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Tauka Usanake

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Name: Tauka Usanake

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Blood Type: -O

General Occupational Role(s): Roboticist, Xenobiologist, Botanical Researcher, Captain (Condom)


Biography: At a young age Tauka was fascinated by technology. Robotics was amazing and he put it to himself to one day make a living out of it. Until he realized there was more to his desires. He didn't just want to make machinery and set it off to work. He wanted to bend things to his will. Make whatever he has work in his favor. Science just seems like that kind of area that gets work done.

Robotics was his major growing up but he also went into biology and plant life studies. Upon completing his degree Tauka applied for a job at Nanotrasen and was stationed at the NSS Cyberiad.


Qualifications: Robotics and bio-genetics in plant life.


Employment Records: He is best stationed in scientific roles, mainly in Robotics and Xenobiology. In robotics he is almost at home. I mean almost because he knows everything there is to know about mech construction and cyborgs. However, his studies back in college did not go over IPCs. As of such he knows almost nothing of them and has had repeated trouble maintaining them. [spoiler2]So please go to someone else who knows how to reattach your head[/spoiler2]

When he is place in the Science department Tauka can be seen hard at work tending to the slimes and fighting monkeys to submit to their slow and painful death. He feels this job a little less in the research area and finds a type of kinship with the slimes. More than likely they're not out to murder him, at least not after feeding them. He doesn't really enjoy killing the slimes but knows that it's a task that must be done or they will overpopulate. Plus they have the special slime cores which brings him back to his desire to make the world work his way. If things go well then he will rarely leave the isolated Xenobiology chamber, more than happy with the company of his slime friends.

He has been known to be sent in as Hydroponics sometimes when Botanists are in low supply. He doesn't tend to farm much for the chef as much as he does wish to study and mutate plants. He will readily send new species to Cargo to forward to CentCom as soon as he can, granted he doesn't have to hand deliver it all the way from Hydroponics.

He hates Chemistry. Don't ever ask him to work in that department. He does however have a simple understanding of most chemicals due to his plant life studies. He'll be more than happy to send reagents to Medical, for a generous exchange of advance mutagen or course.


Due to some sick nature of the universe, either CentCom was desperate/wanting a laugh or the Great Honkmother pulling a prank, Tauka has been sent to the NSS Cyberiad ranked as Captain. He has no idea why nor was given an explanation. Just handed the gear and the ID stuck to his shirt and thrown on to the arrivals shuttle. Normally upon arrival the station is halfway to hell and more than likely he'll end up dying to some manner of disappointment. He doesn't COMPLETELY MIND however. It's a great honor to be selected as captain but he knows he is not qualified enough for it. Tauka tries to take it easy until shit gets eaten by the singularity and the shuttle has to be called. [spoiler2]By then though he's probably dead so no worries![/spoiler2]



Security Records: None


Medical Records: None


Personnel Photo (Appearance text):


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Other Notes: None yet


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