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New dishes


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I thought about new dishes which may fill the food list and the creativity. So, since I'm italian and actually I don't know more dishes out my nation borders, I'll suggest few of my national dishes. The Others may feel free to add and suggest their own national dishes as well.


Spaghetti alla carbonara:






This may be make by the classic procedure: adding the spaghetti in the microwave, 5 unit of water, 3 eggs and 2 cutlets.








Maybe baking 2 flat dough, 2 tomatos and 2 meat.


Purè of potatos or simply Purè.






Grinder the potatos and add them in the microwave aftwerward with 2 cheese wedge and 1 unit of pepper.


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Great suggestions!


I'm already planning on changing the raw spaghetti item into a generic "pasta" so you can make things like macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, and eventually more such as fettuccine Alfredo and so forth.


I definitely encourage more suggestions, recently we added sushi (with plans to add more). Chefs having the option to cook more in a "theme" like a Japanese sushi house, an Italian restaraunt, and so on would be great opportunities for RP.


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I recall there being an old thread for species having being carnivore or herbavores.


Gellato, sandwhich wraps and varieties of steaks came up iirc, really just more variety and mixtures of recipies would be great.


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Great suggestions!


I'm already planning on changing the raw spaghetti item into a generic "pasta" so you can make things like macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, and eventually more such as fettuccine Alfredo and so forth.


I definitely encourage more suggestions, recently we added sushi (with plans to add more). Chefs having the option to cook more in a "theme" like a Japanese sushi house, an Italian restaraunt, and so on would be great opportunities for RP.


To ancourage some variety of pasta there are a lot, filled, long or short and I'll post some dishes again:


Fettuccine or pappardelle ( they're differents ) al ragù ( grinded meat ):






Microwaving 2 flour, 3 meats and 2 eggs since the fettuccine or pappardelle are made with eggs, flour and water.


Tortellini or Ravioli filled with meat or spinaci:


1) Ravioli, they can be filled with only a vegetable, spinach or meat.










2) Tortellini, usually filled with meat, but you may find some little variants useless in my opinion. They're served in tomato sauce or sometimes in broth










A variant, Tortellini with meat and cream ( sometimes with peas too ):






Abbacchio with potatos:






Baking 4 meats, 2 potatos, 1 salt, 1 pepper



Italian desserts:








Well, the ingredients aren't on Paradise Station, but actually could be made by baking 2 dough flat, 5 units of cacao and 10 units of milk and 1 cheese wedge.









Baking 5 flat dough, 15 units of sugar and 10 of milk plus 2 or 1 cheese wedge. Making it sliceable.


Adding 2 strawberry you can make a millefoglie with strawberrys :


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Bean stew:




Microwave 1 beans, 1 meat, 1 carrot, 1 carrot, 10u of water

Causes flatulence!

"You should probably tell everyone in the same room as you to toggle internals before you eat this!"



black pudding:




Microwave 1 rice, 10u of blood

"For your inner vampire"



Cod with cream:




Bake in the oven 1 fish (if we could get cod in the fish tanks it'd be awesome, but I guess space carps could work too), 1 fries, 10u of cream.

Has a small chance of causing brute damage, due to some lost fish spines inside




Bolo Rei (King Cake!? lol translations):

Allows you to hide a small object inside. Eventually will cause brute and temporary oxy damage as you choke on the small object before you cough it out, revealing the object.



Bake 1 dough, 5u of wine, 1 dose of sprinkles, 1 candied apple, to produce a Bolo Rei. At this point you can add a small object to it.

"It isn't Christmas if there isn't Bolo Rei."



Rice Pudding:



Microwave 5u of water, 1 salt, 5u of milk, 10u of sugar.



And last but not least!


Pastel de Belem:


Produces 3 pasteis. It's a small pastry thing.



Cook 1 dough, 5u of water, 1 dough slice, 10u of cream, 1 sugar.


"Countless marketing has made this custard tartlet the symbol of a nation once."




Portuguese Stew:


Needs 4 people to eat it entirely. Maybe have some way to put it on a dish? Like adding a dish to it gives you a Dish of Portuguese Stew, and removes 1/4 of the original stew. Not sure if this is possible though.




Microwave 20u of water, 1 meat, 1 carrot, 1 sausage, 1 ham, 1 cabbage, 1 black pudding. Produces Unfinished Stew. Add it to the microwave again, plus rice, to make the final product.


"You could feed a family for a week with this alone!"



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How about these?







Basically bloodbread, add blood to bread dough!



Pea soup!






Tasty and fart inducing mess made from peas, water and meat!


Black sausages!






Sausage+blood! Tasty and as visually pleasing as the kitchen floor!


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So much Italian, so little garlic on station!


Some great suggestions, I'll look into seeing which of these would make good additions. We already have a rice pudding recipe actually, though it's rarely made.


A number of these recipes would either need decent tweaks (berry instead of strawberry, or coffee instead of espresso, etc) or new items/reagents, but that's not a huge issue!


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I recall there being an old thread for species having being carnivore or herbavores.

That's actually been a feature in the game for... about three months.



Also, how about the chance to make marmite/vegemite and marmite/vegemite toast?



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