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Nations 2.0


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Since for some strange reason ZomgPonies did not make a discussion thread on the forums (people claim the forums have a bigger audience and should be the go-to medium), I decided to make a thread for the following PR:



By popular request, here is the base framework for a new version of Nations. The concept is that I overthought my last version and made it terrible and murderboney, and going back to basics while salvaging a few things is the way to go. Here's the gist of it:


-No flags/CTF elements

-No respawn system

-No objectives


Right now this is a blank slate with only the nation HUD icon system / teamsplitting working. I am looking for feedback and suggestions as to what is required to make this testing-ready. We will need a clear set of rules in order for this to be in any way fun for all involved.




Here are tg's rules for their Nations gamemode, some of them could be applied here.


Here are some potential quickie ideas:


-AI gets a new lawset as 'lawkeeper' to keep the peace between nations

-Borgs act as Peacekeepers

-In case of situation getting out of control, ERT could be called to restore order


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When they kick at maint. bar door

How you gonna come?

With your hands around your head

Or on the trigger of your e-gun?


When the Sec break in

How you gonna go?

Shot down in the hallway

Or waiting on Brig floor?


You can thrall us

You can push us

But you'll have to answer to

Oh, Guns of Brigston



Nations 2.0? Yes please!


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