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slight corticular borer change


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I think the borer should have a random event chance sort of like the revenant when it comes to being spawned,

however I also think the ability to create more borers should be removed as it means in a short period of time everyone is a borer, and if not removed I think it should have an extremely long reload rate, and only the original borer can make more.

this is so that the entire ghost population doesn't empty, and there is less of a chance of them being discovered. just some random thoughts since I love borers and I think they have amazing potential.


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xeno is a random event? I always assume whenever a xeno round happens its because of the admining

Both are about a 2% chance of happening per Medium event triggering on the Event Manager, I believe. I don't quite know the actual percentage as it uses a Weight system, though, and Medium Events have like, 48 other things that can happen too, so they fight a lot of stuff to trigger.


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I always thought one of the reasons there rare is because of the fact they duplicate faster then rabbits

so I thought a good fix would make a long reload time for making another, and also making it so only the original can do it.

maybe that could make them more likely to spawn?


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or even hide an egg of one on the asteroid or something and when a stupid miner gets to close it pops out and ends up in its ear,

and then it is the only one that can make more borers, like only the xeno queen can make eggs for facehuggers.

After the borer ends up in its ear then it forces a character who has the options selected into the corticular borer alpha.

Oh and on the subject of that I think that it should be an alpha whos goal is to survive AND reproduce, and the cooldown between creating more borers is say.... 400 seconds?


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