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Melandor0 complaint


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Admin Key: Melandor0


Complaint: viewtopic.php?f=48&t=5582&start=10


I'll keep this short and brief, because all the evidence is right there in the thread. Melandor makes a post saying hes been "screaming at the top of his lungs" to not let this happen, I then post saying that he, being in a position of authority, is likely to affect the outcome of the poll (obviously) by doing that, because he has a strong ability to sway people's opinions of negatively effect them to one that they might not otherwise choose. His response, is quite clear:


What the fuck? No. At no point did I even hint at that. Are you dumb? I said I've been voicing my opinion. Loudly. This thread. The admin skype chat. The coder skype chat. The github PR threads. And no where else.


Fuck you for insinuating that I've been using my position to fudge the results though. Dick.


Arguing my point of view does NOT equate to telling people to vote no. I convince people with logic, I don't brute-arm them with authority. I'm sorry if I'm being hostile but holy fuck does the thought disgust me. I'm here to win through reason, not bullying.


He calls me dumb and a dick. Later he threatens to ban me "have a good weekend, too"


Is this how an admin is suppose to conduct himself?


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Also, this poll went from like 15 to 3, to 16 to 19 overnight, something seems fishy here. It's honestly disgusting if someone intentionally sabotaged this poll.


So basically, you, from a position of authority, have been going around telling people to vote no? So yeah, pretty much confirms that the poll is bust.


What in Holy Terra made you think Mel is telling people to vote on the poll for him? And most importantly: on what evidence are you basing this accussation?


And where did he threaten to ban you?


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Also, this poll went from like 15 to 3, to 16 to 19 overnight, something seems fishy here. It's honestly disgusting if someone intentionally sabotaged this poll.


So basically, you, from a position of authority, have been going around telling people to vote no? So yeah, pretty much confirms that the poll is bust.


What in Holy Terra made you think Mel is telling people to vote on the poll for him? And most importantly: on what evidence are you basing this accussation?


And where did he threaten to ban you?


Evidence? He admitted to it.


and the "enjoy your weekend" certainly feels like a threat.


EDIT: Doesn't matter, just delete this. He called me dumb, and a dick, thats what this complaint was about. I guess thats acceptable behavior for an admin though.


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My behavior reflects badly on not just me, but the entire admin team. While I find that it was justified to be upset at the accusations levied at me, there was no reason to express my anger through calling Alex names.


I'm sorry to Alex, and anyone else who was unfortunate enough to have their eyeballs assaulted by my outburst.


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