expensive to replace.

2. The station and its equipment is expensive to replace.

3. The crew is expensive to replace.

4. Minimize expenses.


(Me) Player Complaint: Confirming Lily Whitewater wasn't a traitor at all. Requested nuke codes "to teach a lesson about leaving an ID in the machine" and then violated borg rules and requested them again also to "teach a lesson". Went beyond nuisance.

Moderator Qinetix: I already handled it.

Moderator Qinetix: Also if they were really mean, they could've just used your access, that would be indeed chaotic.

Moderator Qinetix: Or whoever left it open

Me: That isn't an excuse and is a bad justification. Besides, the violation of AI laws is where she went totally out the window with the rules.

Moderator Qinetix: As I said, it's been handled.

Me: Ok. That additional snub wasn't warranted. Thank you.



All hands, captain Lily Whitewater on deck!


OOC (Me): what the hell

(yeah, I should have kept it to adminhelp, but I have to admit this was like a slap in the face)

Me (adminhelp): Question: She wasn't even BANNED? That's ridiculous.

Moderator Qinetix: Alex, Handled doesn't imply someone was banned.

Moderator Qinetix: They've been warned.

Me: I disagree and will take this to the forums. Kid gloves.

Moderator Qinetix: Okey dokey.

Me: Are you the one who handled it, then?

Moderator Qinetix: I've warned them. Yes.

Moderator Qinetix: I will however not be able to see your player complaint. That's for the admins to deal with

(that last part I don't understand since he directly responded to my player complaint)



So, to recap, Lily Whitewater self-antagged, respawned as AI, broke AI laws, distracted the whole of security twice, and violated rules of roleplay, function and the server. She is a player who knows better, as command and I am pretty sure blueshield. To top it all off, Qinetix throws a dart at me (or whoever does it - and I do try to log out) for leaving an unlocked comms console, seemingly equivocating an unlocked console with self-antagging and violation of AI laws.


And then Lily gets captaincy the next round, with not even a temporary ban.


I am highly disappointed with how this situation was handled and Qinetix implying that command's ignorance of best practices (logging out of a console... or maybe leaving an ID in the ID computer...) is a justification or mitigation of self-antagging. Honestly, I think the harsher punishments should come down on those who the admins know for a fact know better, and Dreadweaver/Lily Whitewater does.


[Cross-posting the relevant info regarding Dreadweaver/Lily Whitewater to player complaints so this situation can get a second look by other admins.]


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Hello there,

fist a thanks for posting on our forums ofcourse.


In Qin's defence. I want to share that this has gone through the admin private chats pretty intensivly. it was not Qin's, But the staff's decision to give a the player in question a correcting warning instead for a straight ban.

Basicly the player wanted to bring up the fuckups of the heads for leaving consoles logged on. He has been told to knock it the fuck off or face consequences


It will be taken in consideration might other things arise regarding this player in the future.


So it wasn't Qinetix's say. We have discussed it to a very extent.


Hope it helps.




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Right. Since I can't access the player complaints section, it feels the most right for me to post this in here.


First off, I'd like to apologize for my behavior. I only broke into the Hop's office (in which I was assisted by an engineer) to steal Ian for some petting. Then I noticed the HoP left his spare ID in the ID computer and decided to do a little harmless prank on the crew. I requested the nuke codes only because it displays a big flashy message for everyone to see. I obviously did not think it through how this would stir up the already paranoid command staff a lot, them not noticing the crew (maybe they did? I lost connection several times during the round) about the changeling threat at all contributed to this slightly.


When I rejoined the round as the AI, I did not clearly have any intentions to cause any further trouble. But when I noticed the comms console was still logged on... I wanted to show the command staff how this could've been easily exploited by anyone with malicious intents, such as a traitor with an emag, who could've used this to message the Syndie command. It was a dumb thing for me to do, and if I thought this through a bit more, I certainly wouldn't have done it.


But yes, I made a mistake. And I'm sorry for it. I hope I did not shit up anyone's round with it too much, even though I did not harm anyone, and in my opinion, I did not break any of my laws. I readily accepted the IC consequences of my actions, such as being executed and and at no point did I intended to complain about it to the online staff either. I also thought I wasn't breaking any rules too severely, because my actions were all brief and harmless to all crewmembers.


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A thanks for your side of the story, dread.


For me this complaint is pretty much ready to move to resolved. Unless someone wants to add anything, feel free


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