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Record: Tanya Stroud

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Name: Tanya Stroud

Age: 34

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Blood Type: A+

General Occupational Role(s): Head of Security or Security Officer, also cleared for Blueshield work.


Biography: Born to a military family on one of Mars’ largest military cities, Tanya Stroud followed a father and two older brothers into the service of the Sol Defence Fleet at the age of 16. Though her youth caused a lot of grief to herself and her superiors early in her training, by the time she entered proper service Tanya had matured into a sharp and dedicated soldier. She remained in military service for seven years of her life, but never strayed far from the work of a footsoldier, choosing to take no promotion that would take her off of the front lines.


However, Tanya’s military career came to an end at the age of 28, when a breach of a disabled Vox skipjack found her in the explosive range of an IED set in place by the crew. Tanya was alive fortunately protected by a jammed door, however the right side of her body was damaged beyond repair. It was as such that she was honourably discharged from the force, returned to her home city with a promise that she would be rehabilitated.


Cybernetics gave Tanya her limbs back, with Xion Manufacturing Group providing the mechanics and the military providing the funding. After a year of rehabilitation and healing she was once again considered combat capable, but no longer satisfied with the simple forces of Sol, instead pledging herself to a PMC in the service of several different companies across the Tau Ceti sector. Guard duty turned into military action, which turned into guerrilla warfare as Tanya proved herself in service, though she found herself facing a moral crisis as it was clear that this syndicate of corporate entities cared little for civilian loss or collateral damage. She did not renew her contract.


At the age of 31, Tanya found herself propositioned by a recruiter for the NanoTrasen security division, and eagerly took the role to heart. Though her previous employment raised some questions with executives, her dedication and military strictness (tempered further by what she was forced to do in PMC service) combined with her skill at civilian interaction found her in good favour. She continues to serve the corporation to the best of her ability, maintaining security and control to NanoTrasen stations.



- Knowledge of Space Law

- Seven years military service, one in medical role, three in squad command

- Three years PMC/Private Security service, advanced weapon training as a result


Employment Records: Tanya Stroud has served on NanoTrasen stations for three years, beginning with smaller vessels and ending on the Cyberiad. She has proven her dedication to the cause time and time again, even without the influence of loyalty implants on her psyche, and is more than qualified for command.


Security Records: Given her strict and dedicated service, Tanya Stroud has had previous security concerns stricken from the record.


Medical Records: Of sound mind, and despite complications in her cybernetic augmentation, of sound body. Her right arm and leg are robotic, and complications in her injury means that any cloning results in the eventual loss of her limbs’ use regardless, confining her to modern cybernetics. Besides these issues, she is healthy.


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